Former Udupi MLA Raghupati Bhat to contest MLC polls as independent

Daijiworld Media Network – Udupi (JD)

Udupi, May 13: Raghupati Bhat, former MLA and a ticket aspirant for the upcoming MLC elections, declared, "I have decided to contest independently as a representative of the party workers for the graduates' constituency."

Speaking to the media on Monday, May 13, he further explained, "During the Vidhana Sabha elections, I initially expressed dissatisfaction with the party's decision. However, I eventually supported the party candidate and secured a lead of around 33,000 votes.

"I had considered retiring from politics previously, but prominent leaders convinced me to continue working for the party. While actively involved in party activities, I requested the MLC seat and was assured of it. I played a pivotal role in enrolling 38,000 new voters. Additionally, I efficiently managed the responsibility of being in charge of Shivamogga during the Lok Sabha elections.

"When the party announced the tickets, I was at the party office in Bengaluru. Although I would have been content if the ticket had been awarded to any senior leaders, I was disheartened when it went to Dhananjay Sarji, who recently joined the party. Despite being a deserving aspirant, along with other senior candidates, I was overlooked. After expressing my disappointment on social media, many of the voters I had enrolled reached out to me and extended their support.

"I remain committed to the BJP, whether I win or lose. This decision is not an act of rebellion against the party but stems from my desire to work for the teachers and graduates.

"Former chief minister Basavaraj Bommai, BJP leaders R Ashoka, and others had assured me of this position. I have received overwhelming support from the teacher and graduate communities. 

"I stand firm in my decision, and there will be no changes. This is my final stance, and I am confident in it. As for who may have influenced the decision to deny me the ticket, I am unaware.

"Securing the seat requires around 20,000 votes, and I have successfully enrolled 38,000 voters. Even if I emerge victorious, I will continue to support the BJP.

"Nominations will be filed on May 16. There is no question of retracting my decision. I am aware of the potential consequences.

"The flag is my identity, and I hold deep respect for the BJP flag. I am confident that the BJP will welcome me back in the next elections," he concluded.





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