Retire at right time: Sudhir Shetty, former UAE Exchange president

Special Correspondent
Daijiworld Media Network

Mangaluru, May 24: Sudhir Shetty, a prominent corporate leader from the Gulf countries and former president of UAE Exchange, recently shared his thoughts in an interview with Walter Nandalike, founder and editor-in-chief of Daijiworld. Speaking about his passion for agriculture after retiring from his lucrative job in Abu Dhabi, Shetty emphasized the importance of retiring at the right age. "Retire at the right age, otherwise you will fail to do justice to your life," he advised.

Below are the excerpts and the full conversational video (in Kannada) with Walter Nandalike.

"Yes, indeed, my decision to retire and return to the village was driven by a deep connection to my roots and a desire to contribute to my community's growth. I spent 28 years working abroad, but my heart has always been with my homeland. When I retired, I wanted to use my time and resources to give back to the place that shaped me."

"Our village, Enmakaje in Kasargod district, is steeped in history, with our family home being over 500 years old. Even though it was destroyed by fire in 1994, we rebuilt it, preserving our heritage. This deep connection to my ancestry and the land motivated me to pursue agriculture."

"When I returned, I saw potential in the barren lands around our village. My goal was to transform these lands into fertile grounds that could sustain our community. We started by developing a garden from what was once just a pit. With time and effort, we dug it out and planted various crops, including dragon fruit and coconut trees. This initiative was not just about farming; it was about setting an example and inspiring others in the community to see the potential in our land."

"Agriculture, for me, is not just a hobby; it is a way to honour my mother's hard work and ensure that our family's legacy of farming continues. It is about creating a sustainable source of income and food for our community, promoting health and well-being."

"In addition to agriculture, I maintain a balanced lifestyle that includes physical activity and community engagement. I play golf regularly, which keeps me physically fit and mentally sharp. It also provides a social circle of like-minded individuals, fostering a sense of community even in retirement."

"Moreover, I remain active in educational and charitable initiatives. I am involved with several educational institutions and trust foundations that offer scholarships and interest-free loans to students. This way, I continue to contribute to society beyond agriculture, using my experience and resources to uplift others."

"Retirement for me is not about slowing down; it is about redirecting my efforts to areas where I can make a meaningful impact. Whether it is through promoting sustainable agriculture, maintaining health through physical activity, or supporting education, I believe in living a purposeful and active life. This approach not only benefits me personally but also serves as a model for others in our community and beyond."

Watch FULL interview on YouTube:





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  • Bobato Charlie, Mangalore

    Fri, May 24 2024

    Great to listen to Sudhir Shetty on Walty Talkie!

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  • Rajesh, Mangalore

    Sat, May 25 2024

    Yes sir, absolutely you retired on right time and returned back getting all your gratuities and benefits, There are still thousands of employees of Uae exchange waiting for their hard earned gratuities and benefits.

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