TRP Gamezone fire: Two officials from Rajkot Municipal Corporation arrested

Rajkot, Jun 16 (IANS): Two officials from the Rajkot Municipal Corporation (RMC) have been arrested in connection with the TRP Gamezone fire which claimed 27 lives.

The Crime Branch has sought a seven-day remand from a court for both accused officials -- assistant town planning officer (ATPO) of RMC, Rajesh Makwana and Jaydish Chaudhary.

“The investigation has revealed that these officials played crucial roles in destroying the original register and creating a fraudulent one, leading to their arrests. The Crime Branch's demand for a remand period aims to investigate their involvement further and uncover more details related to the incident,” sources said.

In a parallel development, a formal complaint has been lodged against the manager of Rajkot TRP Gamezone, Nitin Jain, at the Shapar police station. The complaint stems from a tragic incident in 2019, where Jain allegedly took Rs 1.6 million from a young man named Satish Vasjalia. When the money was not returned, Vasjalia reportedly committed suicide, leaving behind a note that mentioned Jain and the unpaid loan.

The suicide note has led to renewed scrutiny of Jain's actions, with the deceased's family filing an official complaint against him. The Crime Branch is expected to pursue this case as part of the broader investigation into the fire incident.



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