Tulu film ‘Dharma Daiva’ to hit screens on Jul 5

Daijiworld Media Network – Mangaluru (EP)

Mangaluru, Jun 17: The much-anticipated Tulu film 'Dharma Daiva' will be released in theatres on July 5.

The film is produced by Biliar Rakesh Bhojaraja Shetty.

'Dharma Daiva' is directed by Nithin Rai Kukkuvalli, with Ramesh Rai Kukkuvalli, Deepak Rai Panaje, Chetan Rai Mani, Roopa Varkadi, Pushparaj Bolar, Dayananda Rai, and Ranjan Boloor playing significant roles.

The film's teaser and songs have already generated considerable excitement and anticipation among audiences.

The poster for the film was recently unveiled.






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