Mangaluru: 10th International Yoga day celebrated at St Philomena College

Media Release

Puttur, Jun 21: The 10th International Day of Yoga was celebrated under the auspices of the NCC Army & Navy Units of St Philomena College, along with the NSS Units and NCC Units of St Philomena Pre-University College and St Philomena Aided High School. The event was held early this morning at the Silver Jubilee Memorial Hall under the theme ‘Yoga for Self and Society.’

The programme was presided over by Fr Lawrence Mascarenhas, the correspondent of Mai De Deus Educational Institutions. In his presidential address, he remarked, “Yoga is not just a physical exercise but a holistic approach to achieving harmony between mind and body. It teaches us discipline and promotes inner peace. In today’s fast-paced world, where negative emotions such as stress and anxiety are prevalent, yoga can help maintain our well-being.”

Dr Antony Prakash Monteiro, principal of St Philomena Degree College, emphasized the importance of regular yoga practice, stating, “If you practice yoga, you can live a disease-free life. Yoga not only fosters positive thinking but also helps us see the good in others. It reflects our rich cultural heritage and is a powerful tool for energizing the body, mind, and spirit. Practicing yoga only on Yoga Day is not enough, it should be an everyday practice.”

Fr Ashok Rayan Crasta, principal of the St Philomena Pre-University College, and Fr Maxim D’Souza, headmaster of St Philomena Aided High School, were also present on the stage.

The event began with a welcome address by Clement Pinto, NCC Naval Wing Officer of St Philomena Aided High School. prof Vasudeva N, NSS program officer of St Philomena College proposed vote of thanks. Roshan Sequiera, NCC Air Wing Officer of St Philomena Aided High School compered.

The yoga program was organized under the guidance of Captain Johnson David Sequiera, NCC Army Wing Officer at St Philomena Degree College. College NCC Naval Wing Officer Tejaswi Bhat, St Philomena Aided High School NCC Army Wing Officer Peter Naresh Lobo, and St Philomena College NSS programme officer Pushpa N also extended their cooperation.

NCC Army and Navy cadets of St Philomena College and Pre-University College, along with Army, Navy, and Air Force NCC cadets of St Philomena High School and NSS volunteers of the college, actively participated in the yoga programme. The event emphasized the importance of yoga in promoting a healthy lifestyle and fostering a sense of unity and discipline among the students and staff.




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