Kundapur: Villagers request to name Herikudru School road after Gangadhar Shetty

Silvester D'Souza

Daijiworld Media Network - Kundapur

Kundapur, Jun 21: Residents have petitioned the local panchayat to name the road leading to Herikudru School after the late H Gangadhar Shetty, a celebrated social worker and an undefeated member of the Angalli gram panchayat.

On Friday, June 21 morning, residents of Herikudru visited the Angalli Gram Panchayat to submit their request. They expressed their sorrow over the untimely death of H Gangadhar Shetty, a long-serving and beloved member of the panchayat. They highlighted his dedication to the community, stating that his contributions would never be forgotten.

The petition stated: "We, the people of this village, deeply mourn the loss of H. Gangadhar Shetty, our esteemed son and a long-time member of the Angalli Gram Panchayat. He devoted his entire life to serving the people. To honor his memory, we request that the road leading to Herikudru School be named 'H. Gangadhar Shetty Road'. Additionally, we have decided to construct a statue near the shop of Shri Harshavardhan Shetty, by Shri Panju Poojary and Radha Poojary, and their children. We request the panchayat to make an immediate decision and grant permission for the road naming and statue construction."

The president of Angalli Gram Panchayat, Savita Billava, and PDO Anil Biradar received the petition.




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