R'sthan youth held for video showing him passing lewd comments about female foreign tourists

Jaipur, June 24 (IANS): The Rajasthan police have arrested a youth, Vinod Meena (18), on the charges of posting a video of foreign female tourists in which he is seen passing lewd comments about them in Jaipur, the police said on Monday.

In the video, Meena can be seen introducing the foreign travellers by passing lewd remarks while the tourists being unable to understand his language can be seen waving their hands.

The youth was also arrested two months ago but was released later.

His video on passing lewd comments went viral on June 23 and he was arrested on Sunday night, the police said on Monday

The police have registered a FIR against the accused under the Molestation and IT Act as well as the Rajasthan Tourism Business Act as he also forced the tourists to buy goods from his designated shops.

Amer SHO Antim Sharma said that Meena has been arrested for making videos of female foreign tourists and passing lewd comments about them.

Earlier, the accused was arrested and then released on May 6 considering his age and he being a student of class XII. He also apologised and deleted the videos he had posted on social media.



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