Udupi: Driver experiences chest pain, bus moves reverse; quick-thinking saves passengers

Daijiworld Media Network - Udupi

Udupi, Jun 27: Near the Canara Bank in Parkala, a city bus traveling from Udupi to Bairanje unexpectedly reversed on the asphalt road after the driver experienced chest pain. Quick-thinking by the driver caused the bus to swerve to the right and stop near a drainage ditch, preventing a potentially severe accident.

Passengers reported that the driver experienced chest pain on an incline, leading to the bus's reversal. The driver was immediately taken to Manipal Hospital, according to initial information. Fortunately, there were no trailing vehicles at that time thus preventing further damage.


Recently, municipal officers had cleaned up spilled cement from a ready-made cement truck in this area. The public is now wondering when the narrow Kelaparkala road will be widened to prevent future incidents.

Manipal police made efforts to pull the bus back onto the road. However, the bus could not be moved for an hour, causing a traffic jam.




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