New Delhi, Nov 15 (IANS): A special court directed the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) Tuesday to provide to Janata Party chief Subramanian Swamy within two days a certified copy of a file pertaining to allocation of second generation (2G) spectrum.
Swamy asked Judge O.P. Saini, who is presiding over the special CBI court, as to why the probe agency was not giving him a copy of the file if it is already in the court records.
"A week before this, the court had passed an order directing CBI to give the certified copy of the file to me. But CBI has still not handed over the file," said Swamy.
CBI counsel A.K. Singh then assured the court the file will be provided by Thursday. Judge Saini also directed the agency to hand over a copy to Swamy by Thursday without any further delay.
The file, according to Swamy, was seized by the agency two years ago. "These documents, with the endorsements and signatures of (Home Minister and then finance minister) P. Chidambaram, prove his complicity in the instant scam," he had alleged.
Following the application, the special CBI court, on that very day, had directed the agency to provide a certified copy of the document to Swamy.