New Delhi, Dec 28 (IANS) A day after the Lok Sabha passed the Lokpal Bill, the government Wednesday expressed confidence about bringing the legislation before the Rajya Sabha later Wednesday after President Pratibha Patil gives her nod to the amended version of the bill.
"Hopefully, the Lokpal and the Lokayukta Bill, 2011 will be tabled in the Rajya Sabha this (Wednesday) afternoon," Parliamentary Affairs Minister Pawan Kumar Bansal told reporters.
The government has sent the amended bill, as approved by the Lok Sabha, to the president at her holiday home in Hyderabad for her nod. It is expected to be returned to the government later in the day and then brought before the Rajya Sabha.
Bansal said this was certain. "It cannot be taken up unless Rajya Sabha decides to sit late like we did in the Lok Sabha. Perhaps then it could be passed (in the Rajya Sabha) today (Wednesday). Otherwise, it will be passed tomorrow (Thursday), but it will be taken up for consideration today (Wednesday)."
Minister of State for Personnel V. Narayanasamy had earlier said the Lokpal bill may not be tabled in the Rajya Sabha Wednesday.