Media Release
Mumbai, Mar 25: A full house, spilling over, was how one would describe the Seminary Hall with 400 women and men from the various parishes who attended the International Women’s Day celebration of the Archdiocesan Women’s Commission on March 9 at the St Pius X College, Goregaon. The compere for the event Andrea Baretto started the event on an enthusiastic note, and led the women into the women's creed and the anthem.
Commencing with the opening prayer by Maureen Lobo and followed by the recitation of the women’s creed, the anthem was sung enthusiastically and with great conviction by all present.

Cardinal Oswald Gracias, the chief guest, and Bishop Allwyn D’Silva, Bishop in charge of the Women’s Commission were warmly welcomed by the entire gathering.
In her address, executive secretary of the Women’s Commission, Bernadine Fernandes emphasised the importance of empowering women and girls, citing statistics that they constitute half of the world's population and potential. Despite being created equal in God's image, women and girls face discrimination, marginalization, and oppression worldwide.
She also stressed that empowering women and girls is a moral imperative and a human rights issue requiring active participation from both men and women. She concluded by urging the audience to be agents of change and create a world where women and girls can thrive and reach their full potential.
In his address, Cardinal Gracias expressed admiration for the large number of women attending the programme. He highlighted the Archdiocese of Bombay's leadership in women's empowerment not only in India and Asia but also globally. Sharing his experience at a conference with the Holy Father, he acknowledged the unique perspectives women bring.
He emphasised the equal dignity of women and men in the church through baptism spoke of the active involvement of women at the Synod. He asked each one present to think of how they could effectively promote the role of women in their communities and their parish. He congratulated Bernadine for the wonderful work that is being accomplished under her leadership.
Bishop Allwyn whose motto is ‘Care for Creation’ is in charge of the Archdiocesan Women’s Commission. Bishop Allwyn also reiterated the importance that "Each one of us accelerates action. If not done, it would take 5 generations to reach equality, rights and empowerment. Action could be accelerated in small ways as this could help us reach equality, empowerment and equal rights."
The Holy Eucharist was solemnly celebrated by Cardinal Oswald Gracias with Fr Anthony and Fr Kelvin as concelebrants. The melodious children’s choir was led by Alana.
In the presence of the Cardinal and the gathering Fr Anthony Fernandes, ecclesiastical advisor to the Women’s Commission acknowledged all the work done by the former executive secretaries present, Jean Saldanha and Sunita Machado who is currently part of the five-member National core team of India, executive secretary, Bernadine Fernandes, who is also the editor of the National magazine of the CCBI Women’s Commission, the deanery coordinators, assistant deanery coordinators and applauded their efforts. He hoped that the number of women’s cells crosses 100 in the jubilee year in the Archdiocese of Bombay.
The winners of the 500-word essay competition on ‘For all women and girls – Rights. Equality. Empowerment’ were announced. Over 50 entries were received making the process of judging extremely difficult.
The 1st prize was won by Carol Gomes from Our Lady of Lourdes Orlem, Malad. The 2nd prize was bagged by Vinita Saldanha from Our Lady of Remedy Church, Kandivali and the 3rd prize by Cindyann Wallace from Holy Cross Church, Kurla. Consolation prizes were awarded to Brenda Rodrigues from St Vincent de Paul, Khar and Cynthia Rego from Our Lady of Forsaken, Malwani, Malad.
The compere Andrea Baretto, ensured that the audience stayed alert with the Lucky Lady spot prizes with lucky tickets and the bouncing balloon.
The Violin recital by Allana and her group of violinists (all children) from Ace Rhapsody Association enthralled the audience with their performance, encouraging everyone to sing along to the tunes of You are my Sunshine, Que Sera Sera, Ay Apna Dil he Awara. etc.
Sr Angela of the daughters of the Cross, qualified in psychotherapy and counselling conducted a session on how to ‘Accelerate action to be pilgrims of hope.’ Her session focussed on handling emotions and negative feelings through N (name), C (claim), D(drain), R(regain). How speech and behaviour played an important role in knowing oneself being assertive, aggressive, compliant. Three life questions were placed before the audience, 1. Who am I? 2. Why am I who I am? 3. What is the purpose of my life?
Sister informed that we are the only authors of our stories, the mystery of life and the moment God entered our lives. She spoke on the human personnel model comprising of physical, emotional, spiritual and social components within each of us. Healing and change come if one wants it. Prayer plays an important part in our lives and we must find time for personal prayer. We can only become pilgrims of hope if we have hope in our own lives, do our healing, homework and help others around us. She said our potential is immense but our woundedness needs attention, we need to look at Jesus as a person of prayer and a person in mission. Jesus is the way, the truth and the life – fully human and fully divine.
Every year the Women’s Commission acknowledges the achievement of women who selflessly serve society. This year’s achiever was Mmali Ganguly. A quiet change maker. She adapted to change of circumstances and dedicated her life to social work. She founded the WATCH Foundation (Women and Adolescent Training and Community Help) to help underprivileged women and girls. Mmali was felicitated for her dedication to the upliftment of underprivileged children and women providing them education and opportunities. Kudos to Mmali for transforming countless lives!
Ganguly thanked the women’s commission, Fr Anthony, Bernadine, Sunita, deanery coordinator, women’s cell and gave special thanks to family and friends who encouraged her. She attributed the award to the collective power of women’s positive thinking.
Fr Anthony, advised all present on the rights of the daughters in property matters. The church advocates equality between sons and daughters. While drawing up a will, daughters should get an equal share as the sons.
The women cell members of St Francis Xavier, Church, Panvel performed a dance relevant to Woman’s Day. This was followed by an energetic Zumba session by Naina of the same parish. She got everyone present tapping `their feet!
The event formally closed with the vote of thanks by Rachel D’Souza, co deanery coordinator - Navi Mumbai followed by the grace before meals. The gathering enjoyed a hearty meal, ending a wonderful celebration.