Lucknow, Jan 19 (IANS): Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Mayawati dismissed another minister -- the sixth -- Wednesday night following his indictment for corruption by the state Lok Ayukta Justice N.K.Mehrotra."Small-scale Industry Minister Chadradeo Ram Yadav has been relieved of his charge as minister with immediate effect," said an official release.
"The minister was sacked for drawing salary from two separate sources, that was established in a probe carried out by the Lok Ayukta," it stated.
Governor B.L.Joshi given his nod to the chief minister's decision.
Yadav is the sixth minister being dismissed after being indicted by the Lokayukta.
Mayawati has shown the door to as many as 20 ministers since she formed her government in May 2007. Ten of these were fired over the past three weeks alone.
Among those whose removal was prompted by the Lok Ayukta's report were Rajesh Tripathi, Awadhpal Singh, Badshah Singh, Rangnath Mishra and Ratan Lal Ahirwar.
Social Welfare Minister Indrajeet Saroj was given additional charge of small-scale industry portfolio, following Yadav's removal from the council of ministers, said another official release.