Raghuram Rajan unveils big package, promises more

Rupee climbs 138 paise against dollar on RBI steps

Mumbai, Sep 5 (PTI): The rupee today strengthened by hefty 138 paise to trade at 65.69 against the dollar at the Interbank Foreign Exchange market after fresh measures by the RBI to stem the currency's slide.

The rupee had settled at 67.07 against the dollar yesterday, up by 56 paise over the previous day's close.

Traders said dollar selling by exporters and banks and fresh measures announced by new RBI Governor Raghuram Rajan to curb the rupee's slide helped domestic currency recover.

The dollar's weakness against other currencies overseass also supported the rupee's sentiment, they said.

Meanwhile, stock markets were up by over 2 per cent in early trade.

The BSE benchmark index soared by 488 points to 19,055.74, while National Stock Exchange's Nifty rose by 153 points to 5,601.90 in opening trade.

The new RBI governor yesterday announced measures, such as liberalisation of the financial market by enhancing the limits for exporters to re-book cancelled forward exchange contracts and opening a special concessional window for swapping foreign currency non-resident (FCNR) deposits and dollar funds, to support the rupee.

Earlier Report

Raghuram Rajan unveils big package, promises more

Mumbai, Sep 5 (PTI):  New RBI Governor Raghuram Rajan Wednesday came out with a slew of measures, including more trade settlement in rupees to rescue the battered financial markets and hinted at a shift in focus from inflation control, doggedly pursued by his predecessor, to boosting growth.

Shortly after he took over as the 23rd Governor of the central bank, Rajan, 50, addressed the media with a prepared statement in which he laid out a detailed road map for his innings in the short term, which he called a "big initial package."

He also rescheduled by a few days the date for his much-anticipated first monetary policy statement to September 20.

The new Governor set up a number of committees for revising and strengthening monetary policy framework, financial stability, financial inclusion, NPAs and an outside panel of experts headed by former Governor Bimal Jalan to screen applications for new bank licenses.

Rajan said the new bank licences will be issued around January next year.

Apparently reflecting a shift in the approach from his predecessor D Subbarao, who had serious differences with the government of late, Rajan said the primary role of the bank is monetary stability to sustain confidence in the value of the rupee.

"Ultimately, this means low and stable expectations of inflation, whether that inflation stems from domestic sources or from changes in the value of the currency, from supply constraints or demand pressures.

"...But we have two other important mandates; inclusive growth and development, as well as financial stability," he said.

Asked about Subbarao's focus on targeting inflation, Rajan said he would reserve his comments till September 20.

Rajan said the bunch of reforms has been unveiled today to enhance growth.

"I think there are so many low-hanging fruits in the economy that if we only pluck them we can accelerate growth substantially."

The former IMF chief economist and economic advisor to the Finance Ministry said there were some positive developments in the economy which will help to boost growth.

The measures disclosed to support the rupee include liberalisation of the financial market by enhancing the limits for exporters to re-book cancelled forward exchange contracts and opening a special concessional window for swapping foreign currency non-resident (FCNR) deposits and dollar funds.

"My sense is that we certainly don't need false optimism. But I think there is good reason to believe that in the medium run, the future of the country is strong," he said.

Asked about Standard and Poor's downgrade threat, he said the international rating agency "nearly reiterated what has been its long standing claim about there being one-third possibility of a rating downgrade...It is not something new. So I won't read too much into the statement."

The measures announced by Rajan include enhancing the re-booking limit on cancelled forward exchange contracts for exporters to 50 percent, extending a similar facility to importers and introducing cash settlement in 10-year interest rate future contracts to develop the money and G-sec markets.

Rajan indicated the RBI will take steps to reduce the Statutory Liquidity Ratio (SLR) and introduce greater regulatory and supervisory control over the domestic operations of foreign banks. He promised to give freedom to banks to open branches without prior RBI permission.

The new RBI chief also said he will steadily liberalise the markets and lift restrictions on investment and position-taking, together with SEBI, and will examine introduction of interest rate futures on overnight interest rates.

While the RBI has enhanced the re-booking limit on cancelled forward currency contracts to 50 percent for exporters, importers will be allowed a 25 percent limit.

The central bank will push for more trade settlements in rupees and open up the financial markets for those who receive rupees to invest it back in.

Rajan said the RBI will raise the overseas borrowing limit of 50 percent of unimpaired Tier I capital to 100 percent for banks and will introduce cash-settled 10-year interest rate future contracts.

The central bank will also examine introduction of interest rate futures on overnight interest rates; steadily but surely liberalise markets, restrictions on investments and position-taking; and issue inflation-indexed savings certificates tied to CPI to retail investors by end November.

He stressed on the need to reduce the requirement for banks to invest in government securities in a calibrated way and will push foreign banks to set up wholly owned subsidiaries.

Rajan proposes to collect credit data, examine large common exposures among banks and encourage banks to clean up their balance sheets.

Referring to the announcements, he said, "This is a part of my short-term time-table for the Reserve Bank. It involves considerable change, and change is risky. But as India develops, not changing is even riskier. We have to keep what is good about our system, of which there is a tremendous amount, even while acting differently where warranted."

He also announced a committee headed by RBI Deputy Governor Urjit Patel to strengthen monetary policy framework. The panel will submit its report in three months.

Rajan said that a committee under former Governor Bimal Jalan would screen bank license applicants after an initial compilation of applications by the RBI staff.

He said new bank licences will be announced "within, or soon after, the term of Deputy Governor Anand Sinha, who has been shepherding the process. His term expires in January 2014."

Financial sector expert Nachiket Mor will head a panel to suggest steps to promote financial inclusion. Another committee, to be headed by Deputy Governor K C Chakrabarty, will take a close look at rising NPAs and suggest steps to improve the recovery of bad debts.

"While the resumption of stalled projects and stronger growth will alleviate some of the banking system difficulties, we will encourage banks to clean up their balance sheets and commit to a capital-raising program where necessary. The bad loan problem is not alarming yet, but it will only fester and grow if left unaddressed," Rajan said.

Stressing that India is a fundamentally sound economy with a bright future, the new RBI chief said, "Our task today is to build a bridge to the future, over the stormy waves produced by global financial markets. I have every confidence we will succeed in doing that."


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  • Jossey Saldanha, Mumbai

    Thu, Sep 05 2013

    He is a Gold Medalist both at IIT and IIM and not a CHAI WALA....

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  • Vincent Rodrigues, Katapadi/Bangalore

    Thu, Sep 05 2013

    Our new RBI Governer,Mr.Raghuram Rajan is the best choice for the post having very good track records,exposure and quite young.Good signs that our share market doing well and rupee value too becoming strong.We all wish him the best and expect greater stability in our currency value and strong stock exchange.Thanq.

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  • SUJITH POLALI, mangalore

    Thu, Sep 05 2013


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  • Lawrence Saldanha, Kanajar/Kuwait

    Thu, Sep 05 2013

    Let us hope that the reverse trend of Rupee appreciation continues although it was induced by the RBI.

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  • Joseph F. Gonsalves, Bannur, Puttur / Mangalore

    Thu, Sep 05 2013

    Dear Mr. Ramesh S, mangalore, I quote yours: Even we dont know where Sonia & Rahul belongs in this context(I think they are also having dual nationality,considering Italian laws).. Unquote.

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  • santoshprabhu, indisa

    Thu, Sep 05 2013

    can you please give some of the names of people holding dual citizenship as per your comment

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  • Joseph F. Gonslaves, Bannur, Puttur / Mangalore

    Thu, Sep 05 2013

    Findout who are they?! It is your work to find out why should i educate you. My job is to show the blind ones to open their eyes.

    Kindly check by yourself.

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  • santoshprabhu, india

    Thu, Sep 05 2013

    because there arent any. some of them are NRI and/ or foreign nationals but none of them have dual citizenship. only dual citizenship is maintained by congress leaders though it is against the law.

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  • R Mallar, Kasaragod/ Dubai

    Thu, Sep 05 2013

    Is it just requires one person, one day in the office to raise the value of Rupee? In that case why Subba Rao was allowed a grace retirement instead of sacking which caused bleeding of foreign currency? Has Financial Minister has no role to play? Why Syria is not the reason for falling Rupee now? In fact US Congress approved Obama's plan to attack Syria only yesterday.
    There is some thing wrong. Is it the speculation and or games by vested interests the reason for first the falling and then overnight strenghthening of Rupee?
    I wish I am wrong - let Indian economy flourish under new RBI governor.

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  • vikram, Dubai

    Thu, Sep 05 2013

    Very dynamic personality...hope he can bring back value of Rupees which really lost its shape.

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  • Mendonca, Kudla

    Thu, Sep 05 2013

    Nothing is going to change, these are only talks. Again within a week we will see a sharp decline in Rupee.
    I am not able to understand the hype over needing to have this man at all costs in the RBI to save our economy or something like that. He has been advising the Finance Ministry with all his profound wisdom for a year. The Finance Ministry controls the RBI. If his influence on the Finance Ministry has coincided with the kind of sliding line on the GDP graphs, I can’t imagine what he will do in the RBI with someone else controlling him. He’s hardly likely to get “freedom” anyway. Also, most of his work seems to study America, and India is a vastly different economy. Not to mention that he appears to primarily be a researcher, and his experience in bureaucratic knowledge is unclear. It appears his first gig in hands on running an economy will be the third largest economy in the world. That is one hell of a test drive.

    Syria War is looming, US Federal Reserve Tapering and its Impact on the Markets, Ever since US Federal Reserve chairman Ben Bernanke hinted at tapering of the stimulus program, known as quantitative easing, India’s capital markets have been witnessing sharp fluctuations and the rupee has been depreciating against the dollar.The Indian economy is battling depreciating rupee and low investor confidence. The currency has ped over 23% since April and had touched a low of 68.80 to a dollar earlier this week. The CAD, which is the difference between the inflow and outflow of foreign exchange, scaled to a record high level of $88.2 billion or 4.8% of GDP in 2012-13. The government expects to bring it down to $70 billion this year.

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  • Ramesh S, mangalore

    Thu, Sep 05 2013

    Let us hope..But, its just a hype due to new appointment of Governor, it will not last long..unless there is some bold/unpopular decission from Govt, rupee will not get strong..Sadly, all the programs of UPA Govt revolves around vote bank rather than economy..we had booming economy just because of economic down turn in US & EU countries..when these countries restore their economy naturally all the FDI will vanish unless we create a healthy enviornment & promise them safe & healthy return in INDIA..

    DisAgree [16] Agree [9] Reply Report Abuse

  • Declan, Mumbai

    Thu, Sep 05 2013

    When the Rupee was plummeting all the BJP supporters were out with their daggers/swords blaming and criticising the UPA/Congress govt. for it. Now that the Rupee is reversing all BJP supporters have gone on 'mute' / 'maun' mode about UPA/Congress's role in it.
    Whether RBI guv RR's reputation/actions are responsible for it or not only time will tell but it was the Govt. who put RR there in the first place. Should they not get some credit ?

    DisAgree [10] Agree [23] Reply Report Abuse

  • santoshprabhu, india

    Thu, Sep 05 2013

    Rupee is falling steadily for past few months. todays recovery is only a knee jerk reaction. so hold onyour comments till the market stabilises and gives you a picture. dont start praising or critisizing govt or oppositon

    DisAgree [6] Agree [7] Reply Report Abuse

  • Declan, Mumbai

    Thu, Sep 05 2013

    Agreed. Like RR has said that he does not have a magic wand to fix things overnight. However, his reputation seems to have brought a 'positive' sentiment in the market and we know how swiftly markets react to sentiment though it may be short lived.

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  • santoshprabhu, india

    Thu, Sep 05 2013

    yes. but your first comment was not justified

    DisAgree [1] Agree [3] Report Abuse

  • Declan, Mumbai

    Fri, Sep 06 2013

    Expectedly. Justified for me but not for you. Its a matter of which side you are on.

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  • Blaan Mendonca, USA

    Thu, Sep 05 2013

    Murli Manohar Joshi raised the question of how Raghuram Rajan a foreigner could be appointed as governor of India in the Parliament.
    This is a very serious allegation, as India does not allow non-citizens in government office (though this would hardly be the first violation even if true). When we speak of the governor of the Reserve Bank of India, then I believe it is important that there be clarity. According to the Millenium Post and Wikipedia, he is what is called an Overseas Citizen Indian and American citizen. This automatically means he is not a citizen of India. There is no confusion about it. India does not allow dual citizenship and any Indian voluntarily taking citizenship in another country ceases to be a citizen of India.

    Here is what the Citizenship Act, 1955 says: Termination of citizenship.- (1) Any citizen of India who by naturalization, registration otherwise voluntarily acquires, or has at any time between the 26th January, 1950 and the commencement of this Act, voluntarily acquired the citizenship of another country shall, upon such acquisition or, as the case may be, such commencement, cease to be a citizen of India
    An OCI card is similar to a U.S. “green card” in that a holder can travel to and from India indefinitely, work in India, study in India, and own property in India (except for certain agricultural and plantation properties). An OCI card holder, however, does not receive an Indian passport, cannot vote in Indian elections, and is not eligible for Indian government employment.Conferment of rights on overseas citizen of India states: Apart from the benefits and privileges available to an Overseas Citizens of India as enumerated above, such a citizen would also be entitled to other rights which the Central Government would specify and which would be notified in the official Gazette from time to time. However, there are certain sector such as public employment, voting rights etc where the rights would not be available to overseas citizens.

    DisAgree [2] Agree [12] Reply Report Abuse

  • Ramesh S, mangalore

    Thu, Sep 05 2013

    Blaan, this is INDIA anything can happen..here we have people who still think Indira Gandhi is daughter of Mahatma Gandhi..In Mumbai we have Bangladeshi Doctors who operate clinics as Indians, they have ration cards & voter IDs..we have Pakistanis who are living without visas since decades,,Even we dont know where Sonia & Rahul belongs in this context(I think they are also having dual nationality,considering Italian laws)..

    DisAgree [4] Agree [7] Reply Report Abuse

  • Flavian, Mangalore/Kuwait

    Thu, Sep 05 2013

    Good news. Let this spell of strong Rupee against Dollar continue for the days to come and stabilize to original ex. value.
    Hope for the best.

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  • Rakesh shetty, mangalore

    Thu, Sep 05 2013




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  • Amin Bhoja, Patte / Riyadh

    Thu, Sep 05 2013

    We wish him success and too to our economy.Good Luck anyway!!.

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  • Joseph F. Gonslaves, Bannur, Puttur / Mangalore

    Thu, Sep 05 2013

    I quote from this news article: Stressing that India is a fundamentally sound economy with a bright future, the new RBI chief said, "Our task today is to build a bridge to the future, over the stormy waves produced by global financial markets. I have every confidence we will succeed in doing that." Unquote.


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    Thu, Sep 05 2013

    New Hope. Best Of Luck.

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  • R.N. Pujari, Manglore - Mumbai

    Thu, Sep 05 2013

    Dear Rockstar Raghuram's rock show is over.He has been found to be an American Citizen.RBI governor can only be an Indian citizen. lol.... ..another great day in this great history country called India or INDIAN sleeping like kumbakaran. Q. This Arjuna ( Raghuram Rajan)can get country out of this Chakravyuha ?.................hahahhaaaaaaaa

    DisAgree [14] Agree [9] Reply Report Abuse

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