Media Release
Kuwait, May 15: Kuwait Canara Welfare Association (KCWA) is proud to announce that it has not only completed 18 glorious years of community service but also during this year have reached a great milestone of crossing over a crore of Rupees in generous charity to the needy children in pursuit of their education, regardless of any religion, caste and creed.
KCWA Managing Committee members and volunteers held a meeting at Holy Family Cathedral hall on 12th May to discuss the ways to celebrate the event. It was unanimously agreed to celebrate this great achievement, by organizing a colorful and extravagant variety entertainment show on 25th August 2006 called “KORODACHO KUROV”.
A souvenir will also be released on this occasion to commemorate the day, which in turn will strengthen KCWA to carry out more noble deeds of educating poor children in future too.

KCWA is the foremost and a model Mangalorean association in Kuwait, which is primarily engaged in helping the poor children in their education back home as well as in Kuwait. KCWA fondly commends and pays rich tribute to all the members, donors, sponsors, past presidents along with their managing committee members and well wishers for their rich contribution towards the noble cause of KCWA, which made it possible to achieve this tremendous feat.
Please watch out for more details.