Sharad Pawar behind attack on party office: AAP

Mumbai, Feb 23 (IANS): Aam Aadmi Party leader Anjali Damania Sunday alleged that NCP chief and union minister Sharad Pawar and spokesperson Nawab Malik were responsible for the attack on the AAP state party office in Mumbai Saturday.

Damania told media persons in Nagpur that barely three days ago, the AAP had exposed an alleged scam in the power department headed by Maharashtra Deputy Chief Minister and Sharad Pawar's nephew Ajit Pawar.

"We exposed their power scam. They (Sharad Pawar and Malik) seem to have got angry and instigated the attack on our office," Damania said.

However, refuting the allegation, Malik said in Mumbai that the Nationalist Congress Party (NCP) has already issued show cause notice to party activists for the attack on the AAP office and necessary action would be initiated against those responsible for it.

"Regarding the AAP's agitation to sweep the NCP offices in the state, I appeal to them to sweep clean their respective homes instead so that their domestic help can get a day off," Malik said.

Malik was referring to AAP leader Mayank Gandhi's statement Saturday that party activists would adopt a Gandhian form of retaliation and "sweep clean" all NCP offices in Maharashtra with brooms, the AAP's poll symbol.

On Saturday, police stopped AAP activists from proceeding to an NCP office and detained them for several hours.

On Sunday, there was a heated exchange and a minor scuffle between AAP and NCP activists when the former trooped down with brooms to sweep the NCP office in Aurangabad.



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  • Santan Mascarenhas, Kinnigoli/Mumbai

    Mon, Feb 24 2014

    R.R.Patil is the home minister of Maharashtra. When his NCP party destroyed property of AAP, they (party) are conducting inquiry, whereas, they just detained Mayank Gandhi of AAP for just proceeding towards the NCP office. Double standard Mr. Patil. When Raj Thackeray challenges Maharashtra Govt to arrest him, you say, you are checking with the Law Dept. This has been going on for the last 6 years.

    Should I call the Maharashtra Govt, eunuchs, no, people have been calling them as such. Should I call them chandals, no, it may be a low profession,but their character is good. Bal Thackeray called Raj a parasite. In the present circumstances, I think it suits you Mr. Patil and your Govt.

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