Unconscious diabetic man lies unattended for 2 hrs at Mumbai airport

Mumbai Mirror

Mumbai, Mar 11: Mumbai's new T2 terminal may rival any world airport when it comes to infrastructure, but the airport's apathy towards passenger safety and comfort doesn't seem to have improved one bit.

Airport authorities on Sunday dumped John Valentine D'Souza, a 52-year-old diabetic patient who had collapsed inside the terminal following a hypoglycemia attack, outside the terminal and left him unattended for two hours. Airport officials, who assumed D'Souza was in an inebriated state, left him in a heap atop his luggage and casually asked his family in Mira Road to come and pick him up.

It was three hours before his family came and revived D'Souza, who was heading back to Kuwait on a 6.10 am Kuwait Airlines flight. They gave him some sweets, after which he was up on his feet in 15 minutes. D'Souza's family said once it was evident he was sober, red-faced officials said they relied on the duty doctor's report that certified him drunk.

In July 2013, a 27-year-old passenger fell off a stationary escalator and lay unconscious for two hours before he was taken to Cooper Hospital. He died three days later. D'Souza's family, in its complaint to MIAL,

has sought answers to the following questions:

1.Why was D'Souza not admitted to a hospital or given first aid when he fell unconscious?

2.On what basis was he labelled drunk by airport authorities?

3. What would the authorities have done had he not had a cell phone in his person or the family was not reachable?

4.What can we, or any passenger, expect if such a situation happens in the future?

John Valentine D'Souza with his wife

When Mirror contacted MIAL, authorities maintained D'Souza was drunk. "The airline offloaded the passenger because he was drunk," a spokesperson said. "A medical team examined him and found him to be drunk. Our landside officials contacted his family and alerted them about the situation. In the meantime, the passenger was escorted out of the terminal."

When Mirror asked specifically if the doctor had conducted a breathalyser or blood test before certifying D'Souza drunk, the spokesperson admitted it was not the case and said D'Souza's state was determined by the "doctor's examination." The spokesperson also admitted D'Souza did not cause any nuisance, which is why they "did not inform him to the police, but merely escorted him out."

Kuwait Airways did not respond to Mirror's questions. The Air Passengers Association of India said even if a passenger is drunk and creates a ruckus he or she should be handed over to CISF personnel. "This should be condemned," said Sudhakar Reddy, president, APAI. "The airline or the airport should conduct a breathalyser test before offloading any passenger. I will take up the matter with concerned airline and airport."

Anyway, D'Souza denied he had consumed any alcohol and said he fainted on his way to immigration. His family has taken his blood sample within eight hours of the incident and have sent it to a lab for testing alcohol content.

"My brother-in-law dropped me at the airport by midnight," said D'Souza. "I rested for a couple of hours before check in opened. I then got a boarding pass and was waiting for immigration when I fainted. It must have been around 3 am. That was the last I remember."

At 3.30 am, D'Souza's wife Amy got a call from an airport official who identified himself as only Subodh. He said D'Souza was found drunk and has been offloaded from the flight.

"He said if we do not come within a couple of hours, they will hand over John to the police," said D'Souza's brother-in-law Agnello Pinto. "My sister told Mr Subodh John was a diabetic and has had hypoglycemia attacks before, where he suddenly faints. She pleaded with Mr Subodh to give John something sweet to revive him. But the airport official said there is nothing he can do till we reach."

It was 5 am when Amy and Agnello reached the airport. An unconscious D'Souza was slumped atop his luggage on a trolley outside Gate No 2. Amy rushed to him and managed to force some sweets into his mouth. Within 15 minutes D'Souza was up on his feet.

Hypoglycemia is a medical emergency where blood sugar levels fall drastically. Doctors said a hypoglycemia attack in a diabetic person can be lethal and even be fatal.

"For a diabetic, a hypoglycemia attack may lead to seizures, stroke, severe brain damage and even death if not attended to on time," said physician Dr Pratit Samdani, attached to Jaslok and Bhatia hospitals. "The best way to reduce the damage is to give the patient sugar pops or sugary drinks if he is conscious or by giving glucose injections if he is unconscious. And this seems to be like a very lucky case. It is likely that his counterregulatory hormones managed to work overtime and averted the damage."

After reviving D'Souza, the family confronted airline and senior airport officials, including the doctors on duty. "The airline told us they offloaded John and his luggage only after the airport doctor certified him unfit to travel as he was drunk," said Agnello. "To our surprise the doctor had not done a breathalyser or blood test before certifying him as drunk."

D'Souza is recovering at a hospital in Mira Road. Doctors, who said he was out of hypoglycemia, were performing MRI scans and other tests on him. "Being a Sunday, we won't get the reports, but we have given his samples to prove he did not have even a drop of alcohol in his system," said Agnello. "He could have gone into a coma and died. We will ensure the guilty are punished and the attitude at the so-called world-class airport changes."


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    Sat, Mar 15 2014

    While we demand punishment for the culprits i.e airport authorities on duty and the doctor on duty we also request the people not to blame Mumbaikars. Mumbaikars are very much humans and they go out of their way to save lives.Such type of incidents can occur anywhere as
    irresponsible people are around.

    DisAgree Agree [1] Reply Report Abuse

  • Severine Fernandes, Mangalore/Mumbai

    Sat, Mar 15 2014

    The personnel on duty at the airport and the doctor should be sacked immediately.

    Mr D'souza - Wishing you good health and long life.

    DisAgree Agree [1] Reply Report Abuse

  • Suleman Beary, Udupi

    Wed, Mar 12 2014

    People live in Mumbai are considering them as well advanced in all respects, but when come to humanity,relationship...they behave like robots as if it is not their responsibility. Can be called as "City with Selfish culture".

    DisAgree Agree [12] Reply Report Abuse

  • Dr Prakash Harischandra, Surathkal

    Wed, Mar 12 2014

    I am all with you,, absolute apathy and dereliction of common medical knowledge.. We also call a medical tag(bracelet)to avoid such situations..like collapse, anaphylaxis.

    DisAgree Agree [2] Reply Report Abuse

  • McQueen, Mangalore

    Wed, Mar 12 2014


    DisAgree [1] Agree [18] Reply Report Abuse

  • Anand , Mangalore/Kuwait

    Wed, Mar 12 2014

    This is a normal culture in Mumbai. So many people die in accidents. Nobody bothered to help the accident victims. Very selfish city, i have ever seen.

    DisAgree Agree [21] Reply Report Abuse

  • Reshma Lobo, Kuwait/Mangalore

    Wed, Mar 12 2014

    It is very sad...John I hope u are fine and safe..May God be with you.

    DisAgree Agree [14] Reply Report Abuse

  • pavan Kumar, Mangalore

    Wed, Mar 12 2014

    Mr. Fernandes you are rightly said. Our people never open their mouth where required. Appreciated at least you tried
    your best good luck my friend.

    DisAgree [1] Agree [5] Reply Report Abuse

  • jacintha, Mangalore

    Tue, Mar 11 2014

    May be the Doctor and airline staff was drunk. They were ascertaining the passenger's condition from tinted glasses :)
    God has been gracious to Souza family.

    DisAgree Agree [12] Reply Report Abuse

  • Ronald D, Udupi

    Tue, Mar 11 2014

    This Ghati(Doc) should be sacked with immediate effect in order to restore pride of India and Mumbai Airport!! He does not know the basics of Doctors' job...first to check BP & sugar of of such a patient!! This article should be sent to Maharastra CM and Health Minister along with all comments to speed up sacking and to revoke his license!!

    DisAgree Agree [11] Reply Report Abuse

  • Vincent Rego, Mangalore / Kuwait

    Tue, Mar 11 2014

    John, you are a blessed person and nothing bad shall happen to you. Just read this article and prayed that you will be back to Kuwait soon to resume your duty.

    DisAgree Agree [25] Reply Report Abuse

  • Sundari Ashoknagar, Mangalore

    Tue, Mar 11 2014

    Porbulena luck edde undu. Aa doctor kalthina doctora athava certificate doctora. Ithe poora certificate doctor jaasthi uller. Kasda kala athhe.

    DisAgree [1] Agree [17] Reply Report Abuse

  • Rita, Germany

    Tue, Mar 11 2014

    Thank God he is still remained healthy.How bad it can end when one gets hypoglycemia that These People never know.when the sugar level goes down ,and remain unattended for hours can remain unconscious for Long and death.I know it better,as Level fell below 48 get heartache ,fast pulse sweat and you are loosing senses.And when one feels that Level goes down drink or swallow a sugar tab.which you have to carry always with you as a sugar Patient.OPTIONAL.If sugar is high you wont die.but less is dangerous.And the doctor who examined him must have his degree from looterie or Internet or by some influence.otherwise he should have checked his pulse or eyes to note the condition.Angels must have watched over the Patient.

    DisAgree Agree [6] Reply Report Abuse

  • Shammi, Karnataka

    Tue, Mar 11 2014

    Thank God Mr.Dsouza is saved.These Airport officers will check even underwears for gold,saffron etc.But when it comes to a person who is sick ,they are not even ready to check pulse rate.One who ignored this man should face same circumstances and nobody should help him.
    In every Aerodrome ,there should b medical facilities and duty doctors also.In fact, this can be profit for the airport.
    Look at our country if a person commits sin ,he is given bail instead of pouring heavy fines on him/her.RTA is very weak ,the Government is minting money only by scams and bribing .Jaago India Jaago look at foreign countries and learn something especially UAE ,how to have rich governance.For every traffic offense they have fine starting from dhs 200.I, as a tourist was fined for crossing road not on zebra cross Dhs 600 in Abudhabi.In india only bribery just give 50or100rs to Traffic police.That's it.We need a change.Indian government can be rich if they suck lakhs of rupees from criminals ,if criminals want bail .By sucking common man's hard earned money,they ll get only curse and destruction.
    Jai ho

    DisAgree Agree [10] Reply Report Abuse


    Tue, Mar 11 2014

    WOAHHHHHH!!WHERE HAS ALL HUMANITY GONE?! India will always remain like this. only the structures will change not the responsible personnel's. And Dear Duty doctor, first understand what must be done if a person is ill. Did you take oath to put people in danger or save their lives? each and every life is precious.DO NOT INSULT YOUR PROFESSION AND BRING BAD NAME TO YOUR FELLOW DOCTORS!!!! What a shame!!

    DisAgree Agree [51] Reply Report Abuse

  • SM, Mangalore

    Tue, Mar 11 2014

    Daijiworld- please find out the name of this so called "doctor". Pls publish his name and picture. The public will set him right.

    DisAgree Agree [57] Reply Report Abuse

  • Wilma Peris, Kulshekar, Muscat

    Tue, Mar 11 2014

    Toothpaste can be used when at home but it cannot be carried in cabin baggage. It's a shame if the first aid box is not kept in an aircraft.

    DisAgree Agree [39] Reply Report Abuse

  • Rudolf, Mumbai

    Tue, Mar 11 2014

    If we treat our citizens in our own country worse than animals how can we expect humane treatment in foreign countries!! Jai Hind!!

    DisAgree Agree [54] Reply Report Abuse

  • Vincent Rodrigues, Katapadi/Bangalore

    Tue, Mar 11 2014

    John Valerian D'Souza, who was unconscious due to diabetic problems was unattended for 2 hours at Mumbai airport is really inhuman to mankind and also shame to the airport authorities.Better to fix accountability to the officials responsible for this inhuman act.Thanq.

    DisAgree Agree [52] Reply Report Abuse

  • H. J. M, Mangalore

    Tue, Mar 11 2014

    Really sad, this had to happen to an American passenger, our Indian airport staff would have jumped up and down to take care... really at times feel ashamed to to say we are Indians. Without doing proper test, how could the doctor Mr. Dsouza is drunk? Kuwait airways staff in Mumbai is very good in offloading passengers without any reason also, because they know, no one fights with them. Sad..

    DisAgree [1] Agree [48] Reply Report Abuse

  • john Philip Pereira , Mumbai Kuwait

    Tue, Mar 11 2014

    This is because only 10% of the whole country is awake, rest are all sleeping

    DisAgree Agree [32] Reply Report Abuse

  • JNB, Bejai

    Tue, Mar 11 2014

    The Airport doctor must have just arrived from a duty free store.

    DisAgree Agree [55] Reply Report Abuse

  • Ethan, Forida\Mangalore

    Tue, Mar 11 2014

    Everyone is considered "Drunk" if he is lying down, " Apathy" is rampant in India, as rightly said 3rd class mentality with 5 star facility , Airport is only focused on Gold mining !

    DisAgree [2] Agree [98] Reply Report Abuse

  • Rudolf, Mumbai

    Tue, Mar 11 2014

    This is the easiest way out for a doc who most probably got the post through reservation category, care-a-damn attitude towards the general public!! The easiest way out is to term the victim drunk to shirk of further responsibility by way of arranging him to send for further care!! After all, at the end of the day, he knows even if the victim dies, nothing is going to happen as the buck passing will go like a ping pong ball with ultimately nobody being held responsible!!

    DisAgree [1] Agree [61] Reply Report Abuse

  • Jasmine s, Mangalore

    Tue, Mar 11 2014

    How scary, the way they ave dumped the man. It seems as if the airport staff or authorities don't have basic first aid knowledge. An unconscious person should never be laid on his back since he can suffocate on his own tongue which become a lump of flesh stuck in this throat.

    DisAgree Agree [62] Reply Report Abuse

  • Pavan Kumar, Mangalore

    Tue, Mar 11 2014

    Very cheap airport... D'Souzereg onthe Cheepe korere pandala korandinakulu.

    DisAgree [5] Agree [44] Reply Report Abuse

  • Musthafa, mangalore

    Tue, Mar 11 2014

    Mumbai airport is International in paper only?
    How care less they are?

    DisAgree [1] Agree [87] Reply Report Abuse

  • Rudolf, Mumbai

    Tue, Mar 11 2014

    Docs employed in such public places are mainly those who cannot find gainful employment in reputed hospitals or have a pvt. practice!! Their presence appears to be only for namesake to issue certificates just by seeing the patient from far without even bothering to check him!! Value of humans has now ped below that of animals, imagine dumping an unconscious man, with a bonafide ticket and who has paid for the using the airport, on his own luggage!!

    DisAgree Agree [49] Reply Report Abuse

  • Naveen D'souza, Valencia-Kuwait

    Tue, Mar 11 2014


    DisAgree Agree [69] Reply Report Abuse

  • jeetendra hegde, mumbai

    Tue, Mar 11 2014

    Humans has no value in india.....duty doctor might have got the job under reservation quota...whats the use of hitech airport without medical assistance for needy one?...They looted money from passengers in the name of taxes to build airport for years and still looting but cann't provide superficial benefits to passengers..

    DisAgree [1] Agree [48] Reply Report Abuse

  • R.Fernandes, Dubai

    Tue, Mar 11 2014

    I would like to narrate an incident happened in front of me in Mangalore airport.
    We were all sitting and waiting near the boarding gate. A child was playing in front of us. He was running from one corner to other and parents were watching him. There was a cold and hot water unit at some distance. Suddenly the child in his playful mood he pulled the hot water cap and boiling water fell on his hand. He was crying like anything. Parents were asking airport staff for the first aid box and it was not at all available at the airport. Even i tried to talk to everybody, but it was in vain.
    Once we came inside the aircraft(air india express)I asked even air hostess, for the first aid box. Even it was not available there also. The child was in pain till it reached to Dubai airport.
    There were many people travelling like me, but not a single person was interested even to raise a voice in favour of that child and they were behaving as if nothing has happened.
    THIS IS INDIA!!! we have become so selfish and self centered that we cannot feel anybody's pain.
    My suggestion is wherever you are in India, be cautious and take care of yourself because nobody will come to help you.

    DisAgree Agree [81] Reply Report Abuse

  • Pradeep, Mangalore

    Tue, Mar 11 2014

    To all readers benefit, please note in such cases (hot water related accidents) one can apply the tooth paste which relieves the pain and heals the wound.

    DisAgree [2] Agree [34] Reply Report Abuse

  • Rita, Germany

    Tue, Mar 11 2014

    @Pradeep Mangalore,instead of applying some toothpaste,first hold under cold water .And you carry a always a plaster in your bag for any emergency.and such Airlines who doesn't have a first aid box should be the license cancelled and thorough check includes such things having on bord.shame on them.

    DisAgree Agree [6] Reply Report Abuse

  • Joseph, Doha, Qatar

    Tue, Mar 11 2014

    and to top it all, the good Samaritans of today are the worst who suffer injustice for no fault of theirs, just because they go out of their way to any length to help to mitigate the sufferings of the less fortunate brethren whom they consider as their near and dear ones. To say the least - they feel the pain in others rather than even thinking of themselves .. they don't think what will happen to them. Such character is lost in today's humane understanding ... the world has become a totally selfish, disgusting place.

    DisAgree Agree [15] Reply Report Abuse

  • Rudolf Rodrigues, Mumbai

    Tue, Mar 11 2014

    Bro, we cannot generalize though the common attitude would be of what you inferred from your experience!!

    Very recently there was a case in Mumbai wherein a young girl studying in college came in between the gap of the train and platform and both her hands were severed elbow downwards with thousands of passengers just watching her in immense pain as the train passed out of the platform, but as destiny would have it two Muslim boys (both brothers, college students) who were on the other platform rushed to the place where she was lying near the tracks, picked her up in a severely bleeding condition along with her severed body parts separately covered in a clean cloth and rushed her to the nearest municipal hospital in a rickshaw from where, after first aid and some stabilization, they accompanied her to another major municipal hospital where the docs tried desperately to reattach the severed hands, but did not succeed in that as much time was lost, but her life was saved!!It was a very poignant scene subsequently when these two boys went to meet her after she regained consciousness!! She is recuperating in the hospital and help is pouring in for her to be able to buy bionic arms!!! So, bro, humanity is still very much alive and we should see this positive side of life and not the negative side and become negative and talk negative!! Jai Hind!!

    DisAgree Agree [23] Reply Report Abuse

  • Roshan D'Silva, Mangalore/Kuwait

    Tue, Mar 11 2014

    I hope the guilty are punished...Fight until you get justice...do not let it go as these idiots are playing with someones life...this might happen to anyone of us travelling....New life...god bless John & family....

    DisAgree Agree [55] Reply Report Abuse

  • K.Fernandes, Mangalore

    Tue, Mar 11 2014

    Modern infrastructure facility Airport with ancient fashioned medical team. The medical team is getting their salary without failure, so why they should worry for others? If the Blood sample proves -ve for an alcohol test, then All India Medical council shall seize his medical practice. Through investigation shall be done to find out the real story. Mera Bharath Mahaan!!!!!!

    DisAgree Agree [54] Reply Report Abuse

  • John, mangalore

    Tue, Mar 11 2014

    Mumbai airport is not a world class,its third class airport with unprofessional doctors and corrupt officers.

    DisAgree [4] Agree [91] Reply Report Abuse

  • Joseph F. Gonsalves, Bannur, Puttur / Mangalore

    Tue, Mar 11 2014

    What is the benefit if these custom officers or Air Port Authorities treat Un-Conscious man of his ailment?!

    Only some praises for a day from the t.v., channels. If anybody gives few lacks to the custom officers or to the Air Port Authorities they would have even arranged some of their own dead man coming alive to treat this un-conscious man.

    DisAgree Agree [25] Reply Report Abuse

  • Thomas Scaria, Mangalore, Kabul

    Tue, Mar 11 2014

    very sad story! The height of arrogance from the airport authorities. Even if a person is drunk, the medical ethics do not prevent from attending to him in an emergency situation! Here, he did not drink and did not cause any public nuisance. Shame on this world class new Mumbai airport!

    DisAgree Agree [31] Reply Report Abuse

  • RJ Roshan, manglore

    Tue, Mar 11 2014

    what a shame for humanity....
    let the person drink or not...
    once he is inside the airport its a primary right of a individual becomes him or her to treat...
    what kind of a shameless doctor he is...
    once he has come to know that he is drunken ... must have given him bit water and made him conscious...
    such doctors only knows to certify..not to save lives!!!

    DisAgree Agree [51] Reply Report Abuse

  • Af, mangalore

    Tue, Mar 11 2014

    The Airport doctor might be in deep Sleep during the time.

    DisAgree Agree [35] Reply Report Abuse

  • Bryan, Bahrain

    Tue, Mar 11 2014

    Mumbai Airport Authorities, Remember "Treat people the way you want to be Treated" The airport is controlled by Ghati's, so what do we expect? The Airport stinks nothing but Dettol...

    DisAgree [2] Agree [65] Reply Report Abuse

  • Amin Bhoja, Patte / Riyadh

    Tue, Mar 11 2014

    Mumbai Airport a rival world Airport is like A old woman with new makeup,Just changed it's infrastructures but not in quality of it's mentality .

    DisAgree [2] Agree [73] Reply Report Abuse

  • R.Bhandarkar, M'lore

    Tue, Mar 11 2014

    The take off from the episode leaves a sour taste. This should not be taken lying down and the culprits including the certifying doctor should be brought to book. Imagine the trauma of D'souza's family members....

    DisAgree [1] Agree [81] Reply Report Abuse


    Tue, Mar 11 2014

    This type happen only in INDIA.

    DisAgree [4] Agree [92] Reply Report Abuse

  • Jossey Saldanha, Mumbai

    Tue, Mar 11 2014

    The Airport Doctor was DRUNK...

    DisAgree [5] Agree [189] Reply Report Abuse

  • JNB, Bejai

    Tue, Mar 11 2014

    When the doctor got 2 Drunk
    4 him all looks like him

    DisAgree [1] Agree [42] Reply Report Abuse

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