Gurgaon taxi driver rewarded for bravery

Gurgaon, March 11 (IANS): The Gurgaon police commissioner Tuesday rewarded a taxi driver for his bravery after he nabbed an armed criminal, who with his associates, attempted to rob him of his vehicle.

Taxi driver Veerpal, 35, from Rasulpur village in Palwal was rewarded with a 1st class police appreciation certificate and Rs.2,500 in cash.

Three people had Feb 24 hired his taxi from Palwal for Sohna in Gurgaon.

"The trio tried to take the taxi from him at gun point at about 10.30 p.m. close to a village in Sohna. Veerpal confronted them and nabbed one criminal, later identified as Dinesh. The other two escaped after seeing another vehicle coming towards the crime spot," said a senior police officer.

Veerpal informed the police and handed Dinesh over to them.

Assistant sub-inspector of police Devi Charan and constable Rajaram, posted at Nimoth police post in Sohna, some 25 km from Gurgaon, were rewarded for their quick action in arresting the other two criminals -- Jayant and Rajesh -- within 24 hours of the incident.

Both policemen were rewarded with 1st class police appreciation certificates and cash prize of Rs.1,100 each.

The three, all in their early twenties and having criminal records, hail from Neesa village in Palwal district of Haryana.



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