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Jamnagar, Jun 14: The condition of the youth, who attemped to immolate himself on Sunday to protest the screening of Aamir Khan starrer 'Fanaa', is said to be serious.

A team of doctors from a Ahmedabad hospital has been rushed to Jamnagar for his treatment, medical superintendent of the Civil Hospital Dr Arun Vyas said, where he had been admitted.

The victim, Pravin Joshi (30), a resident of Rajkot, went to see the film at Amber Cinema, which was the only theatre in Gujarat to have defied the boycott of the Aamir film, called by cinema owners' associations against the actor's remarks in support of rehabilitation of Narmada dam oustees. He however, attempted self-immolation during the intermission. He was rushed to Civil hospital, where his condition is said to be critical.

Local BJP leaders held demonstration against Aamir and the cinema owners. The cinema house later withdrew the screening of the film, on ''humanitarian grounds.'' State labour Minister Morubhai Bera and Chandresh Patel, former MP, visited the victim at the hospital. Earlier, city legislator Vasuben Trivedi had promised to give him Rs 51,000 for his treatment. A 'Ram dhun' programme was organized by the BJP in Ahmedabad for his speedy recovery.


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