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Sydney, Jun 20: Oscar-winning actress Nicole Kidman and her fiance country music star Keith Urban said on Monday they had returned to Australia to be married.

"We are very happy to be back in Australia. We have come home to celebrate our wedding with our family and friends," the couple said in a statement issued by Kidman's publicist in Sydney.Australian television showed Kidman leaving a private jet in the early hours of Monday, but there was no sign of Urban.

Local media reported Kidman and Urban were tipped to tie the knot at a Catholic church near her family home in Sydney's northern suburbs on the weekend.Kidman's mother and father arrived at her harbourside home on Monday, smiling and saying they were happy to see their daughter, but refused to reveal any details of the marriage.

Tight security had been installed at Kidman's Sydney home, with a camera placed on the front gate and security guards on the street, to prevent paparazzi taking photographs. The couple ended months of speculation last month when they announced they were engaged. Kidman and Urban, both aged 38, were brought up in Australia.

Local media have speculated that Kidman and Urban will marry on Sunday, June 25. 


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