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New Delhi, Jun 22: Rajasthan Chief Minister Vasundhara Raje is tired of the good old Ambassador car and is switching to a Mercedes. But Raje's decision has driven home a political controversy.

The Rajasthan government has ordered a Mercedes E Class worth Rs 40 lac for the Chief Minister.

Raje's official fleet already has a chopper worth Rs 20 crore and a Ford Endeavor.

The state government is also toying with the idea of adding a new aircraft worth Rs 25 crore to its fleet.

However, the Congress is now accusing the government of squandering the taxpayers' money on luxury items.

"On one hand there's drought in Rajasthan, people are unemployed, water crisis and they are spending Rs 50 crore over cars and planes," Spokesperson, Pradesh Congress Committee, Raghu Sharma said.

But, Rajasthan Parliamentary Secretary, Bhawani Singh Rajawat, believes otherwise.

"Mercedes is not a new thing for our honorable Chief Minister considering the royal family that she comes from and her political background. There must have been so many Mercedes in her driveway even 25 years back," Rajawat said.

Rajasthan will be the first state to have a Mercedes E Class for its Chief Minister with Rs 70,000 crore of debt looming over its head and about one crore of it's people below the poverty line.


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