New Delhi, May 12 (Daily Bhaskar) : A woman along with her minor lover killed her husband because she was not sexually happy with him.
The police have arrested the woman and her 17-year-old lover.
The incident happened in the cantonment area in Subroto Park of south-west Delhi. The husband of the woman was an Air Force officer.
According to police, the woman was physically involved with the boy living in her neighbourhood because she was not sexually satisfied with her husband.
Later on, the husband came to know about it. Due to the fear of being exposed, the woman along with her lover planned to kill her husband. Both suffocated the Air Force officer to death.
After the incident, the woman tried to pretend as if it was a natural death but the truth came to light. The police said that the woman called it as death because of heart attack but when she was strictly interrogated, she broke and admitted to the crime.