Tirana, Sep 6 (IANS): The Bank of Albania (BoA) Governor, Adian Fullani, was arrested Friday over charges of office abuse following theft of 713 million leks (about 6.6 million dollars) from the State Treasury.
The Tirana police executed the prosecution's warrant for the arrest of Governor Fullani, meanwhile 20 minutes later inspector general Elivar Golemi was put under arrest, Xinhua reported.
Two members of BoA Supervisory Council Ermelinda Meksi and Ela Golemi, along with former inspector-general of central bank Teuta Baleta and juridical director Altin Naci testified for six hours in a row Friday in Tirana Prosecution office.
Later, the head of Tirana prosecution office Petrit Fusha told the media that investigations are drawing near the end and all the persons with knowledge of the theft will be summoned to prosecution office including the governor Fullani.
BoA, the central bank, discovered early in August that at least 713 million leks were missing during a recent inventory check of the bank's monetary assets.
The ongoing investigation is led by the High Inspectorate of Declaration and Audit of Assets and Conflict of Interests of Albania (HIDAACI).