New York, Sep 21 (IANS): The social networking site Facebook is updating its news feed to feature right content at the right time, so that users do not miss out on key stories.
"We have heard feedback that there are some instances where a post from a friend or a Page you are connected to is only interesting at a specific moment, for example when you are both watching the same sports game, or talking about the season premiere of a popular TV show," said Facebook in a blog post.
Facebook is also going to factor in the rate at which people are liking or commenting on a post, Forbes magazine reported.
Facebook currently looks at the total number of likes that a post received, but now it will look at when people like, comment and share posts.
For people that engage with the story shortly after it is posted means that it was most interesting at that time, but will be less interesting at a later time.
The update to the news feed will be based on two factors - trending topics and engagement.
"This means that posts that receive likes, comments and shares faster will be posted higher in the news feed," Facebook added.