Take Rs.2 lakh and abort, Bihar panchayat tells raped girl

Patna, Sep 24 (IANS): A panchayat in Bihar has ordered a minor rape victim to take Rs.2 lakh and undergo abortion, police said Wednesday.

The panchayat of Subhankarpur village under Kanti police station in Muzaffarpur district asked the 13-year-old rape victim to take the amount fixed by it and undergo abortion to resolve the issue.

Muzaffarpur Senior Superintendent of Police Jitenra Rana told IANS by telephone from Muzaffarpur, about 70 km from here, that an FIR has been lodged in this connection and police have began investigation.

"After a case was lodged Tuesday, we are trying to arrest the accused and take action against panchayat members for their diktat," Rana said.

Parents of the girl said the panchayat took the decision at a meeting Tuesday. "The panchayat ordered to take Rs.2 lakh. But we are not ready for it, we want strict action against the accused, Arun Bhagat," they said.

"The panchayat has fixed an amount as a punishment against accused. But we want justice," said the victim's father, who did not want to be named.


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