China warns of dengue risk during National Day holidays

Beijing, Sep 29 (IANS): The Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Monday warned public to stay alert about dengue exposure during the week-long National Day holiday beginning Oct 1.

A total of 12,336 dengue fever cases and four deaths have been reported in China since May, Xinhua reported.

South China's Guangdong province has been hit the hardest by the virus, with 11,867 cases reported as of Monday, according to the CDC.

A growing number of cases contracted abroad, especially in South-east Asia and Africa, and rainy weather this year have contributed to the dengue outbreak, said Yin Wenwu, a researcher with the CDC.

Figures from the center show that, due to high temperatures and rainy weather in Guangdong, the mosquito numbers are five times the normal level.

Yin suggested that those who plan to travel to south China and South-east Asia during the holidays should take precautions to guard against mosquitoes.


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