Canada's PM says parliament attack was terrorism

Ottawa, Oct 23 (AP) : A masked gunman killed a soldier standing guard at Canada's war memorial Wednesday, then stormed Parliament in an attack that was stopped cold when he was shot to death by the ceremonial sergeant-at-arms. Canada's prime minister called it the country's second terrorist attack in three days.

"We will not be intimidated. Canada will never be intimidated," Prime Minister Stephen Harper vowed in an address to the nation.

Unfolding just before 10 a.m., while lawmakers were meeting in caucus rooms, the assault rocked Parliament over and over with the boom of gunfire, led MPs to barricade doors with chairs and sent people streaming from the building in fear. Harper was addressing a caucus when the attack began outside the door, but he safely escaped.

Investigators offered little information about the gunman, identified as 32-year-old petty criminal Michael Zehaf-Bibeau. But Harper said: "In the days to come we will learn about the terrorist and any accomplices he may have had."

Canada was already on alert at the time because of a deadly hit-and-run assault Monday against two Canadian soldiers by a man Harper described as an "ISIL-inspired terrorist." ISIL, or Islamic State, has called for reprisals against Canada and other Western countries that have joined the US-led air campaign against the extremist group in Iraq and Syria.

Witnesses said the soldier posted at the National War Memorial, identified as Cpl. Nathan Cirillo, was gunned down at point-blank range by a man carrying a rifle and dressed all in black, his face half-covered with a scarf. The gunman appeared to raise his arms in triumph, then entered Parliament, a few hundred yards away, where dozens of shots soon rang out, according to witnesses.

People fled the complex by scrambling down scaffolding erected for renovations, while others took cover inside as police with rifles and body armor took up positions outside and cordoned off the normally bustling streets around Parliament.

On Twitter, Canada's justice minister and other government officials credited 58-year-old sergeant-at-arms Kevin Vickers with shooting the attacker just outside the MPs' caucus rooms. Vickers serves a largely ceremonial role at the House of Commons, carrying a scepter and wearing rich green robes, white gloves and a tall imperial hat.

In Washington, President Barack Obama condemned the shootings as "outrageous" and said: "We have to remain vigilant." The US Embassy in Ottawa was locked down as a precaution, and security was tightened at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier at Arlington National Cemetery just outside Washington.

Harper vowed that the attacks will "lead us to strengthen our resolve and redouble our efforts" to keep the country safe and work with Canada's allies to fight terrorists.

Police said in the initial hours that as many as two other gunmen may have taken part in the attacks. But by late in the evening, the cordon around Parliament was lifted and police said there was no longer any threat to the public in the area.

Court records that appear to be the gunman's show that he had a long rap sheet, with a string of convictions for assault, robbery, drug and weapons offenses, and other crimes.

Tony Zobl said he witnessed the Canadian soldier being gunned down from his fourth-floor window directly above the National War Memorial, a 70-foot, arched granite cenotaph, or tomb, with bronze sculptures commemorating World War I.


"I looked out the window and saw a shooter, a man dressed all in black with a kerchief over his nose and mouth and something over his head as well, holding a rifle and shooting an honor guard in front of the cenotaph point-blank, twice," Zobl told the Canadian Press news agency. "The honor guard dropped to the ground, and the shooter kind of raised his arms in triumph holding the rifle."

The Canadian Broadcasting Corp. had video of the gunman going to his car alone with his weapon after the shooting at the memorial. The car was later spotted parked in front of Parliament Hill, just down the block.

Cabinet minister Tony Clement tweeted that at least 30 shots were heard inside Parliament, where Conservative and Liberal MPs were holding their weekly caucus meetings.

"I'm safe locked in a office awaiting security," Kyle Seeback, another member of Parliament, tweeted.

"I was just taking off my jacket to go into caucus. I hear this pop, pop, pop. Possibly 10 shots, don't really know. Thought it was dynamite or construction rather than anything else," said John McKay, a member of Parliament.

He said security guards then came rushing down the halls, herding them toward the back of the buildings.

"And then we started talking to another woman and she was apparently inside the library of Parliament, saw the fellow, wearing a hoodie, carrying a gun," McKay said, "and then the implications of this start to sink in."

The attack came two days after a recent convert to Islam killed one Canadian soldier and injured another with his car before being shot to death by police. The killer had been on the radar of federal investigators, who feared he had jihadist ambitions and seized his passport when he tried to travel to Turkey.

Canada had raised its domestic terror threat level from low to medium Tuesday because of what it called "an increase in general chatter from radical Islamist organizations." As recently as Tuesday, Canada sent eight fighter jets to the Mideast to join the battle against Islamic State.

After the shootings, officials canceled two events in Toronto honoring Pakistani teenager and Nobel laureate Malala Yousafzai, including one in which she was supposed to receive honorary Canadian citizenship. She was shot in the head by a Taliban gunman in 2012 for supporting schooling for girls.


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  • Ramesh S, mangalore

    Thu, Oct 23 2014

    ..Shan, please read todays article of MURTAZA HYDER in DAWN newspaper(Pakistan) regarding this incident..Hope you will understand what we,the so called nonbeliever saying..

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  • wilbon, Canada

    Thu, Oct 23 2014

    I gone thru article Murtaza haider good right on ....but everybody here on Denial....white Canadians are Political correctness...also it is Big vote bank politics...God save this country

    DisAgree Agree [2] Reply Report Abuse

  • Ramesh S, mangalore

    Thu, Oct 23 2014

    ..In INDIA some section of the society still didnt woke up to the looming eminent danger..they are reeling under old styreotype propaganda..they still think its taboo to talk about the shortcoming of their society/men..its very alarming to read that 14 Indian men of one sect gone to SYRIA/IRAQ to support ISIS and from Men from another sect (from UP) gone to fight against isnt it dangerous to their own community..Did any debate ,discussion happened on this? nothing..if they act like mute,deaf & dump..situation will arise like SYRIA,IRAQ OR PAK for sure..

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  • Jenny, Totonto

    Thu, Oct 23 2014

    I being a Canadian I know the problem. These are the people not coming from outside but they are Canadians they are been radicalised and brainwashed to commit such a hideous thing. I would blame the social media which these groups are working. I feel very safe hear and our govt is taking very good care of its taxpayers. long live Stephen Harper. in future every country will have to face these kind of problems. Terrorist does not come from outside but they breed within the country.

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  • vellano1, Mumbai

    Thu, Oct 23 2014

    exactly Jenny... however, u used to keep parliament hill open for "Yoga" etc.... now that will be curbed!! and will be heavy security everywhere.... slowly the "FREEDOM" starts going away, cos of few morons! ....

    terrorism is a biggest industry today! they create fear, in the name of God, but trust me, but they have NO RESPECT FOR GOD, and HIS CREATION! all they want is easy money , no restriction for their eat,drink,smoke and have sex (be it a donkey or hoor) regime themselves and gun to fire at will...

    feel sad for the soldier who used to guard the world war 1 memorial... exactly after 100 years, he fell for that "hatred ideology"... these religious bigots, never dared to enter any world wars... cos they were pennyless and were happy with their camels... Thanks to US who found OIL in their land, bought it for their SUV, and sold the guns to these brainless! rest is bloodshed, everywhere....

    DisAgree [3] Agree [18] Reply Report Abuse

  • Alex, Mangalore

    Thu, Oct 23 2014

    Very well said.
    Ofcourse these youngsters dream of getting that "SPECIAL STUFF" at once they enter so called "Paradise" as is promised to them.

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  • shaan, manglore/Dubai

    Thu, Oct 23 2014

    Beware vellano1,,
    Don't drag to all Arabs & Muslims being terrorist by using camel, oil with nonsense words, you writing about world war who committed 1st & 2nd war what is the meaning of crusade & Christian machinery ??

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  • vellano1, Mumbai

    Thu, Oct 23 2014

    Shaan, dont threaten me!!! threaten those who r misusing the religious bigotry and bringing disgrace to the religion itself!!

    world war was not fought on religious lines! its was political dominance, trade, and geo political situation...

    what is happening in terrorism is pure nonsense, a struggle for Jihad, ISIS's caliphate and all that.. Beaheading innocents in Syria, iraq was one step and now pumping money to expand it in distant country is another..! its time, to stand up and condemn those acts... else, it will engulf all, including you! Pashtuns, Yazidis, Persians, Hindus, Christians, all r facing this menace, everywhere!

    its not new, that everybody knows who is funding Talibanis, ISIS, Al qaeda, JUD, boko harams, everywhere!its the oil money.... how come there is sudden surge in terrorism, post soviet breakup? USA used Arabs and now it is acting like bhasmasura! where were u when Jawahiri, said, attack India next..??? what have we done to them? Osama was killed in Pakistan by americans!! we r facing the brunt for all their misdeeds??

    DisAgree Agree [6] Reply Report Abuse

  • Anita Prabhu, Vancouver,Camada

    Thu, Oct 23 2014

    I don't think Canada is much bothered about Immigrants . I have seen HinduS lighting and decorating their house for Christmas, the immigrants kids specially from India eating beef and pork products, the education system mostly changes the immigrant's kids into PROPER CANADIANS

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  • H C Devadiga, Mangalore

    Thu, Oct 23 2014

    no body is talking about hindus here.

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  • Kearon , Mississauga/Ontario

    Thu, Oct 23 2014

    You mean to say they educate immigrants how to eat Beef or Pork? In other words that is the cheapest food available. After tax deduction what remains in hand. LOL

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  • Alex, Mangalore

    Thu, Oct 23 2014

    Do you mean to say, you should be acting as cheating Indians in Canada, where Indians try to cheat on the taxes here in India.
    Of course we have nothing to benefit for paying taxes in India, except for miserable old age, whereas, there is retirement benefits accorded for Canadian citizens.

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  • vellano1, Mumbai

    Thu, Oct 23 2014

    Islamic invaders, were never proficinet in science,thankfully.. hence they didnt build big sea vesseles, and could cross pacific or atlantic!!!... it was unfortunate for us, that they took land route and arrived in Asia and invaded India via Gandhar!!... unlike a columbus who went till North and South Americas!.... so, USA was kind of safe until now!

    but Canada, gave place to these terrorists from pakistan and also big time supporters to Khalistanis... they preached "Humanity" each time!!... Australia/Russia/China have tough stand on ISIS,Alqaeda and radicals.. hence they deny Visa most of the time for crooks from Pak and region! ... Now pay a price, for sending ur planes to fight in Middle east!... and welcome the radicals from open arms! these radicals have no respect for "WAR MEMORIALs", PARLIAMENT, DEMOCRACY or anything that is PEACEFUL!!!.... they only know "THEIR CALIPHATE TO BE ESTABLISHED THROUGHOUT THE WORLD PER THE DIKTAT OF DOCTRINE" ..... canada, hai dum..?0

    DisAgree [1] Agree [26] Reply Report Abuse

  • shaan, manglore/Dubai

    Thu, Oct 23 2014

    Even the era of camel Islam reached peacefully every corner & part of the world for get it behind the big sea & north - west,
    Islam meaning itself peace...but taken wrong sources of history & media

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  • Ramesh S, mangalore

    Thu, Oct 23 2014

    ..these countries (predominantly christian countries) earlier adopted a friendly immigration, facing these problem..these countries should have followed rules of Gulf countries where you will get renewable visa not permanent citizenship..thus they maintained their historical & religious indentity..the migrant community in western countries failed or not willing to come to main stream, not ready to follow rule of land for different reason..hence, suffer indentity crisis..this has been openely said by France president,Germany president,British PM & more..its alarming to read that religious fringe groups patrol streets in UK,CANADA & threatening people in open!!..moreover, freedom without responsibility & without sense of nationalism is US,CANADA,FRANCE & all other western facing this problem and time is running out..

    DisAgree [3] Agree [26] Reply Report Abuse

  • Avinash, Mangaluru/Mumbai

    Thu, Oct 23 2014

    Its a good point....well said.

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  • wilbon, Canada

    Thu, Oct 23 2014

    Ramesh S
    I like ur words put together " FREEDOM WITHOUT RESPONSIBILITY & WITHOUT SENSE OF NATIONALISM IS DANGEROUS" that all u need country u born or country of u adopted.....but cancer spread all over??

    DisAgree Agree Reply Report Abuse

  • Desi Jawan, Mangalore

    Thu, Oct 23 2014

    This is an another example of clash of civilizations and this clash has reached on the door step of every house hold available on the planet the Mother Earth. Now this is high time that forces of evil must be separated from others and deal with them with maximum amount of force available in the hands of peace.

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  • Valerian Dsouza, Udupi/Mumbai

    Thu, Oct 23 2014

    Countries were terrorism is grown and exported are major victims of terrorism within as well.
    They will be also.
    However, fanatic terrorist minds are making all efforts to exploit the peaceful counties where diverse religious people are living in perfect peace, respect and harmony.
    As terror reigning people are coming together, people countering terror also should come together, leaving aside their minor difference, for their own well being.

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  • Koti, Kundapura

    Thu, Oct 23 2014

    Canada to learn a lesson, a genuine Citizen from India applies for migration, they ask million questions. Any ways now no educated Indian migrate(except from medicine field may be) and such rogues are allowed and this is to happen.

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  • Koti, Kundapura

    Thu, Oct 23 2014

    I mean to say rogue means (terrorists) get visas.

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  • Justin Lobo, Bangalore KSA

    Thu, Oct 23 2014

    Americans should kidnap the Chalipha Bagdadi and hang him in the crane at the New York square publicly

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  • India First, India

    Thu, Oct 23 2014

    They have not left any country in the world !!
    India warned whole world in 1980-1990 that, one day terrorism will become global threat !! Many countries ignored and they all suffering today !!

    DisAgree [2] Agree [35] Reply Report Abuse

  • Declan, Mumbai

    Thu, Oct 23 2014

    Even now the western world does not care much about the terrorism that hurts India. They are only concerned about terrorism that hurts them.
    However, when they preach about the 'fight against terrorism' they want/expect India to support them but without giving India support/protection in equal measure even though this kind of terrorism is a global threat.
    The point I am making is that the western world's fight against terrorism is very ive and only to protect their own nations' interests but when it comes to smaller or economically lesser nations they look the other way.

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  • Jossey Saldanha, Mumbai

    Thu, Oct 23 2014


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  • Cynthia, Moodbidri

    Thu, Oct 23 2014

    No wonder the refugees from Syria, Irag, Afghan are invited and flooding into Canada this includes Islamic State militants. |Wake up Canada are feeding the Bl##dy Sakes !

    DisAgree [1] Agree [38] Reply Report Abuse

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