Bangalore indoor stadium venue for World snooker

Bangalore, Oct 25 (IANS): Looking at a budget of Rs.50 lakh for next month's IBSF World Snooker Championship here, Billiards and Snooker Federation of India (BSFI) officials have been doing the rounds of state government offices and also the municipality in a bid to put on a show worthy of the occasion.

A BSFI statement Saturday said the championship, scheduled for Nov 16-29, will be held at the Sree Kanteerava Indoor Stadium with 217 players from 42 countries having confirmed participation in three categories - men, women and Masters.

However, a major impediment in the preparations for the championship is the flooring that has suffered damage due to recent heavy rains and the stadium authorities have agreed to BSFI's proposal to remove the flooring so that the snooker tables could be installed, the release added.

The BSFI has worked out a budget of Rs.50 lakh and is currently shopping for sponsors while seeking the help of state touring ministry and the civic authorities to spruce up the surroundings of the indoor stadium besides putting up publicity hoardings at vantage points in the city and a welcome counter at the airport.

"We met with Mr.R.V. Deshpande, minister for tourism, who was very impressed with our proposal to promote Bengaluru and forwarded the same with recommendations to Director, Tourism," BSFI secretary S. Balasubramaniam said in the statement.

India will be fielding 24 players, eight in each of the three categories, with recently crowned World billiards champion and 2003 winner Pankaj Advani headlining the home challenge.



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