Twitter to track apps on your smartphone

New York, Nov 27 (IANS): The micro-blogging site Twitter has launched a new move to track which apps are installed on your cellphone.

"To help build a more personal Twitter experience for you, we are collecting and occasionally updating the list of apps installed on your mobile device so we can deliver tailored content that you might be interested in," explained a post on Twitter website.

The company wants to use the "app graph" to give more tailored content, give suggestions on whom to follow plus add tweets and other content to your timeline.

"We are only collecting the list of applications you have installed. We are not collecting any data within the applications," the post clarifies.

Recently, Twitter had started showing tweets from users people didn't follow, using an algorithm to identify likely favourites.

The website also recommends whom to follow based on people in a user's network. Now knowing which apps its users have gives more information to work upon.

Users have the option to stop the data collection at any time from their phone settings.



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