Misguided people distorting Islam's message of peace: Mukhtar Abbas Naqvi

Luxor (Egypt), Nov 15 (IANS): The acts of some misguided individuals is harming Islam's real message of mercy, unity and peace, Indian Minister of State for Minority Affairs Mukhtar Abbas Naqvi said here.

His remark at an event in Egypt on Saturday came after Paris was ravaged by a series of horrific attacks, killing at least 129 people across six locations, and injuring over 300 people. Islamic State terrorists took responsibility for the bloodbath.

In his address at 25th International Conference of the Supreme Council for Islamic Affairs, which was attended by imams, religious leaders and scholars from 42 countries, Naqvi said terrorism and radicalism are the greatest enemies of humanity and Islam.

He said that terrorism has failed to establish its roots in India due to the country's deep-rooted cultural unity and a vibrant democracy. He said it was now the duty of all, including that of Islamic world and Islamic scholars, to come forward and work towards removing the scourge of terrorism and radicalism.

Naqvi said that murder is strictly forbidden in Islam. "Prophet warned that he who kills anyone who has a covenant of peace will not go to paradise."

He argued that in the seventh century, Islam was in the forefront of modernity, based on principles of social justice, economic equity, gender equality and democratization of polity.

Islam, in fact, has provided peace and stability to different regions of the world for centuries, he said.

Naqvi said that act of some misguided individuals is harming Islam's real message of mercy, unity, peace and brotherhood. Coordination-communication among the society, religious leaders, government agencies and media is must to deal such elements.

He expressed confidence that the international conference will be helpful in removing misconceptions about Islam religion and in spreading its real message of peace and brotherhood.


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  • nazeer husain, jeddah saudi arabia

    Mon, Nov 16 2015

    If isis was really aimed at islamic empowerment then they have unlimited chance to fight with the terrorist isareli regime but it never happened.Hence isis definitely created by enemies of islam.In any context islam never n never allows to target innoscant public .But muqthar abbas naqvi saab even the muslim rulers never said that those who want to consume pork get away in the history but it was warned by you that those want have beef leave for pakistan.While representing fascist ideological bjp how this naqvi attend the islamic conference .A matter of joke

    DisAgree [5] Agree [2] Reply Report Abuse

  • Avinash, Mangaluru/Mumbai

    Mon, Nov 16 2015

    Israel is such a small country sarrounded by its enimies is living peacefuly. It shoots only the stone throwers.. and razes their houses down even. Most of the inventors are Jews... Googleout and see they are the blessing to the mankind..you have to agree for that.

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  • nazeer husain, jeddah saudi arabia

    Mon, Nov 16 2015

    Even if hitler innovated any beneficial solution to mankind doesn't mean that he deserve the respect because he was primarily barbaric .Israeli regime n scientists are totally deferent.The real blessings of almighty means peace ,not science.

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  • Avinash, Mangaluru/Mumbai

    Mon, Nov 16 2015

    Peace...? Where....? Are you blind to the world..? Which peace you are talking about....?

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  • Joseph F. Gonsalves, Bannur, Puttur / Mangalore

    Mon, Nov 16 2015

    Nobody can make a terrorist. It is their own self interest and intolerance towards the other faiths.


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  • Don, Mangalore

    Mon, Nov 16 2015

    abdul samad, mangalore


    Absolutely wrong


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  • abdul samad, mangalore

    Mon, Nov 16 2015


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  • Avinash, Mangaluru/Mumbai

    Mon, Nov 16 2015

    And America is created by ISIS...?

    DisAgree Agree [4] Reply Report Abuse

  • Saleem, Mangalore

    Mon, Nov 16 2015

    Hi Fndz !!!
    Once for all Pls Stop this HATRED buisness as v all know our religion teaches up PEACE.
    There is no GOVT who wants the PROGRESS of INDIA. All r the same n v r FOOLS to elect them again n again. Every time i see v just have a BLAME GAME instead of a SOLUTION.
    Hindus critise Muslim n Muslims do the same
    BJP Critise the Congress n Congress do the same
    Y do all INDIANS dont find a ALTERNATIVE to have have a NICE GOVT who is really interested in the progress of INDIA.

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  • Karthik karkera, Mangalore

    Mon, Nov 16 2015

    Mr. Naqvi don't try to fool people, this is the easiest way of escaping from responsibility by blaming it on some misguided youth, There needs to be a lot of introspection done as to what has gone wrong in islamic teachings so that youth are intepreting it in this way, Islam definitely needs reformation which hinduism and christianity have already gone through in the last centuries

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  • Don, Mangalore

    Mon, Nov 16 2015

    Mr. Mukhtar Naqvi,

    There are black sheep in every community, but you can count those attacks from other communities on your finger tips. I have many questions but I’ll ask just four.

    1. Since the downing of the WTC there have were 27278 attacks which works out to over 5 terror attacks a day. These attacks actually took place and this figure does not take into account the terror attacks that were foiled. When was the last time the Buddhist launched similar attacks? Please go to the website www.thereligionofpeace.com and you will see all these acts of terror have been documented and detailed.

    2. Since Islam is a religion of peace, and those fellow Muslims are misunderstanding Islam where in the world are there programmes that would school these thousands and thousands of misguided Muslims who constantly commit terror attacks at an average of 5 times a day, every day somewhere on this planet? So this begs the questions why are Muslims only misunderstanding the peaceful teachings in such large numbers?

    3. The Muslim population in the world is currently about 1.4 billion, have you’ll ever produced a Gandhi or a Mandela in the past 1400 years till date? Each and every country in the world where Muslims are a sizeable minority there are home grown terror groups that are armed to the teeth creating mayhem across the world. But all we hear is half of the verse 5:32 – If you kill one it is killing the whole of humanity, deliberately omitting the first line “It has been prescribed to the Children of Israel – and of course Quran 5:33 is never ever mentioned.

    4. If Islam is a religion of peace then Muslim majority countries should be fountains of peace with itself and with their neighbours. Can you name me the country that is at total peace and fits the description?

    It is you’ll do some soul searching and ask those tough questions, perhaps when you’ll get answers will we all live happily ever after.

    DisAgree Agree [2] Reply Report Abuse


    Sun, Nov 15 2015




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  • H.A. D'Souza, Damoh

    Sun, Nov 15 2015

    Every time Muslim leaders defend that Islam is a peace loving religion. What tipu had done to innocent Christians and to Hindus and now ISIS also doing the same thing ?

    DisAgree [10] Agree [54] Reply Report Abuse

  • Adil, Dubai

    Sun, Nov 15 2015

    Mr whatever u are don't talk rubbish,at the of Tippu no body was thier u or me so read proper history and u will understand what he done for any religion.May be he kill some British Christians purpose to save India you may be right.

    DisAgree [24] Agree [5] Reply Report Abuse

  • Rajesh, Mulky

    Mon, Nov 16 2015

    It is not rubbish as you think.The relatives of family members are with us today with the clear documents of names of their forefathers who were taken as prisoners to Sri rangapatna and there is count of how many returned.all mangalore an catholics not British .They might forgive tippu but do not try to deny this history because Catholics have this written in their family and church documents

    DisAgree Agree [6] Reply Report Abuse

  • Vincent Rodrigues, Promenade Road,Fraze Town,B'lore 560005

    Sun, Nov 15 2015

    Our Central Minority Minister need to condemn in strong worlds all the national and international terrorist groups about their attacks.

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  • Allen, Mangaluru

    Sun, Nov 15 2015

    There is nothing like guided or misguided. Everything is made in a well planned way. Difference is some are directly supporting them and others indirectly supporting them!

    DisAgree [2] Agree [44] Reply Report Abuse

  • Anand, Mangalore

    Sun, Nov 15 2015

    And many are misguided!

    DisAgree Agree [18] Reply Report Abuse

  • A.M Shaikh, Dubai, Belapu, Kaup

    Sun, Nov 15 2015

    Mr. Naqvi,
    Please don't you talk about Islam. Chaddi's kick you out.

    Don't take head trouble please. You are not eligible to talk about Islam.

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  • G M Hegde, Udupi

    Sun, Nov 15 2015

    Before we thought it is only because of education, but now even engineers and doctors are involved in some or the other form of terrorism. The conclusion is the brain washing is happening at religious places and organizations. First bring uniform civil code and then bring all religious institutions and fundings under the Muzurai department.

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  • Mohammed SS, Mangalore

    Sun, Nov 15 2015

    He wanted to send beef eaters to Pakistan this bjp idiots showing their greatness outside India like Modi

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  • Avinash, Mangaluru/Mumbai

    Sun, Nov 15 2015

    Message of peace...? through A.K-47 and granades...?
    Is there anything left to defend..?

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  • shahnawaz kukkikatte, dubai/udupi

    Sun, Nov 15 2015

    If he tells this to his party and RSS, next day he shall be out of position and would be in the street.

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  • Rajesh, Mangaluru

    Sun, Nov 15 2015

    Mr. Naqvi, so called misguided people are not eating grass, instead food I believe !

    DisAgree [2] Agree [42] Reply Report Abuse

  • Jossey Saldanha, Mumbai

    Sun, Nov 15 2015

    Before you call others "Misguided" what about you ...

    DisAgree [13] Agree [48] Reply Report Abuse

  • Nish, Mangalore

    Sun, Nov 15 2015

    He misguided by RSS.

    DisAgree [4] Agree [7] Reply Report Abuse

  • M.Bhat, Dubai

    Sun, Nov 15 2015

    Now There is a suicide attack in Turkey, during G20 Summit by misguided people.

    DisAgree [4] Agree [40] Reply Report Abuse

  • Praveen, Mangalore

    Sun, Nov 15 2015

    You One of them.

    DisAgree [2] Agree [34] Reply Report Abuse

  • Ibrahim Kunhi Monu, Kasaragod

    Sun, Nov 15 2015

    The problem is politicians are misguiding common people for vote bank.

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  • ibrahim/yanbu, ksa

    Mon, Nov 16 2015

    Especially the Hindu outfit

    DisAgree [5] Agree [8] Reply Report Abuse

  • Nish, Mangalore

    Sun, Nov 15 2015

    For Godhra, Sikh massacre and lacs of riots, who misguided by who and whom???
    People are dying everywhere/everyday by ISIS/RSS/SRS/LeT/JeM/Mossad/Assad/Bathist/Maoists/ Taliban/VHP/BD/Nazi/Bodo/CIA/M16/ISI, world unite for those lives also not only France.

    DisAgree [35] Agree [30] Reply Report Abuse

  • Joseph F. Gonsalves, Bannur, Puttur / Mangalore

    Sun, Nov 15 2015

    Dear Nish, Mangalore,

    It is your wish.

    Tell me during the India Pakistan divide scores of people have died. Who misguided to divide the One India Nation. British didn't divide the nation.

    DisAgree [17] Agree [54] Reply Report Abuse

  • Mohammed, Mangalore

    Sun, Nov 15 2015

    Joseph, British sowed the seed of hatred among the Muslim and Hindu. divide and rule policy and you say that British did not divide India. Why because the British were not Muslim or Hindu but...

    DisAgree [47] Agree [38] Reply Report Abuse

  • Avinash, Mangaluru/Mumbai

    Sun, Nov 15 2015

    British ruled India for 125 years and though they loot they implemented many good things for India. Law, Railway, Postal system and many more to name and Moghul kings rule 600 years and Delhi and what is their contribution to India...?..Taj Mahal...? and babri Masjid on the top of Hindu Temple...? Other than that anything remarkable...?..yes there is Ahmedabad, Allahabad,Aurangabad, Karimgunj to name the few.

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  • Alwyn, Canadian

    Sun, Nov 15 2015

    God has given brain to everyone to decide good and bad. Why simply blame others rather blame own actions of terrorism. We are in 2015 so be it and stop support for religion based terrorist and it's devastating harm on human. people never have heart to feel the suffering of death kidnap rapes and torture. It is a ideology came from somewhere with funded by oil money and danced the tone of those by poor youth calling the name of god while killing. Either change yourself or face ww3 soon where complete disaster takes place and people will die like rates.

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  • Nish, Mangalore

    Sun, Nov 15 2015

    Very funny, British rule us very cool and they left quietly. Right??

    DisAgree [21] Agree [30] Reply Report Abuse

  • Surendra Poojari, Mangalore

    Mon, Nov 16 2015

    The way we Indian's are fighting based on religion, corruption and criminal politics, British raj was far more better.

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  • sunill, bengaluru

    Mon, Nov 16 2015

    people today are more intelligent to know who are writing with real name and who are writing with fake names by reading thier series of comments and also the tone of thier comments,mr surendra poojari.

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  • Gangaram, Moodabidri

    Sun, Nov 15 2015

    misguided in closed doors, then why you cannot suggest to open GOOD GUIDANCE center for them ??

    DisAgree [5] Agree [36] Reply Report Abuse

  • Santan Mascarenhas, Kinnigoli/Mumbai

    Sun, Nov 15 2015

    Whatever you said about Islam is right and accepted.
    But, since you are a Muslim, is it accepted in Islam to marry a Hindu woman ? First do the rightful thing and then preach.

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  • Declan, Mumbai

    Sun, Nov 15 2015

    Mr.Naqvi please also tell us what is Islam's message about those people who lynched a Muslim to death for eating beef and a leader who takes no action against such offenders ?

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  • Amith, udupi

    Sun, Nov 15 2015

    Go to pakistan if you want to eat beef ..was his message to people in india ..in egypt he is wah true follower of his religion

    DisAgree [10] Agree [39] Reply Report Abuse

  • Nish, Mangalore

    Sun, Nov 15 2015

    Unfortunately he never know that beef available in Goa also and BJP only ruling that state. Why they promote Pakistan tourism for everything?

    DisAgree [5] Agree [24] Reply Report Abuse

  • Flavian, Mangaluru/Kuwait

    Sun, Nov 15 2015

    No peace/tranquility in the world (though out the Globe) because of them.

    DisAgree [9] Agree [36] Reply Report Abuse

  • ca girishkk, m'lore/dxb

    Sun, Nov 15 2015

    The irony is that ..., the self proclaimed patriotic organizations responding & retaliating to these mis-guided people's actions, inactions & reactions, and thereby damaging our own tolerant sanatan dharma called Hinduism.

    DisAgree [19] Agree [32] Reply Report Abuse

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