Hindu nationalism: UK paper to use Bombay instead of Mumbai

London, Feb 10 (PTI): A leading British daily will revert back to using Bombay instead of Mumbai when referring to the financial hub of India, to take stand against a "nastier strain of Hindu nationalism," its Indian-origin editor said today.

"The whole point of Bombay is of an open, cosmopolitan port city, the gateway of India that's open to the world. If you call it what Hindu nationalists want you to call it, you essentially do their work for them," Amol Rajan, the editor of 'The Independent', told BBC today.

The 32-year-old editor said the move was the newspaper's stand against a "nastier strain of Hindu nationalism".

The city's name was officially changed to Mumbai in 1995 to distance itself from the colonial term - Bombay - under pressure from the right-wing Shiv Sena, which ruled the state from 1995 to 1999 in alliance with the BJP.

"As journalists, as someone who edits 'The Independent', it's incredibly important to be specific about our terminology.

"I'd rather side with the tradition of India that's been open to the world, rather than the one that's been closed, which is in ascendance right now," he said.

The Kolkata-born journalist took the helm at 'The Independent' in 2013.

The newspaper prides itself on its apolitical history. "In post-partition India, there has been a sort of uneasy marriage between two very different traditions. One of the founding father, amazing people like B R Ambedkar, Patel, Nehru, Gandhi who are open, secular pluralists and tolerant.

"The other was a slightly nastier strain of Hindu nationalism, which has its expression in the BJP and a movement called Shiv Sena," he said.

He explained the genesis of the term Mumbai after Goddess Mumbadevi, the protector of fisherman who were the city's original inhabitants.

The name Bombay became commonly used during the British Raj and had its roots in the Portuguese colonial name "Bom Bahia", or "good bay".

"Shiv Sena pushed through the renaming against the will of the national government," Rajan pointed out.



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  • ashraf Hussain, Jazan/ Mangalore

    Thu, Feb 11 2016

    Whatever names you can call, why making issues in this regards. Until and unless it has negative meanings, there shouldn't be a problem.

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  • John Tauro, M'luru / Kwt

    Thu, Feb 11 2016

    Whether your newspaper calls the city Bombay or by any other name, to the natives it had been Mumbai since its foundation and to the Maharashtrians it will always be Mumbai. North Indians still call it Bambai. So we don’t mind you anglicized British calling it Bombay. Likewise an Indian villager will always call you Angrez and not British. This island city was known as Mumbai years before the inception of Hindu nationalism. Renaming Mumbai, Kolkata, Chennai, Bengaluru, etc. are not the result of Hindu nationalism. Don’t try to incite strife in the country by bringing in religion in this issue. We have reverted to the original names in order to the stains of colonialism.

    DisAgree [2] Agree [1] Reply Report Abuse

  • Allen, Mangaluru

    Thu, Feb 11 2016

    Settled in London still stuck with his village mentality! Wonder whether started wearing pant and shirt or still stuck with 'komana'!

    DisAgree [2] Agree Reply Report Abuse


    Thu, Feb 11 2016

    It doesn’t make any difference whether you call it Mumbai or Bombay, leave it to the people! Do not force them. The name should be easy to pronounce, but in my country politician use it to get political mileage. Politicians divert the attention of common man from the core issues, and fool the people. But surely we need the change the names of places like Venkatanarasimharajuvaripeta, a place in Andra Pradesh.

    DisAgree [5] Agree [8] Reply Report Abuse

  • Santan Mascarenhas, Kinnigoli/Mumbai

    Thu, Feb 11 2016

    Changing the names to the earlier, is okay. But changing the names which are irrelevant to the personality is not good. For example, Chatrapati Shivaji Airport, Rly Stations as no relevance. Giving JRD Tata for airport is okay. Now they want to add Maharaj. New name will be Chatrapati Shivaji Maharaj..... The VJTI considered like IIT has been given name of Jijibai, who had very litle education. Since Shivaji was an ace horse rider, many people said race course could be named after him.

    DisAgree [3] Agree [10] Reply Report Abuse

  • vnayak, mangalore/switzerland

    Thu, Feb 11 2016

    What is in a name? No big deal. However,it should be said that unlike all other cities which were renamed Mumbai is the most unnatural one. The original name,as given by the Portuguese to the uninhabited are was "Bom Bahia" meaning Beautiful Bay.When they gifted it to the British,they kept "Bom" and translated Bahia to "Bay". Still, who cares as long as the city does not change.

    DisAgree [2] Agree [8] Reply Report Abuse

  • Sachidanand Shetty, Mundkur/Dubai

    Thu, Feb 11 2016

    Let him say whatever he wants….who cares??? Day is not far when he himself starts “Good Mooooooorning Mumbai” sitting at British Daily Office in London, else who will purchase his News Paper then????? Bur to mere surprise of anybody….he never had any problem or maybe he was not born when so many names where changed to Indira Nagar, Rajiv Nagar, etc, etc!!!!

    DisAgree [30] Agree [10] Reply Report Abuse

  • Santan Mascarenhas, Kinnigoli/Mumbai

    Thu, Feb 11 2016

    Explanation why names are not changed:
    1. Bombay, Madras and Calcutta High courts: These names to be changed, it is said British legal aspect is to be studied and lot of formalities are there. I read in an article.
    2. Bombay Stock Exchange: Sometimes they write as Stock Exchange, Mumbai
    3. Bombay Dyeing & Mfg Co.Ltd: Name of a company comes under memorandum of association, that requires shareholders consent to change.
    4. Bombay Scottish school: Udhave and Raj Thackeray don't want to change, since their children studied there.
    5. Old names since famous, they have added something. BMC, BEST and VJTI, which were Bombay Municipal Corporation.

    Now they have prefixed with BrihanMumbai, same for BEST. VJTI, Victoria Jubilee Technical Institute has been changed to Jijibai Technical Institute. To keep the famous name they prefixed with Veermatha.

    DisAgree [10] Agree [15] Reply Report Abuse

  • Gangaram, Moodbidri

    Thu, Feb 11 2016

    I endorse your opinion, even many times i have mentioned regarding the Bomaby, Madras high courts.

    Recently i have come across with the Indian passport which issued in year 2015!!!

    Passport issue place - Culcutta !!
    they change the name of VT(Victoria Terminals) but did they build a single bldg same looks like VT ? answer always no no no..

    Someones ready job and these nautanki politicians are god fathers for new names, which doesn't give any meanings.

    DisAgree [3] Agree [17] Reply Report Abuse

  • geoffrey, hat hill

    Thu, Feb 11 2016

    With regard to common man's acceptance of new names, sometime back, just for testing sake I asked an autorickshaw driver in Bengaluru to take me to Pulikeshinagara. Puzzled, he gave me a strange look 'yaavuree nimdu?'. To save myself from further humiliations I said in a hurry ' Frazer townge bidappa'

    DisAgree [6] Agree [12] Reply Report Abuse

  • Vincent Rodrigues, Promenade Road,Frazer Town,B'lore

    Thu, Feb 11 2016

    These contradictions will be there in the initial stages when you Indianise the name of the cities.

    DisAgree [12] Agree [3] Reply Report Abuse

  • Anirudh P, Bengaluru

    Thu, Feb 11 2016

    The name of the city or place should be decided by people living in the city/place.
    The people of Mumbai call this city proudly as “Amchi Mumbai”.

    Who is this man, who is out sider to decide ?

    May be he is trying to make his newspaper popular in England. Since he is inefficient to do so, he is taking this shot cut. Blame Hinduism and get popularity within no time.

    DisAgree [19] Agree [10] Reply Report Abuse

  • BhakSala, Mangalore

    Thu, Feb 11 2016

    then why not call Thiruvananthapuram as Tivandrum I bit my tongue many time while pronouncing this city name at railway ticket counter

    DisAgree [8] Agree [15] Reply Report Abuse

  • Rakesh, Pune

    Thu, Feb 11 2016

    Who cares, who is this small time editor in UK. let him use whatever he wants in UK. If has any guts let him use the same words in India. He is one of the traitor who is in UK just boot licking the Britishers. He still not shed his Slave mentality.. Who has asked him to use Mumbai. We here in India can refer London with our own names .(you know). who cares and who stops him. These type of people are very dangerous to country and also for UK. I suggest UK government to throw him out from UK let him go to Syria or other gulf countries

    DisAgree [23] Agree [15] Reply Report Abuse

  • minerva, mangalore

    Thu, Feb 11 2016

    london is also refered with funny names mainly in middle east and pakistan.pakistan uses one funny name for london city and also to refer britain.it is too funny to even mention it here.hehehe

    DisAgree [6] Agree [11] Reply Report Abuse

  • John, Udupi

    Thu, Feb 11 2016

    Rakesh, Boondh boondh se banta hai sagar!

    DisAgree Agree Reply Report Abuse

  • Albert, Mangalore

    Thu, Feb 11 2016

    Ignore the idiot!! Let that editor adamant on not wearing pant and roam around London! Who cares??

    DisAgree [16] Agree [20] Reply Report Abuse

  • Cynthia, Moodbidri

    Thu, Feb 11 2016

    Thank you for exposing the truth to the world.

    DisAgree [11] Agree [14] Reply Report Abuse

  • minerva, mangalore

    Thu, Feb 11 2016

    uk is currently running its economy from the looted wealth of india and other nations it captured by deceit.else what other natural reserves it has like oil or gas to sustain itself.even western historians have claimed that indias gdp was 24% of world gdp before british came to india in the guise of doing business in the form of east india company and backstabbed india and looted its wealth.the kohinoor on the so called queen elizabeths crown is testimony to looting indias wealth which they are shameless enough of not returning it to india.times are changing now and the role reversal is occurring.

    DisAgree [20] Agree [23] Reply Report Abuse

  • geoffrey, hat hill

    Thu, Feb 11 2016

    Ironically the person who was instrumental behind the change from Bombay to Mumbai had anglicized his own name from Taakre to Thackeray, such a hypocrite!The only true motive behind changing names of the places is to gain political mileage by stirring the emotions of the gullible.

    DisAgree [15] Agree [33] Reply Report Abuse

  • Declan, Mumbai

    Thu, Feb 11 2016

    Very true but sadly nowadays the gullible seem to be in the majority here.

    DisAgree [8] Agree [18] Reply Report Abuse

  • hemanth, Bangalore

    Thu, Feb 11 2016

    Changing Name of the city is not fine But religious conversion is completely fine.

    DisAgree [16] Agree [10] Reply Report Abuse

  • Amith, udupi

    Thu, Feb 11 2016

    oye Hero ..stop typing Bangalore against ur name ..use bengaluru ..then preach ..

    DisAgree [5] Agree [9] Reply Report Abuse

  • Jayanth, Bangalore

    Thu, Feb 11 2016

    We are from SOUTH CANARA Who are CANARESE people and speak CANARESE Language.
    Let Stop using Dakshina Kannada, Kannada..its all Hindu Nationalism

    DisAgree [9] Agree [17] Reply Report Abuse

  • Rohan , Mumbai

    Thu, Feb 11 2016

    How does calling Mumbai mean "closed to the world" and Bombay mean "Open to the world"? Such ridiculous conclusions. Tomorrow if Hindu nationalists say, eat from the mouth will he start eating from the bottom?......lol

    DisAgree [6] Agree [4] Reply Report Abuse

  • hemanth, Bangalore

    Thu, Feb 11 2016

    Then why siddu government changed name to Bengaluru, Mangaluru, vijayapura etc?

    DisAgree [6] Agree [20] Reply Report Abuse

  • Albert, Mangalore

    Thu, Feb 11 2016

    he needs GUDDU during next election!!

    DisAgree [11] Agree [10] Reply Report Abuse

  • John R Lobo, Kaikamba

    Thu, Feb 11 2016

    IATA codes to cities : Still it is BOM and MAA for Mumbai & Chennai

    High courts : Still called Bombay , Madras, Calcutta

    DisAgree [5] Agree [21] Reply Report Abuse

  • Rohan , Mumbai

    Thu, Feb 11 2016

    Dont worry JOHN these pathetic British are still in denial.The colonies are long gone no matter what they do, they are not coming back..........................lol

    DisAgree [2] Agree [7] Reply Report Abuse

  • Rita D'Souza, Mangalore

    Thu, Feb 11 2016

    Mr John,

    Also stock exchange - Bombay Stock Exchange

    DisAgree [3] Agree [17] Reply Report Abuse

  • Santan Mascarenhas, Kinnigoli/Mumbai

    Thu, Feb 11 2016

    1.Bombay Dyeing & Mfg co.Ltd
    2 Bombay Scottish School (This school name they are not wanting to change since Udhav and Raj Thackerays children studied there.)

    DisAgree [3] Agree [13] Reply Report Abuse

  • Christopher P D Souza, Kemmannu / Bahrain

    Thu, Feb 11 2016

    @ John R Lobo - Kaikamba

    IATA codes cannot be changed. But certain other names can.

    DisAgree [2] Agree [10] Reply Report Abuse

  • Rajesh, Udupi

    Thu, Feb 11 2016

    such people with stomach full of jealousy since 2014 are so rest less that they want to try all sorts of idiotic acts just to score a point over the current regime and stay in limelight. absolute bunch of losers, who don't know that Mumbai is original name and not any nationalist name... if he is so restless, let him call himself as idiot, as it is pure English name,

    DisAgree [15] Agree [17] Reply Report Abuse

  • Jossey Saldanha, Mumbai

    Thu, Feb 11 2016

    Only Indians are obsessed with new NAME ...

    DisAgree [14] Agree [24] Reply Report Abuse

  • Rohan , Mumbai

    Thu, Feb 11 2016

    Jossey I'm thinking of renaming "The Independent". please suggest a good name.....................lol

    DisAgree [9] Agree [10] Reply Report Abuse

  • Rita D'Souza , Mangalore

    Thu, Feb 11 2016

    Hey Rohan Bro..

    Are you LoLing at the news article or at your own comment?

    DisAgree [9] Agree [15] Reply Report Abuse

  • hemanth, bangalore

    Thu, Feb 11 2016

    So?, What's the problem with that? As per your logic Indians won't have any problem with changed names. And if other country have problem with new names we can't help. Are you ashamed of being Indian?

    DisAgree [5] Agree [5] Reply Report Abuse

  • Shankar, Mangalore

    Thu, Feb 11 2016

    Indians are not obsessed with new names. We want to have the old names back. We do not want to be reminded of colonial times.
    People like you who take pride in being a colony of British, will not understand these sentiments!

    DisAgree [20] Agree [14] Reply Report Abuse

  • ಚೋದ್ಯಂ ರಂಗಾಚಾರ‍&, ಶೃಂಗೇರಿ

    Thu, Feb 11 2016

    antonia becomes sonia! why doesnt he write Antonia, Raul and Bianca - the old names?! there Jossey brigade wants to fool Hindus!

    DisAgree [13] Agree [14] Reply Report Abuse

  • Cynthia, Moodbidri

    Thu, Feb 11 2016

    It's unfortunate that most of countries of the world are colonized either by UK or USA . What if moguls ruled India by now India would have been called a Islamic state. How bad that was ......

    DisAgree [6] Agree [12] Reply Report Abuse

  • ca girishkk, m'lore/dxb

    Thu, Feb 11 2016

    Cynthia madam you are correct.., till date even i didn't think in this way.., had Hindustan not ruled by British, we would have been an Islam dominated country(without any prejudice).

    Don't know why some people still hate British. Since British left English for us, we are conquer world over be it Engineering/Medical/Legal/Finance domain knowledge.

    Jai Ho..,

    DisAgree [6] Agree [17] Report Abuse

  • John Tauro, M'luru / Kwt

    Thu, Feb 11 2016

    Ms. Cynthia,
    If Moghals had ruled until 1947, there would have been more wars and partitions leading to Pakistan / Bangladesh type states and India or Bharat would have been nowhere in today’s world map. In one way we should be grateful to the British for contributing in the unification of India, by bringing small princely states under one administration, even though ‘divide and rule’ was their clandestine policy.

    DisAgree [1] Agree [7] Report Abuse

  • Rita D'Souza, Mangalore

    Thu, Feb 11 2016

    Dear Shanker Bro,

    Then all men and women alike should stop wearing western clothes - like jeans, shirts, pants etc. and start wearing Indian traditional clothes.

    Does not wearing shirts and trousers remind you of colonisation.

    Now I think I am going to LoL&L

    DisAgree [4] Agree [12] Reply Report Abuse

  • hemanth, bangalore

    Thu, Feb 11 2016

    And some Italians TOO..

    DisAgree [6] Agree [4] Reply Report Abuse

  • Ramakrishna A K , Mangalore

    Thu, Feb 11 2016

    It is not Hindu Nationalism but it is Marathi sub-nationalism. But nothing wrong in changing the name of the City as per the aspirations of the local people, like Kolkata, Chennai, Bengaluru etc and remove the wrong spellings given by British who could not pronounce the Indian names properly.
    Unfortunately the spelling our own Kapu is till written as Kaup wrongly.

    DisAgree [10] Agree [19] Reply Report Abuse

  • sri, Karkala

    Thu, Feb 11 2016

    He is writing that to please his boss and to get better cheque next time. If needs some publicity better join politics instead. Some Indians still work likes slaves in foreign land.

    DisAgree [15] Agree [16] Reply Report Abuse

  • ALWYN, Canada

    Thu, Feb 11 2016

    We Indians work in foreign land like kings but in india we have to work like slaves. So change your little nRrow Brian and think wisely

    DisAgree [7] Agree [7] Reply Report Abuse

  • Rajesh, Udupi

    Thu, Feb 11 2016

    We have produced lot of such idiots who have command over English but good for nothing. they will continue to live in limelight as long as there are equally braindead who look for English and not for logic

    DisAgree [13] Agree [19] Reply Report Abuse

  • A. S. Mathew, U.S.A.

    Thu, Feb 11 2016

    Rajesh, you will have to watch the word "idiots" in your comment. The Great Britain has ruled most of the Asians and African countries, but when those nations got independence, none of them were eager to change the names of the cities like Indian politicians did. Madras was changed to Chennai, why they didn't change to Chanadal which was so easy to remember. Thiruchirappally was Trichy, which is easy to write and spell?
    Now the BJP Government may change the names to Hindi. How you address these politicians who are too crazy for changing names what a great national pride and accomplishment?

    DisAgree [22] Agree [11] Reply Report Abuse

  • Rohan , Mumbai

    Thu, Feb 11 2016

    This Amol Raja is a British boot licker ...........lol

    DisAgree [9] Agree [5] Reply Report Abuse

  • Rajesh, Udupi

    Thu, Feb 11 2016

    A.S. Mathew, U.S.A

    People connecting with their native names, native leaders is not a crime, it is quite usual. We have examples of Shrilanka, mayanmar, istanbull etc and not just Mumbai. They all wanted to returns to their heritage and are not aligned to invaders. But then there are some people who have aligned their mind and soul towards invaders will take pride on invaders and will never ever digest certain hard hitting facts on heritage, rather they are filled with more hatred on certain native things.. that is also quite common esp in India.

    DisAgree [4] Agree [20] Reply Report Abuse

  • Rakib, Mangalore

    Thu, Feb 11 2016

    You may call it Bombay or Mumbai that doesn't matter but one thing is clear is that Indian origin people living abroad is ashamed of raising fascism in India.

    DisAgree [10] Agree [17] Reply Report Abuse

  • jeevan, mangalire

    Thu, Feb 11 2016

    Hindu nationalism unite the Hindustan and provide the shelter for all irrespective their religion tag.

    DisAgree [31] Agree [17] Reply Report Abuse

  • Jeevan, Udupi

    Thu, Feb 11 2016

    Hey Jeevan

    INDIA is for all.. Only religion is INDIAN...
    dont change the INDIA to religious state like what we see these days...
    Our great politicians are mixing religion in politics which you need to know. Religion is something that is very personal.

    DisAgree [4] Agree [9] Reply Report Abuse

  • minerva, mangalore

    Thu, Feb 11 2016

    who cares what this tiny island where south asians including indians,afghanis,pakistanis and bangladeshis and middle easterners are slowly becoming majority does or not does?may be in future(2 decades time) uk's name will be changed to pakistan by future majority of UK.hehehe

    DisAgree [7] Agree [21] Reply Report Abuse

  • Cynthia, Moodbidri

    Thu, Feb 11 2016

    In that case Muslim population also increasing in India we already feeling the pinch here. U.K. Is capable of taking care of itself. What about our India ,other side Pakistan terrorizing us finally we need some western help as we see our modi running to western countries

    DisAgree [6] Agree [10] Reply Report Abuse

  • ಚೋದ್ಯಂ ರಂಗಾಚಾರ‍&, ಶೃಂಗೇರಿ

    Thu, Feb 11 2016

    and this guy was born in KOLKATA?! or calcutta!... let him write madras too.. he will be lynched both in chennai and kolkata!
    and write bangalore, gulbarga, bijapur etc too
    if shiva sena pushed it- its the state govt that accepts the suggestion! its not arbitrary! I have no problem calling us intolerant, but his entry should be banned in Mumbai cos he doesnt respect a elected state govt decision which passes due process in assembly!

    DisAgree [15] Agree [17] Reply Report Abuse

  • Ravi, Mangalore/US

    Thu, Feb 11 2016

    The city has officially changed its name to Mumbai. The reason is not material, especially for a UK newspaper. Will they also refer to Beijing as Peking as the British called it?

    DisAgree [6] Agree [16] Reply Report Abuse

  • Jossey Saldanha, Mumbai

    Thu, Feb 11 2016

    Does London have any old Name ...

    DisAgree [12] Agree [15] Reply Report Abuse

  • A. S. Mathew, U.S.A.

    Thu, Feb 11 2016

    Finally, many such voices would be emerging from many people of Indian origin around the world.

    Another well known U.S. publication "Khabar" from Atlanta and its wide readership of highly educated people of Indian blood is raising their voice against the backward march of the nation.

    The self-centered and narrow-minded politicians are simply baiting the emotionally charged electorate through delivering the message of taking India back to the stone age. Finally, the financial capital of India in the state of Maharastra would be shifting to some other place in India in course of time.

    DisAgree [20] Agree [18] Reply Report Abuse

  • sampath,

    Thu, Feb 11 2016

    Have you seen the Movie Airlift?if not just watch it...The safest place for for anyone is their own mother land and will you stop coming back to those cities during emergency because the name is changed?

    DisAgree [9] Agree [18] Reply Report Abuse

  • A. S. Mathew, U.S.A.

    Thu, Feb 11 2016

    Dear Friend, many of my friends born and brought up in India went back at their retirement age for settling peacefully in their country of birth. Now, they are rushing to return, the name change of Trivandrum to Tiruvanandapuram didn't make any change in their peace of mind. It is not the changing of names, but the changing of human behavior to live in harmony is the most urgent need of India.

    I never had been a movie fan, watched only a very few movies, and my life is not guided by the movie shows.

    DisAgree Agree [1] Reply Report Abuse

  • Mahendra Shetty, Mumbai Mangaluru

    Thu, Feb 11 2016


    DisAgree [17] Agree [24] Reply Report Abuse

  • Dr Mohan Prabhu, QC, mangalore/ottawa

    Thu, Feb 11 2016

    A retrograde idea from one who was born in India well after the British left and has since deserted India and brought up in a slavish, colonial mentality. Calcutta, where he was born, is now called kolkata, Madras is called Chennai, and there are many cities which have changed their names not by Shiv Sena or BJP but the Congress-ruled governments of states. If a ruling people, like the British, could change names because they found it difficult to pronounce, don't the people of India have the right to revert to old names? It is not Hindu nationalism that is the issue here, but nationalism itself.

    DisAgree [9] Agree [28] Reply Report Abuse

  • Zeitgeist , Mangalore

    Thu, Feb 11 2016

    Dr Mohan Prabhu,

    There is no problem in reverting back the names of the cities. But what is the point? British named these cities long ago, possibly more than 400 years ago. lots of generations of people lived under the same name. People never complained. What was the point of changing them?

    The other point is that how far in history are you willing to go to search the name of a particular city? Historically the cities might have been called in a different names. I am sure Bangaluru wasnt called so 1000 years ago.

    And the other thing i want to point out is that how they have renamed Mangalore to Mangaluru. Why name it Mangaluru instead of naming it Kudla or Kodial. Why are we being forced to pronounce our city`s name in the way how bangaloreans pronounce it? Isnt it similar to what british did?

    DisAgree [12] Agree [17] Reply Report Abuse

  • Lokesh, Mangalore

    Fri, Feb 12 2016

    @Allen, Mangaluru: Oh!! Yes.. will stand up when you call Bombay, Madras, Culcatta, Bangalore, Mangalore and many more. By changing the names these nautangi politicians (and people like you) thinks that they do a great job. What Shiv sena did in Maharashtra other than changing the names of Bombay, VT?? Did they built anything?? Even the economy of Maharashtra declined during that time. I keep calling my city Mangalore and you can call it Mangaluru or even mangagala uru, I don't care.

    DisAgree Agree [1] Reply Report Abuse

  • Lokesh, Mangalore

    Fri, Feb 12 2016

    I totally agreed with your statement:British named these cities long ago, possibly more than 400 years ago. lots of generations of people lived under the same name. People never complained. What was the point of changing them? World is getting smaller now in terms of technology and we are more knowledgeable than before but how someone sitting in Ottawa can even say that if the natives find it difficult to pronounce after 400 years? Same goes with Babri Masjid and beef. My parents, grand parents and great grand parents did not had any problem with Babri Masjid or someone eating beef for over 600 years and now suddenly they have problem in everything, even with Christmas and valentines day. Give me a break.

    DisAgree Agree [1] Reply Report Abuse

  • Evans Christopher Sumitra, UDUPI/NEW YORK,USA.

    Thu, Feb 11 2016

    Mumbai or Bombay, what does it matter. The place will be the same.

    DisAgree [13] Agree [35] Reply Report Abuse

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