Former DU lecturer arrested in sedition case

New Delhi, Feb 16 (PTI): Former Delhi University lecturer SAR Geelani was arrested today on sedition and other charges in connection with an event here in which anti-India slogans were raised, police said.

"Geelani was arrested around 3 AM at the Parliament Street police station under IPC sections 124A (sedition), 120B (criminal conspiracy) and 149 (unlawful assembly)," DCP (New Delhi) Jatin Narwal said.

Geelani was called to the police station last night where he was detained and questioned for several hours, and later arrested. After his arrest, he was taken to RML Hospital for a medical examination, he said. His arrest comes amid the raging row over the arrest of JNU students' union president Kanhaiya Kumar over sedition charges in connection with an event on February 9 against the hanging of Parliament attack convict Afzal Guru.

At a Press Club event on February 10, in which Geelani was present on the dais along with three other speakers, a group allegedly had shouted slogans hailing Afzal Guru.

Taking suo motu cognisance of the matter, the police registered a case against Geelani and other unnamed persons on February 12.

Police had claimed that Geelani was booked as he is presumed to be the "main organiser" of the event. In 2001, Geelani was arrested by Delhi Police in connection with the Parliament attack case but acquitted for "need of evidence" by the Delhi High Court in October 2003, a decision upheld by the Supreme Court in August 2005, which at the same time had observed that the needle of suspicion pointed towards him.


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  • Vantage Point, mangalore

    Tue, Feb 16 2016

    If becoming blind because of religion is dangerous becoming blind due to nationalism is also dangerous...But what more dangerous is cocktail of both....Call me whatever..

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  • lth, Mangalore

    Tue, Feb 16 2016

    All anti National should be send to Siachen Glacier as punishment.Subsidy for JHU should be withdrawn immediately.

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  • Vincent Rodrigues, Promenade Road,Frazer Town,B'lore

    Tue, Feb 16 2016

    It is really unfortunate that the partial treatment by the Delhi police in favour of ABVP who are left untouch though actively involved in the agitation.Are they sponsored by the central government.

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  • Rohan , Mumbai

    Tue, Feb 16 2016

    Boss......these guys are fed enough these many years by Indian tax payers money they deserve to stay right behind bars.

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  • vasanth, Dakshina kannada dist

    Tue, Feb 16 2016

    We are in a dangerous era where terrorism is a global headache. the pro-terrorist sentiments are dangerous because they ultimately lead to spoiling an entire generation. Supporting such sentiments in the name of "freedom of speech" or "progressive thinking" is a very dangerous game. All leftists and congis and other parties support them just because of political enmity and is not desirable for healthy India

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  • sudarshan, ganjimut

    Tue, Feb 16 2016

    Mr. Zuhair , We know history better than you. We also know who made Gandhi Mahatma. There are any Mahatmas gave their life for Indian freedom. Nathuram godse paid the price for killing Gandhis. You and your parties are still trying to score point by raising this issue when suits you and fooled people. gone are those days. so wake up and think positive.

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  • SK, Mangalore

    Tue, Feb 16 2016

    Soon after the Parliament attack, Prashant Bhushan, senior advocate of supreme court said that, it is a cock and bull story.....What action is going to take against Prashant Bhooshan....

    DisAgree Agree [4] Reply Report Abuse

  • Alphonso Rodrigues, Udupi

    Tue, Feb 16 2016

    This Geelani played key role in the parliment attack. However he got away. This time lets hope this anti nationalist is nailed. These people fed on our tax payers money , abuse us, attack us and when there is a retaliation they play the victim. So now Rahul Khandi might come to his rescue to gain political mileage.

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  • Rohan , Mumbai

    Tue, Feb 16 2016

    Our police is not stupid, they all are on terrorists' payroll.

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  • Zuhair, Udupi/Muscat

    Tue, Feb 16 2016


    One small advice for you also.. go back to you 1st 2nd or 3rd std history text books and check who is our father of our nation its Mahatma Gandhi not Naturam Godse...

    DisAgree [26] Agree [22] Reply Report Abuse

  • Ramesh S, mangalore

    Tue, Feb 16 2016

    Zuhair, i advise you to read autobiographies of JINNA/AMBEDKAR/MAULANA many things not taught in school by CONGRESS Govt..why BOSE was driven to exile..How come many freedom fighters hanged, while Brirish chamchas enjoyed writing books in will understand why partition happened(eventhough JINNAH not liked) & communal riots followed, why MAULANA AZAD till end opposed NEHRU policy(he predicted 100% correctly what will happen to muslims), why AMBEDKAR several time threatened to resign from CONGRESS, why there is still mystery on SHASTRI death..In my observation you are more prone to believing in lies/propaganda all over the world..recently i watched a video of a ME cleric, who says we have lost individual analytical skill long time back, we believe in herd thinking..what people in groups says we believe in..wherever western invasion happened that countries used it for their good, they didnt cried for it for centuries(China,India,srilanka,japan,vietnam so on) but we in ME failed to turn it for good instead believe propaganda..yesterdays AQ used us, today IS#S..wake up,

    DisAgree [4] Agree [5] Reply Report Abuse

  • Rajesh, Mangalore

    Tue, Feb 16 2016

    Mr Zuhair, I and you nor mine and your ancestor elected Mahathma Ghandhi as father of our nation. Do you tolerate Mr siddaramiah talking ill of elected Prime minister Shrimaan Narendra MOdi by calling him Narahantaka. why not sedition charges on Siddu.

    DisAgree [8] Agree [7] Reply Report Abuse

  • sid, mangalore

    Tue, Feb 16 2016

    These guys eat in india , get all the privileges from indian government and s#it on their own plate .What type of university is this where lecturers are doing all this kind of job . can we send our kids to these colleges ? And we have the Great Rahul Ghandhi running there ! I really hope all these fellows are thought a good lesson .

    DisAgree [9] Agree [17] Reply Report Abuse

  • India First, India

    Tue, Feb 16 2016

    Those who support Afzal Guru are nothing but traitors and anti Indian !! Long Live India

    DisAgree [5] Agree [21] Reply Report Abuse

  • sid, mangalore

    Tue, Feb 16 2016

    Please please Its Agzal Guru GI ha ha ha . Its very important to address these great freedom fighters right ... or else Congress high command will be upset

    DisAgree [6] Agree [2] Reply Report Abuse

  • Rakib, Mangalore

    Tue, Feb 16 2016

    If you are an Anti Sanghi then Be aware!!!!! Dont step out from home!!!! If some unknown person near by you raise Anti National slogans then you will be under trouble....

    Why none of unknown person belongs to a group allegedly raising anti India slogan arrested so far? Why no one from those raised anti national slogan in JNU arrested so far where those guys gone missing?

    DisAgree [27] Agree [13] Reply Report Abuse

  • PAM Suvarna, Karla

    Tue, Feb 16 2016

    Its Geelani arrested! not of you dear?
    He was even arrested in the case of attack of Parliament with Afzal Guru and court without having solid proof against him acquitted him in that case but directed him to refrain from these kind anti national activities. Don't tense! only those who involves in these kind of dirty activity need to worry not you or me.

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  • Dansih, Udupi/Dubai

    Tue, Feb 16 2016

    Excellent reply my dear are exactly right.

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  • Rakib, Mangalore

    Tue, Feb 16 2016

    PAM Suvarna, Karla
    Court earlier not acquitted him for not having solid proof but for not having even pinch of proof.That time also he was illegally arrested this time too only because he is fighting against AFSPA and other atrocities committed by our army in Kashmir valley

    DisAgree [15] Agree [7] Reply Report Abuse

  • PAM Suvarna, Karla

    Tue, Feb 16 2016

    Geelani was in jail for some period of time,since he was arrested in anti-national case not in the case of pickpocket.
    Moreover you know it very well that Indian courts are giving much importance to human right,even there is some ground against culprit it will not amount to him as guilty,court needs proof beyond reasonable doubt.

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  • India First, India

    Tue, Feb 16 2016

    Rakib, Mangalore,

    You are stands with same people who always tell, terrorism has no religion until a terrorist get arrested or sentenced to death.

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  • Krish, Dubai

    Tue, Feb 16 2016

    Dear Rakhib,
    Yesturday i saw 1 of Debate on JNN issue, 3 were participated who have related with JNN and 2 were directly confessed that they shout pro terrorist slogan and "BHARATH KI BARBADI", 1 guy told some shouted. All 3 were told Indian Judiciary didnt give enough opportunity to Afzal guru to defence himself.
    all 3 told we have freedom of speach to shout slogan against India.
    India is mother to all of us, do you accept their slogan against India?
    Do you support Indias "BARBADI", remember India is mother for us.
    Afzal Guru , Kasab , memon are freedom fighters for who support these anti nationals.
    We shout RAPIST should be punish, Do youthink we should support who trying to destroy of Mother India???

    DisAgree [5] Agree [13] Reply Report Abuse

  • Rakib, Mangalore

    Tue, Feb 16 2016

    Yesterday 22 year old girl Shaista Hameed killed by our Army for no reason.That is what the face they kashmiri knows about our country.Does any one cares for her? She was a brilliant student doing her Master degree having big dream.I dont oppose if you arrest right person who shout anti India slogan but why you arresting Kanaihya Kumar,SAR Jeelani who never shouted any slogan against our country.

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  • Jaimini P.B., Manipal,Sharjah

    Tue, Feb 16 2016

    Government should be very tough against TRAITORS..JNU was the place where some Kashmiri Jehadi fighters attended seminars and gave lecture when Congress was in rule..Ummer Khalid who shouted "India ka barbaadi taq.." had travlled to Pakistan many times and he is the link between Jaishe Terrorist organization and JNU students..Now he absconded,but Police are after him..Unfortunately, to take revenge on Mr Modi,our own Politicians are supporting Kannayya and Ummer Kalid..One of them is Smt Indria Gandhi's grandson Rahul Gandhi..Smt Gandhi was main key leader when India broke Pak backbone in Wars,here her own Grandson is giving shoulder to enemies of India..

    Note: Dadri case worked for Congress in Bihar,But JNU case wipe out Congress from India..Desh Premi people don't tolerate anything which is against Mother Land..Ammanige Choori haakuva makkalige yenu helbeku ?

    DisAgree [7] Agree [21] Reply Report Abuse

  • Hindu Nationalist, Kudla

    Tue, Feb 16 2016

    A country where PM is called Psychopath and A terrorist is called is called Afzal Guru ji..

    DisAgree [3] Agree [28] Reply Report Abuse

  • varun, mangalore

    Tue, Feb 16 2016

    Good job.. who ever wants to break Bharat into pieces must be arrested to rot in jail for a long time and then hanng them

    DisAgree [2] Agree [20] Reply Report Abuse

  • Ramesh S, MANGALORE

    Tue, Feb 16 2016

    ..Its a dangerous anti national game played in college universities..its unfortunate that CONGRESS which says it faught for Independence is supporting seperatism, anti nationalism..main organiser is a parliament attack accused!!..what proof needed further..he was acquitted by SC but even SC knows he is a conspirator but it dosnt have enough evidence thats why it observed 'needle of suspicion still there on him'..its high time people teach a lesson to CONGRESS..its not minority/majority as CONGRESS trying to one need RSS certificate to become a Nationalist..many who caught from Army for syping are from majority community..let us not communalise anti nationalism, its a plain & simple sedition case..JNU/HYDERABAD is purely antinationalism..if terrorist didnt succeed attack on hard targets, they will attack soft target..if separtism,anti nationalism not stopped every one will be danger forget majoirty/minoirty..

    DisAgree [4] Agree [13] Reply Report Abuse

  • Hussain, Abudhabi

    Tue, Feb 16 2016

    Why don't Delhi Police arrest the ABVP goons who shouted Anti-India slogans??

    DisAgree [30] Agree [13] Reply Report Abuse

  • Sachidanand Shetty, Mundkur/Dubai

    Tue, Feb 16 2016

    Good Morning Hussain….you need to click “refresh’ button in your memory and just one time look at the Passport you are having now. You always oppose everything in India we can understand and we knew already but at least being an Indian don’t support the Anti-Nationals

    DisAgree [12] Agree [25] Reply Report Abuse

  • Hussain, Abudhabi

    Tue, Feb 16 2016


    Good Morning to you as well

    If you've ever witnessed Indian flag hoisting, please learn what does the Indian Tricolor flag stands for ...

    DisAgree [16] Agree [20] Reply Report Abuse

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