New Delhi, Feb 18 (Agencies): JNUSU president Kanhaiya Kumar has applied for bail in Supreme Court saying his lawyers cannot move lower courts due to the lack of security.
The Apex Court has accepted his contention and agreed to hear his plea on Friday.
The Supreme Court also received a report and pen drive from the panel of advocates it had sent to Patiala House court on Wednesday after the violence.
The pen drive reportedly contains a mobile clip of their yesterday's visit.
In the meanwhile, JNU students took a protest march from Mandi House to Jantar Mantar on Thirsday demanding Kanhaiya Kumar's release.
Earlier news
Patiala Court clash: BCI to take action against guilty lawyers
New Delhi, Feb 18 (PTI) : The Bar Council of India has decided to crack the whip on the group of unruly lawyers who indulged in violence at the Patiala House Court complex here, saying the licences of those found guilty will be suspended for life.
Apologising for the violence in the court premises yesterday which had occurred for a second time in a row ahead of the hearing of JNUSU President Kanhaiya Kumar's sedition case, BCI Chairman Manan Kumar Mishra said names of the bar members, if found guilty of indulging in this violence, will be removed from the roll.
"I seek apology from mediapersons and that boy Kanhaiya Kumar for such mishappenings and misconduct. Strong action will be taken against lawyers, if found guilty of indulging in violence at Patiala House Court.
"The action includes suspension of their licence for their entire life. Therefore, we can remove name of any of the advocates from the roll of Bar Council for whole life," Mishra said.
The apex law body has set up a three-member committee, headed by a former High Court judge, to probe the incidents of February 15 and 17 at the Patiala Court where a group of lawyers attacked Kanhaiya and thrashed students, media persons as well as a team of senior advocates constituted by the Supreme Court which had gone there to take a stock of the situation.
"We have made a special request to the committee to submit its report and complete its proceedings within three weeks from today and we hope that soon after receiving the report of inquiry committee, we will take a strong action against the guilty," he said.
He said BCI has taken a serious view of the incidents and termed it "shameful" and added "handful of lawyers have done this."
The men dressed in lawyers' robes had allegedly thrown sharp-edged objects at the team of senior lawyers and hurled abuses and expletives at them.
Comment on this article
Roland, Mangalore/Mumbai
Thu, Feb 18 2016Ache Din Bolke Hamara Whaat Lagaya Re Baba.
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RonRon, Udupi
Thu, Feb 18 2016BJP will get into deep sh*#t.
BJP is planning to withdraw AFSPA the special power of Indian Army in J&K to enjoy power. Before election they promised to lift Article 370 and see now their acts. BJP is not less than GOMUKHA VYAGRA
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Thu, Feb 18 2016..He will get bail, no need to go to SC also for that..considering he is student, court will not allow him to spoil his career..moreover sedition charges wont stand, for just raising slogans unless its proven he has other anti national activities also..but this episode must be a lesson for all students not to get carried away by RG/Leftist politics..dont use misuse freedom of expression..yes, next time KANHAIYA will think twice before blowing BAANSURI..
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Vincent Rodrigues, Promenade Road,Frazer Town,B'lore
Thu, Feb 18 2016He will come out with great laurels from the court.
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gm, mlur
Thu, Feb 18 2016satyamev jayate
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Hyda, Mangalore
Thu, Feb 18 2016Any how one more future leader emerged by this. Good luck Kanhaiya
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PAM Suvarna, Karla
Thu, Feb 18 2016I gone through his some speech in you tube,it looks like he is having some hidden aggression against RSS.
If he is a true leader he should avoid aggression and he should talk with sense and logic.
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Ravi C, Mangalore
Thu, Feb 18 2016Against RSS, not India right? Does this mean he is an anti-national because he is against RSS?
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Loyd, Mangalore
Thu, Feb 18 2016When SC agree that there is lack of security to go lower court just imagine at what low our law and order situation reached
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sid, mangalore
Thu, Feb 18 2016i dont understand why are the others roaming free and one guy inside . all those people in the video making slogans should be hunted down and put behind the bars. Hoping the court gives some punishment to these .
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Jossey Saldanha, Mumbai
Thu, Feb 18 2016What action can you take against lawyers who are FAKE ...
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Ravi C, Mangalore
Thu, Feb 18 2016As usual, this case will also be tusssssss... no action against lawyer, police or BJP minister who hit the student. After some days or month, no one will remember about this case because there would be several other issues to handle.
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Syed Mohiudin, Iruvail/Riyadh
Thu, Feb 18 2016Well done. This is called unity among sincere lawyers. Keep it up
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Santosh,K, Mangalore
Thu, Feb 18 2016Remove their black coat and wear them white coat !!!!!!!!!!
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Thu, Feb 18 2016I CONFUSED CBI & BCI.........
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gm, mlur
Thu, Feb 18 2016I read somewhere "liers are lawyers" or vice versa.
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