Uproar over 'beef biryani' being served at AMU medical college canteen

Aligarh, Feb 19 (PTI): The Aligarh Muslim University which has been battling to preserve its character as a minority institution now finds itself in another controversy – this time over beef.

The issue broke out on social media yesterday when a WhatsApp post circulated a report that 'beef biryani' was being served at the AMU Medical College canteen, an allegation promptly denied by the university.

The reports spread the impression that it was cow meat and not the meat of buffalo that was being served. A picture of the canteen's menu card also went viral on social media.

BJP Mayor Shakuntala Bharti, along with party leaders and several right wing activists, held a demonstration outside the office of Senior Superintendent of Police today, demanding registration of an FIR against the contractor of AMU medical college canteen for serving 'beef biryani'.

Police said the matter was still under investigation. As news of the controversy spread, senior AMU officials led by University Proctor M Mohsin Khan rushed to the Medical College canteen and carried out an on-the-spot preliminary check.

University spokesperson Rahat Abrar alleged that the incident was a "malicious" attempt to defame the institution, asserting that the beef mentioned in the menu was of buffalo meat.

"It is nothing but a malicious propaganda to defame this institution. I can say with confidence that the beef biryani mentioned in the menu card pertains to buffalo meat and there is no iota of evidence to suggest to the contrary," he said.

The spokesperson said that according to a preliminary investigation, it was revealed that the contract for the canteen was ending soon and some "vested interests" were eyeing it next, and so were creating a controversy.

"The contract for the canteen was ending on February 23. Some vested interests which were eyeing the lucrative contract deliberately floated a malicious rumour suggesting that cow meat was being served," he said.

Abrar, however ridiculed the allegations, saying that AMU was one of the first institutions to ban cow meat on campus more than a century ago.

"AMU was perhaps the first educational institution of higher learning where beef was banned from being served inside the institution more than a century back.

"The founding father of Mohammedan Anglo Oriental College (which became the Aligarh Muslim University in 1920), Sir Syed Ahmad Khan had issued an explicit order in 1884 that not only would no beef be served in any dining room but even sacrifice of cow during Idul Adha was forbidden for all AMU employees," he said.

Abrar said Sir Syed took the action as he did not want to hurt sentiments of Hindus and terminated services of an AMU employee in 1884, when he broke this rule.


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  • Ahmed, Mangaluru

    Mon, Feb 22 2016

    I would suggest to change the name BEEF BIRYANI to BUFF BIRYANI (BUFFALO BIRYANI)

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  • Lokesh, Mangalore

    Sun, Feb 21 2016

    Ramesh, its a pity that all deshpremi NDA ministers and die hard deshbhpremi bhakths are more interested with beef biriyani while Militants attacked a CRPF convoy at Pampore on Srinagar-Jammu National Highway today killing two jawans and injuring 10 others. No one bothers about that. is it because you secretly like beef biriyani?? Mr. Bhat, I wonder why are you still in a country which does not worship cattle, is it because you want their money or you also eat beef biriyani which is not available when you come over to India??

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  • Vincent Rodrigues, Promenade Road,Frazer Town,B'lore

    Sun, Feb 21 2016

    What problem one has if one he eats what he wants.

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  • PenMightierThanTheSword!, Mangalore

    Sun, Feb 21 2016

    What we need to learn is respecting and upholding the rights guaranteed by the Constitution to every citizen and ensure that scumbag politicians do not tamper with/infringe those rights for their personal gain or the gain of their political masters! PERIOD!!!

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  • Shetty, Mangalore

    Sat, Feb 20 2016

    Its appreciable that Sir Syed Ahmed Khan has immense respect for the sentiments & religious feelings of a majority of people in this country.......Indeed he was a visionary....

    Hope few in this panel & the likes of Rajdeep/Barkha learn some lessons from this great man.....

    Many Mughal rulers (except Aurangzeb of course) also implemented cow slaughter ban. Its unfortunate that today in the name of secularism extremely provocative festivals are organized just to hurt the feelings of many in this country.....

    We have a lot to learn from Sir Syed Ahmed Khan , Akbar & Bahadur Shah Zafar in this matter.....

    DisAgree Agree [4] Reply Report Abuse

  • PenMightierThanTheSword!, Mangalore

    Sat, Feb 20 2016

    Ramesh S, please get your facts right rather than ranting out of-the-cuff comments with your religious diatribe!!! Please do not spread falsehoods with your rants. Let them be based on facts!

    Aligarh Muslim University (AMU) spreads over 467.6 hectares of land and was originally established by Sir Syed Ahmad Khan as Mohammedan Anglo-Oriental College (MAO) in 1875 and became AMU in 1920!
    Raja Mahendra Pratap Singh, the Hindu King you are referring wasn’t born when AMU was established — he was born on 1 December, 1886 (died 29 April 1979). Raja Mahendra Pratap Singh joined MAO in 1895, but could not complete his graduation. He left MAO in 1905. There is no record of any donation of land from him. However, in 1929, he leased a 1.221-hectare (3.04-acre) plot to AMU at Rs 2 annually. The lease charges are now Rs 200 per annum, and the land — called Tikonia Park — is used as a playground by City High School of AMU. MAO was set up on 74 acres of cantonment land purchased from the British. Mahendra Pratap’s father Raja Ghanshiam Singh of Mursan had got a hostel room constructed, which continues to stand as Room Number 31 in Sir Syed Hall (South).

    And mind you Raja Mahendra Pratap Singh was neither an RSS or BJP member — he was a communist — a freedom fighter, journalist, writer, and Marxist revolutionary social reformist of India and President of first Provisional Government of India! He was a member of the second Lok Sabha in 1957–1962 — he won the 1957 Lok Sabha elections as an independent candidate from Mathura constituency by defeating Bharatiya Jana Sangh (now BJP) candidate Atal Bihari Vajpayee!

    DisAgree [1] Agree [15] Reply Report Abuse

  • Muhammad , mangalore

    Sat, Feb 20 2016

    Thanx nice information...Hatred of Sanghi is such that they can manipulate anything..

    DisAgree [1] Agree [9] Reply Report Abuse

  • Dr Kusuma Kumari Chittti Nellore , Kodyadka

    Sat, Feb 20 2016

    Let people eat what they want. Why simply get into their freedom of eating. Lets concentrate on development and education instead.

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  • Vantage Point, mangalore

    Sat, Feb 20 2016

    JNU over now target AMU...you want ABVP to dominate every university by hook or crook...Modiji you don't need any other enemy to bring you down...Your own partymen are doing a great favour

    DisAgree [1] Agree [13] Reply Report Abuse

  • tom Cat, Mangalore

    Sat, Feb 20 2016

    bjpeee has no development agenda hence wants to divert the voter's mind by cow beef, pkistn support sedition and other cock and bull story.This drama will continue as long as congis dongis and bjpee are in power.Throw them out and there will be development in the country.

    DisAgree [6] Agree [13] Reply Report Abuse

  • PenMightierThanTheSword!, Mangalore

    Sat, Feb 20 2016

    M.Bhat, are you lacking an upper story or did Amit Shah or Mohan Madhukar Bhagawat give you that information after pinching excerpts from the Economic Times Sep 13, 2003. With your half baked knowledge please do not turn and twist fact to bring about discordance and hatred!

    Cuba has not banned beef but has rationed meat products and fish. One needs a permit to kill cattle! Fish, beef, ground beef (usually mixed with soy), chicken, sausages and ham fall in this category are distributed every 15 days, and usually rotate. Quantities, and prices, differ for each meat product (beef, ½ lb/person each 15 days, whereas chicken is 1 lb/person every 15 days)! Yes the illegal slaughter of cows can result in hefty fines or a jail term, but beef is not banned its distribution is controlled for a reason not for any religious purposes as you make it out to be with your convoluted mindset!!!

    DisAgree [1] Agree [14] Reply Report Abuse

  • Mohammed, Kundapur/Qatar

    Sat, Feb 20 2016

    AMU Medical College Canteen is ANTI-NATIONAL...!!!
    All ABVP Karyakarta's Should Stop Sending Their Kids to AMU...!!!
    Baba Ramdev is Planning to Start PATANJALI College Only for ABVP Karyakartas...!!!

    DisAgree [4] Agree [20] Reply Report Abuse

  • monu, perla

    Sat, Feb 20 2016

    helo MOdi JI,, Ache Dhin nahi chayihe, humko purana din lautado .. sangh vaad se aajadi.. mano vaad se aajaadi.. thum kuch bi karlo, hum lekar aayenge aajadi.. JAI HINDUSTHAN.

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  • Bhakth jano, Mangalore

    Sat, Feb 20 2016

    College is for only to study not to eat Hyderabadi Biryani or Gujrat Dhokla.

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    Sat, Feb 20 2016



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  • M.Bhat, Dubai

    Sat, Feb 20 2016

    Cuba has recently passed a law under which cow slaughter was made punishable with a jail term.

    It is not as if Fidel Castro's beefy regime has developed an overnight fondness for cows. But Cuba hopes cows will help rebuild its economy which is in tatters. Hence, the country has decided to undo some of the damage inflicted in the nineties when an impoverished populace ate up a large chunk of its cattle population

    DisAgree [18] Agree [5] Reply Report Abuse

  • Ranjith Rodrigues, udupi

    Sat, Feb 20 2016

    India has the highest amount of free range cows roaming the Indian streets...these cows emit large amounts of green house gases, when they f^#t after eating garbage....what is our environment minister doing about this?

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  • Vantage Point, mangalore

    Sat, Feb 20 2016

    I don't know how much true is that...But one thing ,cow population will decrease in India because of beef ban...But Brazil is trying to exploit this situation they are trying to dominate diary and meat industry do you know which breed they favour it is Indian indigenous breed locally developed in Brazil

    DisAgree Agree [8] Reply Report Abuse

  • Santan Mascarenhas, Kinnigoli/Mumbai

    Sat, Feb 20 2016

    My relative who came down recently from Toronto bought among others, 10 tins of corned beef with a cow's picture on it. At airport, the custom officer told him to be careful, since it is banned in Mumbai. But, he requested my relative to give 3 tins for him, as his family members have developed a taste for it. The officer was a Hindu.

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  • Ramesh S, mangalore

    Sat, Feb 20 2016

    Nice story..but tell him not to try this ME countries with PO#K..

    DisAgree [23] Agree [8] Reply Report Abuse

  • A. S. Mathew, U.S.A.

    Sat, Feb 20 2016

    Ramesh, for eating pork in an Islamic country, they won't put anybody to jail for 10 years with Rs. 10000 penalty like the law enacted in the holiest State called Haryana now on big agitation. Based on the teachings in Torah, the Holy book of the Jewish people, and in Koran which seems like a duplicate copy of Torah, pork meat is prohibited as an unclean meat but not like the holy beef.

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  • Santan Mascarenhas, Kinnigoli/Mumbai

    Sat, Feb 20 2016

    I agree with you. While I respect the sentiments of Hindus and Muslims, I write here the reality.
    In my area in Mumbai, beef (buffalo is available at 200, cow at 300, but from backdoor).
    While, I was in Saudi Arabia, Pork was available in our company officially. I have also taken pork pickle from Mumbai (it was risky). At that time, pork was available at Al-Khobar and Dammam shops of South Indians illegally, which was smuggled from Bahrain thru King Fahd Causeway.

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  • John, Udupi

    Sat, Feb 20 2016

    Santan, Your are deliberately putting people specially south Indians at risk!. When you were there you enjoyed pork but now giving minute details openly knowing fully well that your actions will put those south Indian shop under unnecessary trouble!. You are not a good person!

    DisAgree Agree [1] Report Abuse

  • Ramesh S, MANGALORE

    Sat, Feb 20 2016

    ..forget BEEF..when all the fights going on to preserve so called seckularism, why The Aligarh Muslim University battling to preserve its character as a minority institution!!..Its formed under parliament law,land given by a Hindu king, gets tax payers fund irrespective faith,caste,creed..you push majorities/institutions to observe secularism/multiculrism and when it comes to you 'No, we have to preserve ours..No, court govt cant interfere..No, we cant do that its not allowed'..

    DisAgree [24] Agree [5] Reply Report Abuse

  • jeevan, mangalore

    Sat, Feb 20 2016

    Remove the Minority status for the Aligarh Muslim university.

    DisAgree [29] Agree [7] Reply Report Abuse


    Sat, Feb 20 2016

    you mean to say if Minority status removed they can have beef in University canteen? The news is on serving of beef in university canteen, not what status it has!

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  • Stan, Udupi/ Dubai

    Sat, Feb 20 2016

    We are in the 21st century and we are still fighting with such silly issues.If BJP is so particular of beef let them ban beef in Goa and ban all beef exports. Beef issue killed them in Bihar elections and unless they fulfill their poll promises they will not come to power again

    DisAgree [8] Agree [49] Reply Report Abuse

  • Ilyas, Qatar

    Sat, Feb 20 2016

    Agree with you sentiment hurt den stop export first

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  • Harold D'cunha, Mangalore, India

    Sat, Feb 20 2016

    Nothing wrong if Aligarh University has served beef ( not cow meat) biryani.

    Why it has to hurt anybody's feeling. Has anybody has forced to eat biryani.

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  • vivek, hirebyle/ Abu dhabi

    Sat, Feb 20 2016

    it is a Muslim University (as Name suggest) ...not just MINORITY Institution.....Minority comes All other Religions too....Majority religion should NOT MIX UP thinking all Minority religions are same!!.....

    DisAgree [7] Agree [17] Reply Report Abuse

  • PenMightierThanTheSword!, Mangalore

    Sat, Feb 20 2016

    Why is the BJP trying to malign and defame our nation by creating communal divides through such malicious propaganda. Shame on this party that is making India a laughing stock!

    DisAgree [6] Agree [34] Reply Report Abuse

  • Rakib, Mangalore

    Sat, Feb 20 2016

    What next?
    Which University is next on hit list?

    DisAgree [5] Agree [29] Reply Report Abuse

  • Peter, Bangalore

    Sat, Feb 20 2016

    What a coincidence !!
    Today my lunch menu is..

    DisAgree [4] Agree [25] Reply Report Abuse

  • Jossey Saldanha, Mumbai

    Sat, Feb 20 2016

    You guys forgot Swami Vivekananda ...

    DisAgree [5] Agree [22] Reply Report Abuse

  • Hussain, Abudhabi

    Sat, Feb 20 2016

    Kerala parota and Beef CHUKKA what a combination !! Yummy !!

    When the beef export happens why does all sentiments vanish? Its born only when fellow Indians are having it??


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  • Rita, Germany

    Sat, Feb 20 2016

    Sure,sentiments of Hindu Religion are hurt when a cow is slaughtered.But Sentiments of a human being or her parents are not hurt,their Family Name is being with feet crushed when a Girl is raped,assaulted ,even killed as in bihar,mostly in North India. There is no one to ask.World is upside down turned.

    DisAgree [12] Agree [43] Reply Report Abuse

  • SK, Mangalore

    Sat, Feb 20 2016

    Sentiments are hurt if the cow is slaughtered true.... when the cow is slaughtered and the beef is EXPORTED, then what happens ??....Shame on Double standards...

    DisAgree [6] Agree [40] Reply Report Abuse

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