Cairo, Feb 22 (IANS/EFE): A Syrian man helped his 15-year-old son, who has been fighting among jihadists for a year, carry out a suicide attack in the Syrian city of Aleppo, and recorded a video for his son's 'martyrdom operation', the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR) has said.
The London-based NGO said the child -- nicknamed Abu Amarah al-Omari -- blew himself up with a car bomb at al-Sakhur area.
In the video, Abu Amarah explains that he fled along with his family to Qabasin town in the countryside of Aleppo which is controlled by the Islamic State.
He said he joined the radical organisation when he was 14, and his father registered him in a "martyrdom operation".
The tape, whose authenticity was yet to be verified, shows Abu Amarah on the Dabeq hill in the northern countryside of Aleppo speaking to an IS member.
The video also features Abu Amarah's father agreeing to his son's words, and helping him get in the car and saying he was the one who taught him how to drive.
Finally, the video shows the moment when the boy blows himself up in a complex in the countryside of Aleppo.
At least 350 of 1,800 children recruited by the IS in Syria in 2015 were killed, according to SOHR.
The NGO said 48 of whom were killed in suicide attacks by using explosive belts or car bombs.