New Delhi, Aug 19 (IANS): Imbibe great oratorical skills, know about the real politik of the modern world, get introduced to the concept of pressure management and flick through the stories of 20 women entrepreneurs who have struck a perfect personal-professional harmony. The IANS bookshelf offers some interesting non-fiction this weekend.
1. Book: Speaking The Modi Way; Author: Virender Kapoor; Publisher: Rupa;
Pages: 145; Price: Rs 195
Prime Minister Narendra Modi's oratorical skills are well known, not just in India but around the world. Addressing everyone from schoolchildren to the US Congress, he has touched millions of hearts.
In this book, IIT-Bombay alumnus Virender Kapoor shows you how to speak, persuade and motivate. Starting with analysis of Modi's inspiring rise from humble origins to the position of prime minister, the author explains how he uses facts and figures to substantiate his arguments, how he makes optimum use of similes, metaphors and word puns; how he tailors his speeches according to the audience and his unique ways of packaging and presenting ideas. Relatable and inspiring, this book will help you become not just a good speaker but a great one.
2. Book: India At The Global High Table; Authors: Teresita C. Schaffer and Howard B. Schaffer; Publisher: HarperCollins; Price: Rs 599; Pages: 366
As the 21st century advances, India has emerged as a regional power with a global footprint, backed by its developing growth story. This book explores the dynamics of its role through the lenses of the key decisions that have shaped its foreign policy, the vision of the global role that has inspired its policymakers, and the way the Indian government negotiates to fulfil its goals.
The authors use the knowldege acquired from more than 60 years of combined diplomatic experience to provide unique insights into India's negotiating style. These include a detailed account of the complexities leading to the breakthrough in the Indo-US nuclear deal in 2008. Illuminating too is their examination of negotiations with China, which poses a different kind of challenge. What emerges is a fascinating portrait of an ancient civilization coming to the grips with the real politik of the modern world.
3. Book: How To Perform Under Pressure; Authors: Hendrie Weisinger & J.P.
Pawliw-Fry; Publisher: John Murray Learning; Pages: 310; Price: Rs 399
Despite sports mythology, no one 'rises on the occasion' under pressure and does better than people do in practice. Pressure ruthlessly diminishes your judgement, decision-making, attention, dexterity and performance. It is the greatest obstacle to personal success, whether at work, at home or during interviews. But there are things you can do to diminish its effects.
The authors introduce the concept of pressure management and offer empirically tested short-term and long-term solutions to help you overcome the debilitating effects of pressure.
4. Book: Super Women; Author: Prachi Garg; Publisher: Srishti; Pages: 155; Price: Rs 175
In a nation that reveres women as goddesses of wealth, knowledge, power and infinite energy, there are a few who have gone on to prove why. Not only have they carved a niche for their talent but have also inspired and empowered many others in the process.
This book brings forth the stories of 20 women entrepreneurs who have struck a perfect personal-professional harmony, and a chord with their immediate consumers. Their innovative ventures encompass a varied range of services.
"Super Women" is an interesting journey of how they played their roles to perfection-aligning their families with their ambitions and displaying to the world their true mettle.