Kolkata, Aug 20 (PTI) : Amid the raging controversy over cow vigilantism, Jharkhand Chief Minister Raghubar Das today said those who consider India as their country should treat cow as their mother. Das, however, stressed that there should be no violence in the garb of cow vigilantism and said cattle smugglers may be involved in the recent events of violence over cow protection.
"The entire Sangh Parivar is on the same page on the issue of cow protection. Those who consider India as their country will treat cow as their mother," Das told PTI during an interview.
On whether there were differences in the Sangh Parivar over the issue of cow slaughter and cow census, Das said, "The Sangh Parivar is united on this matter. Cow is our mother. Those who are living in India and are Indians, those who consider India as their country, for them cow is their mother."
Das' comments come in the backdrop of a controversy over cow vigilantism and attacks on Dalits over the issue. Prime Minister Narendra Modi on August 6 had hit out at cow vigilantes, saying he felt enraged at such "anti-social elements" who indulged in crimes by the night and masqueraded as cow protectors by day.
Modi's comment had drawn sharp reactions from VHP international working president Pravin Togadia, who said by dubbing them as "anti-socials" the PM had insulted them.
"What our Prime Minister has said on this issue is right. You may believe in any religion, any caste, but cow is our mother and we should protect cows. But, in the name of cow vigilance if someone is using violence, then that will not be tolerated.
"I personally feel those who are involved in cattle smuggling and export are involved in these crimes. This angle should be probed," Das said.
Das said it was due to the vote bank and appeasement politics of a certain community by some sections of political parties that this awareness programme about cow and its benefits have taken a hit.
"Political parties should not see everything under the lens of vote bank politics. The milk that we get from cow is beneficial for people from all communities be it Hindus, Muslims, Sikhs, Christians. A politician who is saying this is also having the milk of the cow," Das said.
The Chief Minister said he had already asked the police administration in his state to stop any instance of cow smuggling.
"I have given clear instructions to the police that there will be no instance of cow smuggling from the state. Recently we seized few trucks carrying cows for smuggling through Bengal. In Jharkhand there should be awareness about cow smuggling, there should be awareness in West Bengal too," Das said.
He said it was due to the degradation of moral values that social evils such as rapes, cow slaughter and other evils are happening in the society.
"Be it rapes, illegal cow slaughter or other social evils, they are result of degradation of moral values of the society. We need to raise awareness about it. These things are a conspiracy to stop the development process started by our Prime Minister," Das said.
On the opinion of some people who are on a different page on the issue of cow slaughter, Das said, "By doing this a section is only pursuing vote bank politics and there should be awareness against this."
Comment on this article
peter, Brahmavar
Sun, Aug 21 2016Hellow CM if cow is your mother who is your father. Buffalo ?
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Edward Menezes, shirva/Afghan
Sun, Aug 21 2016Those who consider India their country, should treat cow as mother& Bull as their Father...& the Calf as their Son or Daughter..Come to Afghan dear Chief Minister..and I bet you will regret your statement..I guess you need a brain mapping ASAP..
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Robert Pais, Mangalore
Sat, Aug 20 2016How come we elect stupid arrogant and intolerant people to power?
Are we really that incapable ?
Surely we deserve better.
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N.M, Mangalore
Sat, Aug 20 2016These 'DUNG HEADS' know that cow is their mother...but i would like to know who is their father?
DisAgree [2] Agree [36] Reply Report Abuse
Alwyn, Mangalore
Sat, Aug 20 2016This guy better to go school and learn Biology very well. Otherwise he will lead Jharkhand to the disasters. I have never seen such stupid CM in the world history !!!!!!
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Syed Mohiudin, Iruvail/Riyadh
Sat, Aug 20 2016Dear Jarkhand CM, How many mother of India butchering and exporting to foreign countries from India daily?. Only Indians should not consume as food.
DisAgree Agree [25] Reply Report Abuse
Michael Noronha, Mysore
Sat, Aug 20 2016Those who consider India their country, should treat cow as mother: Jharkhand CM - A CM whose IQ is below sea level. If you consider cow as mother then what do they consider their mother - A Cow? First love and be kind to the animals. Mercilessly you beat them, starve them, and even overload them with luggage to the point of their collapse etc. Such a man to govern a State of India - Pathetic.
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vijaykumar, udupi
Sat, Aug 20 2016please donate some cloths for cow(matha)
DisAgree Agree [22] Reply Report Abuse
John Tauro, M'luru / Kwt
Sat, Aug 20 2016Why this special treatment for cows only? As human beings we are supposed to be humane towards all dumb and harmless animals. Be it cow or buffalo, sheep or dog, first of all society must ensure that these are taken care of and treated with kindness. Before accepting cow as your mother, ensure that she is properly fed and has a roof over her head. Being a political figure, do you have any idea how many stray animals, including cows,feeding on garbage, are there in the country?
DisAgree Agree [13] Reply Report Abuse
Narendra Kumar, Mangalore
Sat, Aug 20 2016These statements and sentiments will prove costly to India's economic growth in today's "Global Arena".
There is absolutely no doubt that BJP's 5 year ruling term of government will send India back once again more than 10 years in economic prosperity & growth!!!
Bharatiya Jokers Party at it again with it's hidden agenda.
Is this called Mr. Modiji's...."Minimum Government and Maximum Governance"!!! Excellent...well done...
DisAgree Agree [21] Reply Report Abuse
Jossey Saldanha, Nashville
Sat, Aug 20 2016Within 3 years Congo, Uganda & Rwanda will be ahead of India ...
DisAgree [3] Agree [45] Reply Report Abuse
Alan, mangalore
Sun, Aug 21 2016i Jossy, you forgot Somalia , All leather products must be banned from India also , In the same breath we should stop Beef Exports
DisAgree Agree [4] Reply Report Abuse
MD, Goa/Mlore/Dubai
Sat, Aug 20 2016First give importance to the life and safety of human beings, then let's talk about cows. But the fact is that cows get better security than humans.
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ca girishkk, m'lore/dxb
Sat, Aug 20 2016Hindustan become a laughing subject now a days..,
DisAgree [2] Agree [40] Reply Report Abuse
Krishna Kant, Mangalore/Moodbidri
Sat, Aug 20 2016Raghubar Das if you consider cow as your mother then why don't you stay in a cow shelter/barn, why do you stay in a big house and why do you use big car why not use bullock cart??? I grew up in a village where we had farm and barn for cattle. I grew up drinking my mother milk by birth milk and i drank buffalo milk, do i have to consider buffalo my mother? Do you know what stop fooling people and people you guys are educated so stop all this foolish things, if you guys think all this stupid things why are you not still having cows and farms why you guys want to do something else why not stick with selling cow milk. So people grow up.
DisAgree [1] Agree [42] Reply Report Abuse
Anil, Mangalore
Sat, Aug 20 2016Look very simple, Cow is sacred to Hindus as per our holy book and eating cow meet is haram in Sanatana dharma. We Hindus do not encourge eating cow meet in our Hindu nation the same way as muslims majority country prohibit pork. Lets not debate on this as it the matter of faith for us.
DisAgree [20] Agree [5] Reply Report Abuse
Rita, Germany
Sun, Aug 21 2016@Anil Mangalore,Agree,you may not eat (as a hindu)Beef and worship cow as holy.But you cant ask whole Nation to accept a animal as mother ?.and not eat who wants.That too to hear from a Minister ,saying who is a Indian should treat cow as mother.we all of us have one mother of flesh and blood whom you cant compare with a cow and give her more importance.Certainly I condemn stealing the cows for whatever the reason is.Many People it is a existence of their livlihood.we should see a cow as animal ,just like any other.none of us are having any objection who worship cow as they want,.But kindly dont ask others to treat it as mother,as we are as child have not done.Eating meat is quite different as respect as mother.I am sorry.I respect my own mother the only one.
DisAgree Agree [4] Reply Report Abuse
Mark Dcruz, Mangalore
Sun, Aug 21 2016Pork/Pig is not holy, so no question of debate.
DisAgree Agree [3] Reply Report Abuse
ca girishkk, m'lore/dxb
Sat, Aug 20 2016After reading the title of this report or the statement by Jharkhand CM..,How can we see these kind of mindset and/or thinking, .....only talk of mother...., what about fathers.., no value for father..., or on a lighter side can it be called or seen as American or western culture, ... where it is doubtful or difficult to identify Fathers.
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Praveen, Udupi
Sat, Aug 20 2016Will you give one free Cow to every Indian Family ??
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ca girishkk, m'lore/dxb
Sat, Aug 20 2016So long as one consider Cow as their mother then probably as per Jharkhand CM's version, it is imperative that there is nothing wrong in cow slaughter for consumption & leather trade.
Intelligent (or otherwise) bhakt's second best opinion/view is most welcome, though I don't rule out somewhere something is missing.
DisAgree Agree [14] Reply Report Abuse
S.M. Nawaz Kukkikatte, Dubai
Sat, Aug 20 2016Now its like
BOLO COW KI.......
DisAgree Agree [32] Reply Report Abuse
N.M, Mangalore
Sat, Aug 20 2016This man's statement clearly proves he has nothing more than cow dung in his head.
At the same time Indian voters are to be blamed for electing such Idiots..
DisAgree [1] Agree [53] Reply Report Abuse
N.M, Mangalore
Sat, Aug 20 2016I just heard back from the Gau Mata, she said, she does not know this Moron turned Jharkand CM.
DisAgree [1] Agree [42] Reply Report Abuse
N.M, Mangalore
Sat, Aug 20 2016We have to tolerate these sanghi cow talebanies due to the blunder of 31 %....but i am sure most voters will rectify their mistake in 2019.
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Simon, Abu Dhabi / Mangalore
Sat, Aug 20 2016What can we expect from a party of difference, okay let these 31% take it as their mother who can give them milk in 2019?
DisAgree [3] Agree [28] Reply Report Abuse
DisAgree [4] Agree [45] Reply Report Abuse
For Justice, Abu Dhabi / Ubar
Sat, Aug 20 2016Even cows are ashamed of your COWard bhakwas Mr.C M...
DisAgree [2] Agree [40] Reply Report Abuse
rajesh 2, udupi
Sat, Aug 20 2016Jharkhand CM,
what are you doing for your mothers (cows) eating plastic all over India?
DisAgree [3] Agree [40] Reply Report Abuse
Orton, Mangalore
Sat, Aug 20 2016Jharkhand CM,
Name at least one Cow which fought for our Independence in 1947. So that we can guess who is Father.
DisAgree [4] Agree [51] Reply Report Abuse
Peace, Mangalore
Sat, Aug 20 2016Dear CM,
Who is your Mother.?
DisAgree [5] Agree [57] Reply Report Abuse
Ronald, Bantwal, Bantwal
Sat, Aug 20 2016Dear CM
DisAgree [6] Agree [62] Reply Report Abuse
Ismail Shaikh, Moodbidri
Sat, Aug 20 2016yes ofcourse I am proud to say that India is my country but cow,buffalos are mere animals not anyones mother.Mother is the one who gives birth to human beings.
DisAgree [4] Agree [66] Reply Report Abuse
ibrahim, mangaluru
Sat, Aug 20 2016Jarkhand CM Sir
How can you call cow as your father and export her? Today we are second in the world ranking exporting beef
DisAgree [5] Agree [53] Reply Report Abuse
Santosh,K, Mangalore
Sat, Aug 20 2016I have only one mother who given birth for me. I'll not believe fake mothers those hired for some of them for their needy.
DisAgree [4] Agree [53] Reply Report Abuse
Jossey Saldanha, Nashville
Sat, Aug 20 2016Then where is Gujarat ...
DisAgree [5] Agree [34] Reply Report Abuse
A. Mangalore, Mangalore. KSA
Sat, Aug 20 2016WHY ONLY COW?
DisAgree [3] Agree [37] Reply Report Abuse
Jamal, Mangalore/UAE
Sat, Aug 20 2016What a stupid thinking leaders we have. On one hand we Indians are boasting of our achievements and here we have such fools and their followers dragging India backwards. First learn how to respect and look after your own biological mother and then think of the mother cow.
Anyways mothers are butchered freely and sent to overseas for beef dollars and here cry for mother. Double standards.
DisAgree [1] Agree [31] Reply Report Abuse
DisAgree Agree [19] Reply Report Abuse
Joseph Rego, Kinnigoli/Ras Al Khaimah
Sat, Aug 20 2016How can you call a cow mother. You see the condition of cows in India, as if not got food for weeks. If you think Cow is a God/mother, Please keep all the cows in the temple. Feed them good food. Please do not play politics in the name of poor animals they cannot understand what is good and what is bad. They are killing innocent people in the name of cow. Never thought of their small kids and their family.
DisAgree Agree [30] Reply Report Abuse
Aubb, Kuwait
Sat, Aug 20 2016Nowadays we see too many Gau Rakshas all over India.
DisAgree Agree [9] Reply Report Abuse
santhosh, mangalore
Sat, Aug 20 2016please keep all cows in to your house. don't let them rot on the road.as your doing to your parents.
DisAgree Agree [26] Reply Report Abuse
Abdul Samad, mangalore
Sat, Aug 20 2016Lagtha hai e Banda Janara Party poora paagalonka party hai....
DisAgree [1] Agree [11] Reply Report Abuse
francis lobo, bejai/mangalore
Sat, Aug 20 2016Jharkhand is a state of the tribal people. So far the government has not passed any law in the state regarding cow slaughter.Because they fear the repercussion from the tribal community. The CM is talking only rhetoric and has never attempted to pass a law.It is only to impress his bosses so that he may not loose his seat
DisAgree Agree [8] Reply Report Abuse
Praveen , Kulshekar
Sat, Aug 20 2016Pettha ke saath,pettha ka Vikas, baaki poora bakvas.
DisAgree [3] Agree [76] Reply Report Abuse
Francis, Dubai
Sat, Aug 20 2016I am really confused at Jharkhand CM comments that "Those who consider India their country, should treat cow as mother".
How can I have two mothers - my own mother and second one is an animal - 'cow' mother?
DisAgree [2] Agree [65] Reply Report Abuse
santhosh, puttur
Sat, Aug 20 2016no more amma. only ambaa! ambaa!
DisAgree [3] Agree [69] Reply Report Abuse
Ummar, Udupi/Dubai
Sat, Aug 20 2016India me paagalon ki kami nhi. Agar tere g..... me dum hai toh beef export stop karke dikha.
DisAgree [1] Agree [77] Reply Report Abuse
Hussain, Abudhabi
Sat, Aug 20 2016Ok sir
Pls give a list whom to consider Father, sister, brother, cousin, uncle, "Aunty" and friends
DisAgree [2] Agree [64] Reply Report Abuse
Sat, Aug 20 2016If we treat cow as mother then what should we consider as Father? Why you gider like should ?
DisAgree [1] Agree [37] Reply Report Abuse
alfria, mumbai
Sat, Aug 20 2016Another joker giving his comments, When this so called cm found that nobody is bothered about his state and not talking about him and his backward state hence he thought of giving a useless comment just to inform modi that he is there in jarkhand as a cm. Useless person instead of finding ways to see how the state can progress he talks of cows and buffloes useless person.
DisAgree [1] Agree [36] Reply Report Abuse
Praveen , Kulshekar
Sat, Aug 20 2016Most of the vigilantes or political leaders who claim cow as holy just for political gains because it is mainly consumed by the minorities,if not they would not make a issue out of it. Starting from Ram mandir,love jihad,Ghar wapsi, bharat Mata ki,now pettha ki, next????? RSS working on it
DisAgree [1] Agree [34] Reply Report Abuse
Ronald D, Udupi
Sat, Aug 20 2016Luckily is Jharkand CM of tiny state! He thinks he is leader of whole India! Cow issue is downfall of everyone of those silently supporting murders in the name of cow! People of India are fed up....since development of the nation is replaced by cow issue!! What about cows in other country or Kerala???
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Chris, Tel Aviv
Sat, Aug 20 2016Really pathetic,let people with the brains of a cow consider it their mother .
DisAgree [1] Agree [25] Reply Report Abuse
stan, udupi/dubai
Sat, Aug 20 2016After failing on all fronts they are trying to lean on cow for their salvation. They do not know that voters of iNDIA are intelligent than politicians.Why they want a official bungalow to stay? let them stay at goshalas worshipping their mother cow 24x7
DisAgree [1] Agree [16] Reply Report Abuse
Vincent Rodrigues., Frazer Town,Bangalore
Sat, Aug 20 2016As a CM Of the state he has to bother more about the developments of the state instead of unnecessary involving in the cow politics
DisAgree [2] Agree [19] Reply Report Abuse
Allen, Mangaluru
Sat, Aug 20 2016During Govt census majority of people should give their mother's name as cow and father's as bull and number of calves they laid!
DisAgree [2] Agree [24] Reply Report Abuse
vivek, hirebyle/Abu dhabi
Sat, Aug 20 2016Just because India elected Modi as P.M.....what all kind stupids India have to bear....
DisAgree [3] Agree [28] Reply Report Abuse
Sat, Aug 20 201631% Indians veggies!!They teaching us to not to eat Non Veg!!
Let Modi Ban export of beef which is top most exporter to the world.
Indigenous Indians should eat beef but Dollar payers can eat?What is the logic?
DisAgree [4] Agree [34] Reply Report Abuse
hussain, kundapur
Sat, Aug 20 2016WHO IS FATHER?
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ca girishkk, m'lore/dxb
Sat, Aug 20 2016Difficult but relevant question.., Probably self proclaimed patriots may still scratching their head to find the answer...,
Else can it be called as western culture...,
DisAgree Agree [9] Reply Report Abuse
Dev Kumar, Manipal/New Delhi
Sat, Aug 20 2016After introduction of beef ban in parliament..wants to see even pig if banned. It's after all hurt sentiments of people who avoid the same. Let us breed fish in many places for our people to sharpen people's mind. It will encourage to invent new things in near future..will be helpful to mankind.
DisAgree [13] Agree [2] Reply Report Abuse
Acchu, M'lore
Sat, Aug 20 2016NO, I can't because my real mother feel bad.
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Jagdish, Mumbai.UAE
Sat, Aug 20 2016What about Bullock... it is Fa...r
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Ahmed K. C., Mangaluru
Sat, Aug 20 2016Cow is mother, Bullock is father, Cow dung is Roti, Cow urine is Paani, blah, blah.,
Ghar me cow, room me cow, road me cow, har jagah cow hi cow.
Everywhere cows, everywhere cow dung, holy place, too holy.
DisAgree Agree [9] Reply Report Abuse
Mark Dcruz, Mangalore
Sat, Aug 20 2016Who is this new species? Now a days there is a trend, a unknown person wants to be a hero overnight by giving out nonsense statements.This is a media Hype.
We should ignore to such Statements.
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sumi, kundapur
Sat, Aug 20 2016that means he born for cow ??
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Lydia Lobo, Kadri
Sat, Aug 20 2016CM Raghubar Das owes explanation to people of Karnataka as to how a BJP activist could be slain by the party's ally group members over a very issue - COW !
Mr. Das should remember that Jharkhand alone does not make the entire India, a nation that has a sovereign constitution. A constitution which gives citizens the right of faith, and all faiths do not consider a cow as mother !
Its tragic that such basic information is lacking in people who grace a position in the public office.
DisAgree [6] Agree [54] Reply Report Abuse
Anticorrupt, Mangalore,Kuwait
Sat, Aug 20 2016Do we have to consider bull as our father?
DisAgree [4] Agree [74] Reply Report Abuse
SK, Mangalore
Sat, Aug 20 2016Only DEV Kumar can answer !!!!!!!
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Dev Kumar, Manipal/New Delhi
Sat, Aug 20 2016What's happened in some places is just a trailor..picture ab bakee hai.
Don't ever think majority people are fools. More than 82.5% are with modiji.
DisAgree [101] Agree [13] Reply Report Abuse
JJ, Mlore
Sat, Aug 20 2016Keep the numbers to 82 or 83%. I feel 0.5% is a bit too mathematical..........!!!
DisAgree [6] Agree [68] Reply Report Abuse
SK, Mangalore
Sat, Aug 20 2016One thing I agree with you -picture abi baki hai......Our kad asa bodna muslims are going to pay a heavy price ( in the form of their lives ) if they use bufallos/ox for the incoming Eid shortly ...
Muslim brothers BE CAREFUL... Senas/Dals are inviting you to come on the roads....
DisAgree [4] Agree [40] Reply Report Abuse
Harold D'cunha, Mangalore, India
Sat, Aug 20 2016Dev,
Thank God, Indian National bird is peacock not crow.
If it would have been numbers, then, ....
DisAgree [3] Agree [48] Reply Report Abuse
Dev, Mangalore
Sat, Aug 20 2016Only 31% voted Modi, & now claim of any other percentage on the basis of few polled doesn't justify any boasting based on presumptive statistics.
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Ummar, Udupi/Dubai
Sat, Aug 20 2016@ Dev,
Jo ukaad sakta hi ukaad lo. Before it was 31% with BJP/RSS. Now it meager 10-15% left. Around 70% good people there plus minority. 10 - 15% per yeh 85% bahut bhari padega.
DisAgree [1] Agree [18] Reply Report Abuse
JJ, Mlore
Sat, Aug 20 2016Thankyou CM for the words of wisdom. Hopefully all the COWS and Buffaloes will vote for you in the next elections.
DisAgree [5] Agree [73] Reply Report Abuse
SK, Mangalore
Sat, Aug 20 2016Another 4 legged human being .....Deserve cowshxxt ....
DisAgree [4] Agree [53] Reply Report Abuse
Dev Kumar, Manipal/New Delhi
Sat, Aug 20 2016Well said. Will have a big agitation in coming days. People who wish to protest as it's a wrong decision let them come on road.
DisAgree [71] Agree [8] Reply Report Abuse
Lydia Lobo, Kadri
Sat, Aug 20 2016@ Dev Kumar
Meaning... you are even ready to go against the PM of India !!! ???
DisAgree [2] Agree [64] Reply Report Abuse
Praveen , Kulshekar
Sat, Aug 20 2016No never Cow cannot be my mother and I will never treat her as mother as I cannot see the cows on the roads and sheds in unhygienic conditions. Protest is all best suited for your group
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Praveen , Kulshekar
Sat, Aug 20 2016Will the cows and the bulls join you in the protest? Bhashan from Modi or Bori?
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