PM likens army's surgical strike to Israel's exploits

Mandi, Oct 18 (PTI): Prime Minister Narendra Modi today likened the army's anti-terror surgical strikes to Israel's exploits and said the Indian forces have shown they are no less than anybody.

"Our army's valour is being discussed across the country these days. We used to hear earlier that Israel has done this. The nation has seen that Indian army is no less than anybody," he said.

Israel is known for its targeted military strikes against enemy countries and militant outfits.

Modi was speaking at a rally in Himachal Pradesh where he inaugurated three hydro-power projects.

The issue of surgical strikes has snowballed into a political row with the opposition accusing the BJP and its government of "milking" it for political benefits. The charge has been rejected by BJP which has insisted that it is taking the issue to the masses to boost the army's morale and highlight the strong political will of the Prime Minister.

Underscoring his commitment to the welfare of armed forces, Modi today said his government had fulfilled its promise of 'One-Rank, One-Pension' for ex-servicemen, an issue which he said had been hanging fire for over 40 years.

Previous governments, he said, duped the people by making tall claims and some of them even allocated Rs 200 crore-500 crore in this regard but never did an analysis of cost burden and how it could be executed.

"I did it and was puzzled to find that the economic burden kept rising. It worked to be more than Rs 10,000 crore," he said, adding that it was difficult for any government to make such a big allocation in one go.

Modi said he spoke to armed forces and offered to release the money in four installments to which they agreed.

"Over Rs 5,500 crore in first installment has been given. The rest will be to. A promise hanging fire for the last 40 years has been fulfilled," he said.

At the 'Parivartan Rally', Modi also targeted Virbhadra Singh, the Chief Minister of Himachal Pradesh where elections are due late next year, saying BJP chief ministers dedicated themselves to causes like drinking water and roads while the Congress leader was concerned about his own welfare.

"Do I need to explain what the current chief minister is known for?" he said and then added, "When BJP gave chief ministers, somebody dedicated himself to water, somebody to roads but when others came they dedicated so many things for their personal welfare," he said.

BJP has accused Singh of being involved in corruption but the Congress leader has rejected the charges and claimed that he was a victim of "political vendetta".

People will demand that Virbhadra Singh government give an account of its work, Modi said, noting that the state was getting Rs 72,000 crore following the implementation of the 16th Finance Commission report instead of Rs 21,000 crore allocated earlier.

Modi said BJP leaders were asking him to seek an account of the money sent to the state government. "Not only us, the people of Himachal Pradesh will demand an answer (from Singh)."

The Prime Minister recalled his old association with the hill state, which was under his charge as the then BJP General Secretary, and noted that the projects he was inaugurating were founded by the then Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee.

"I was also present as the organisation's in-charge and who would have thought that I will get the opportunity to inaugurate them," he said.

A large numbers of people from Himachal were working in the armed forces, the Prime Minister said and hailed the state as the land of valiant people and stressed that similar respect should be accorded to ex-servicemen as to the serving soldiers.

His government, he said, had begun executing projects stalled for decades and said wryly that he had never thought that he, as Prime Minister, would have to run in the PMO an "archaeology department" that would have to dug up "skeletons" of very old projects which never took off after their foundation stones were laid.

With New and Renewable Energy Minister Piyush Goyal in attendance, he said households in the state will collectively save almost Rs one crore daily with the use of LEDs and noted that the project could be executed more quickly.


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  • Rajesh Rao, Mangalore

    Wed, Oct 19 2016

    Why is Modi politicising this strike ? Instead of using men and machines ( helicopters ) for this strike the Army could have just used the 2-3 Brahmos missiles making use of our satellites like the Isrealies do. There could always be an error and risk using men and machines.

    DisAgree Agree Reply Report Abuse

  • A. S. Mathew, U.S.

    Wed, Oct 19 2016

    Just before the U.P. election, the old promises are buried like Rs. 15 lakh/person-millions of jobs-millions of toilets-smart cities everywhere-Chines factories landing in India by the thousands etc but a new miracle proverb " surgical strike " then the Ram temple will spice up that.

    The anti-English Modiji is inventing new English vocabularies like Pakistan is the " mothership" of terrorism other nations are not giving an ounce of response and support for that statement.

    DisAgree [1] Agree [5] Reply Report Abuse

  • peter, brahmavar

    Wed, Oct 19 2016

    Indian soldiers fought many wars but no PM boasted as our PM boasting for surgical strike. How many soldiers dying every day still our foolish home minister celebrating all over India.

    DisAgree [1] Agree [6] Reply Report Abuse

  • Nash, Mangalore

    Tue, Oct 18 2016

    Telling the world about surgical strike was need of the hour. By which India got support from other nations for conducting a strike against its enemies and saving the sovereignty of the nation. The issue was politicized by opposition only to divert peoples attention and keep vote banks safer. Grow up guys..!!!

    DisAgree [10] Agree [7] Reply Report Abuse


    Tue, Oct 18 2016

    Totally agree with PM sir's assessment..

    DisAgree [13] Agree [4] Reply Report Abuse

  • Mahendra Shetty, Mumbai Mangalore

    Tue, Oct 18 2016



    DisAgree [9] Agree [7] Reply Report Abuse

  • SKM, Mangalore

    Tue, Oct 18 2016

    Cheap publicity is not good, Israel does whatever it wants without any publicity, for some politicians publicity is important than actions

    DisAgree [3] Agree [14] Reply Report Abuse

  • SMR, Karkala

    Tue, Oct 18 2016

    The difference between Israel and Indian military operation is,it does it quietly without any fanfare.But PM Modi's India everything done for 'Breaking news' which only has political benefit.

    Stop chest beating and rescue the Indian soldier who was still held captive in Pakistan in this 'surgical strike'.

    Jai Hind

    DisAgree [2] Agree [16] Reply Report Abuse

  • Alphonso Rodrigues, Udupi

    Tue, Oct 18 2016

    Lets appreciate our Indian Army keeping our political party affiliations behind. Still not convinced watch 'Aaloo ka factory' video.

    DisAgree [7] Agree [4] Reply Report Abuse


    Tue, Oct 18 2016

    Isreal might have done thousands of surgical strikes but not have mentioned every time by any leader for any reason since they act more than they talk but in our leaders the other way

    DisAgree [2] Agree [25] Reply Report Abuse

  • diago, Mumbai/Mangalore

    Tue, Oct 18 2016

    Modiji we are proud of you. You are the HE man of the country. Unlike the Congress government who looted us we are happy u r there. Karnataka will be won by BJP for sure. Go Modiji

    DisAgree [25] Agree [9] Reply Report Abuse

  • Venkat, Mangalore

    Tue, Oct 18 2016

    Mr PM,

    I do not want the 15 lacks you found promised and failed to deliver. Instead I and many other Indians want the head of Hafeez Saeed - can you fulfill that?

    DisAgree Agree [17] Reply Report Abuse

  • geoffrey, hat hill

    Tue, Oct 18 2016

    In early 80s there used to be popular catch phrase in Tulu ' Budi..budi.. kenre edde aapund'

    DisAgree [6] Agree [16] Reply Report Abuse

  • moshu, Mangalore

    Tue, Oct 18 2016

    Whole world knows israel is the only occupied state in this world and pouring unarmed civillians. As far as surgical attack concern we indians wont trust our PM who lied depositing 15 lakhs.

    DisAgree [29] Agree [13] Reply Report Abuse

  • Rajesh, Udupi

    Tue, Oct 18 2016

    Since your very first sentence is a blatant lie, the second sentence has to be a bigger lie...

    Pls pls don't believe him... he is feku #1... LOL

    DisAgree [9] Agree [12] Reply Report Abuse

  • Ahmed, Bangalore

    Tue, Oct 18 2016


    Aren't you aware that Israel is an occupied country of Palestinians? The presence of Israel at occupied land itself is illegitimate.

    Israel army is the number one terrorist army brutally murdering each day the legitimate owners of the land, creating atrocities on them openly by even denying water.
    supported by its big brother as it's ruled by Jews themselves

    Supporting and comparing such cruel army of Israel to our honoured and respected Indian army is great insult made by our own PM.

    When leader (guru) himself is feeling proud of supporting cruelty, then what good can be expected from his chelas.

    If anyone has left truthful and honesty and justice left in them then will never support the cruel and terrorist army of Israel.

    It's the same as PAK occupying Indian land and torturing the true inhibiting of the land. So will you guys support PAK in such instance? Supporting Israel is the same.

    DisAgree [16] Agree [9] Reply Report Abuse

  • Swamy, Mangalore

    Tue, Oct 18 2016

    Please don't comment if you are not aware of Isael-Palestine history. FYI Jews have bought this land from Palestanians legally documented and Palestanians have sold this land out of thier own will. Israel has not illegally occupied anything but Palestanians are illegally claiming now. Get the facts straight.

    DisAgree [10] Agree [18] Report Abuse

  • Rajesh, Udupi

    Tue, Oct 18 2016

    calling all of Israel as occupied terriroty and then terming unarmed civillians.. both are lies according to me.

    DisAgree [6] Agree [8] Report Abuse

  • David Pais, Mangalore

    Tue, Oct 18 2016

    @Palestinians occupied Israeli land.

    DisAgree [6] Agree [8] Report Abuse

  • Ahmed, Bangalore

    Tue, Oct 18 2016

    I don't see the Reply option for Swamys comment. Its missing. Hence replying to my own comment.

    @Swamy, Can you tell me where and which country signed the documents? Was it by Palestinians? It was only by western countries. They planned this idea and they only decided and choosen Palestinian as the land for Israel. Did they take Palestinians or Arabs view? If they taken and all parties agreed, then today the history would have not witnessed 3 wars between Arabs and Israel.

    Even after getting the occupied land by their masters, these Israeli continued to Occupy Lebanon land of Golan Heights and they still didn't stop there, each day tried to occupy borders of Egypt, Syria, Lebanon and Palestine.

    The atrocities on West Bank is uncountable but world only sees Palestinians stoning Israeli army.

    The occupiers denied the original inhabitant their own water, electricity and basic infrastructure.

    And people who don't have justice & kind heart are busy supporting such criminals and injustice. What an irony.

    DisAgree [7] Agree [7] Report Abuse

  • ca girishkk, m'lore/dxb

    Tue, Oct 18 2016

    @ Moshu,

    For yours & bhakt's kind information...., though you are right that ISRAEL is the only occupied state in the world.., the fact is that no one in the whole universe dare to attack ISRAEL (not even big brother US or RUSSIA or FRANCE),

    I really don't understand why Hindustan's honorable PM trying to compare itself along side ISRAEL ...? May be poaching & faking someone's credibility & might to take credit..?

    I always welcome second best opinion in this regard.

    DisAgree [3] Agree [16] Reply Report Abuse

  • Rajesh, Udupi

    Tue, Oct 18 2016

    How to spot a traitor?


    Those who were abusing modi as coward before surgical strike.

    After the strike, they are so pained with their real love for Pakiland, they say why did he kill innocent terrorists they too have family na?, where is the proof, … Or divert the point entirely by shamelessly begging for 15 Lak in account..

    Few samples… one can add more.. LOL

    DisAgree [21] Agree [19] Reply Report Abuse

  • VM, Udupi

    Tue, Oct 18 2016

    PM shab gaadi aap ki surgical attack me hi atak gayi.

    Do something about promised 15 lakhs, preferably for those who never vote for you.

    DisAgree [1] Agree [5] Reply Report Abuse

  • Vincent Rodrigues., Frazer Town,Bangalore

    Tue, Oct 18 2016

    No one has the doubts and confusion with regard to the Indian Army which is always top and committed

    DisAgree [1] Agree [29] Reply Report Abuse

  • rob,

    Tue, Oct 18 2016

    For the last 69 years our Army was sleeping, politicians were sleeping. Now recently they woke up.

    DisAgree [5] Agree [25] Reply Report Abuse

  • mohan, mangalore

    Tue, Oct 18 2016

    rob.. who woke up. army or Politicians or media. or PM is using Army for political gain.

    DisAgree Agree [7] Reply Report Abuse

  • Jossey Saldanha, Mumbai

    Tue, Oct 18 2016

    Tum Tum ...

    DisAgree [6] Agree [27] Reply Report Abuse

  • N.M, Mangalore

    Tue, Oct 18 2016

    Just as we have one the best soldiers of the world in our Army,we have one of the worst politicians.

    1. Why has (Pseudo) nationalist party reduced the pension of disabled soldiers?
    2. Why haven't you removed the anomalies in the one rank one pension?
    3. why are you playing DIRTY POLITICS and CHEST THUMPING over the dead bodies of our soldiers?

    DisAgree [16] Agree [44] Reply Report Abuse

  • Rajesh, Udupi

    Tue, Oct 18 2016

    Some people are so pained and frustrated after surgical strike that they are busy spreading lies

    Govt has already clarified on disability pension for soldiers not being reduced and even on one rank one pension

    But those frustrated souls continue to spread misinformation as their favorite country is in disarray .. .LOL

    DisAgree [7] Agree [4] Reply Report Abuse

  • Flavian, Mangalore/Kuwaot

    Tue, Oct 18 2016

    I am not against Mr. Modi or present government. In the meantime never ever think that previous government did not worked and achieved their goals in diversified fields. India what today is the recipient and the efforts of forgone governments too.
    As a leader we need to remember our late Indira Gandhi (Iron lady) who stood firm against PAK aggression and even liberated Bangladesh. (Even Modi would have been in two minds)

    DisAgree [11] Agree [43] Reply Report Abuse

  • ca girishkk, m'lore/dxb

    Tue, Oct 18 2016

    Let the bhashan's continue.., hope some body don't come & start rail rokho...,


    From where & why ISRAEL is pulled into the scene....!, sirf bhashan..., bhashan..., & more bhashans...,

    We all know little over one year back delhites threw these kind of bhashan's & promises to dust and bring AAP govt.
    Now we have to wait till 2019 for achche din..,

    DisAgree [12] Agree [31] Reply Report Abuse

  • mohan, mangalore

    Tue, Oct 18 2016

    At last modi told proud of Indian Army which the congress government developed.

    DisAgree [14] Agree [49] Reply Report Abuse

  • Flavian, Mangaluru/Kuwait

    Tue, Oct 18 2016

    If Army takes over first thing could be banning all the organizations who interfere with administration in different ways. (like China)

    DisAgree Agree [24] Reply Report Abuse

  • Jaison, Mangalore

    Tue, Oct 18 2016

    We used to hear about similar feats of Israel. But now everyone knows that Indian Army is no less.

    Dear Modiji,plucking a mango from a tree of a stangers house near to the compound wall is easy but getting inside the same strangers house is very difficult.

    It is the same case surgical attack is done near border and enerting Pakistan's heart is not india's cup of tea.Why i am saying it is not cup of tea because there is no will power in our politician.

    I am not saying our army cannot do the covert operation thay can do and they were trained to do any kinds of operation..... it is becuase of our political system our army has to ask orders from our goverment..

    DisAgree Agree [30] Reply Report Abuse

  • Flavian, Mangaluru/Kuwait

    Tue, Oct 18 2016

    I am not against Mr. Modi or present government. In the meantime never ever think that previous government did not worked and achieved their goals in diversified fields. India what today is the recipient and the efforts of forgone governments too.
    As a leader we need to remember our late Indira Gandhi (Iron lady) who stood firm against PAK aggression and even liberated Bangladesh. (Even Modi would have been in two minds)
    Whatever she expressed she did that too.
    Kudos to late great leader 'Indira Gandhi'

    DisAgree [1] Agree [16] Reply Report Abuse

  • Rajesh, Udupi

    Tue, Oct 18 2016

    I don't think any indian has doubts in his mind on Indira Gandhis action in fact vajapayee called her durga post war.. But that does not mean she will be forgiven for 1975.. lets not generalize everything.

    DisAgree [4] Agree [2] Reply Report Abuse


    Wed, Oct 19 2016

    Every leader has good or bad, there are bad strings attached even to Modhi when he was Guj CM, but it doesnt mean we dont support him when its National Interest as stake. Advani too has demolished the mosque in 1991 which lead to so many problems after that. Every party has some good or bad. Pleople have the choice to vote... This is democracy If Indira imposed Emergency in 1975 she was voted out, but she is the one also sacrificed her life for the nation... Respect for what every one has contributed If India is at some place is also the contribution if the previous governments, dont always criticize learn also to appreciate.

    DisAgree Agree Reply Report Abuse

  • Venkat, Mangalore, Dubai

    Wed, Oct 19 2016


    The 1975 Emergency affected corrupt politicians the most. Whose side are you on?

    DisAgree Agree [1] Reply Report Abuse

  • N.M, Mangalore

    Tue, Oct 18 2016

    Can some one wake up feku and his Def Minister and tell them that we have been attacked half a dozen times after the so called "surgical strikes".

    This morning we have been attacked again in Rajouri sector.

    goodmorning P.M..wake up and STOP THIS CHEST THUMPING!

    DisAgree [8] Agree [23] Reply Report Abuse

  • Nagaraj, Banglore

    Tue, Oct 18 2016

    Indian Army should take over Indian government and implement military rule and should teach lesson those who questions Indian Army.

    DisAgree [22] Agree [14] Reply Report Abuse

  • Amigo , Mangalore

    Tue, Oct 18 2016

    Then what is the difference between India & Papistan, same thing happening in Papistan "Summarily ution " In reality you people don't have the patience to listen the audience.

    DisAgree [3] Agree [13] Reply Report Abuse

  • Nagaraj, Banglore

    Tue, Oct 18 2016

    Inshallah one day millitary rule will come in India and all those anti Indians will be kicked out from India. Jai Jawan.

    DisAgree [3] Agree [17] Reply Report Abuse

  • Jagan, mlore

    Tue, Oct 18 2016

    sanghis ?

    DisAgree [5] Agree [20] Reply Report Abuse

  • Nagaraj, Banglore

    Tue, Oct 18 2016

    World knows who's Patriot and who's traitors. We don't know need worry about that. Time teaches everything. My support is to Military Rule.

    DisAgree [10] Agree [5] Report Abuse

  • Joseph F. Gonsalves, Bannur, Puttur / Mangalore

    Tue, Oct 18 2016

    Dear Chaaiwaala P.M., you have won the 16th Lok Sabha election by deceiving the citizens.






    DisAgree [27] Agree [41] Reply Report Abuse

  • Nagaraj, Banglore

    Tue, Oct 18 2016

    Only our saint can solve all this problems. I realized now.

    DisAgree [11] Agree [7] Reply Report Abuse

  • sid, mangalore

    Tue, Oct 18 2016

    Dear Dongis and Dongi chelas , The Dongi governent all it did was scams after scam and projected Pappu as its leader who has no capability .It also got a useless president called prathibha patel who was also a chela and did not allow Mr.Kalam to come for second term . how pathetic !
    Modi Gi has got the country into the right track . Please have some burnol because you chelas will need it for another 2.5 long years till the next election and i am sure for more

    DisAgree [21] Agree [14] Reply Report Abuse

  • vasanth, mulki

    Tue, Oct 18 2016

    I am happy with present govt. I don't want 15 lakhs since it is a black money. I want to earn money my own & I don't want any looting money.

    DisAgree [41] Agree [26] Reply Report Abuse

  • jeevan, mangalore

    Tue, Oct 18 2016

    Well said.. tit for tat reply...

    DisAgree [34] Agree [9] Reply Report Abuse

  • David Pais, Mangalore

    Tue, Oct 18 2016

    black or white poor's wanted food and water not patriotism.

    DisAgree [10] Agree [34] Reply Report Abuse

  • jeevan, mangalore

    Tue, Oct 18 2016

    I am earning honestly and I too dont want 15 lakhs...

    DisAgree [34] Agree [14] Reply Report Abuse

  • ca girishkk, m'lore/dxb

    Tue, Oct 18 2016

    @ Jeevanji,

    After realizing the truth & fact that, the 15 Lacs promise was a ullu banaawing one..., if i am not mistaken..., you have no option but to decline defend yourself embarrassment..!!!

    Aaj kal kya chal raha hai...., FEKU hai na....!!!


    DisAgree [7] Agree [23] Report Abuse

  • N.M, Mangalore

    Tue, Oct 18 2016

    Your response reminds of the nursery story - 'Fox and the grapes'...ROFL.

    feku fooled you guys and now you have no other option but to lick your wounds and say that we dont want 15 lacs....grapes are sour!!

    DisAgree [7] Agree [27] Reply Report Abuse

  • Rajesh, mangalore

    Tue, Oct 18 2016

    The people of the Country know what Mr Modi is. He does not require CONgmens certificate. Mr Modi has implemented a strong Anti Black money Law. that for sure and the digital india initiatives will curb generation of Black money. we do not latch on to election rhetorics. if you want to comfort yourself that Mr Modi won hands down on account of promise to deposit black money in every person account( he did not exactly say in that manner though), then read the Victory margin in the recent Assam elections. you can also study the recent prepoll surveys done by India today, except for Punjab where there is a huge anti incumbency, all other states show Modis vote share has increased in state elections.

    DisAgree [19] Agree [9] Report Abuse

  • David Pais, Mangalore

    Tue, Oct 18 2016

    Rajesh, mangalore
    elect margin of delhi, bihar and forthcoming punjab.

    DisAgree [5] Agree [15] Report Abuse

  • Yash, Mangalore

    Tue, Oct 18 2016

    FM has given a statement that they have already recovered 65000 Crore. Which am sure will be used for the benefit for the country and the poor ppl of the country.

    DisAgree [23] Agree [11] Reply Report Abuse

  • David Pais, Mangalore

    Tue, Oct 18 2016

    inside black 6500. outside swiss black? jio both inside and outside black in black.

    DisAgree [4] Agree [19] Reply Report Abuse

  • D.Shetty, Mangalore / Bahrain

    Tue, Oct 18 2016

    First learn to respect your P.M, he may be born to chaiwala but he is not the P.M of largest democracy...i dont need 15 lakhs but i see i will benefit this 15 lakh with the policy and actions of current govt. only he was elected by BJP majority you dont have to oppose and be disgrace to yourself...
    one of the best P.M we had since independence ..

    DisAgree [10] Agree [3] Reply Report Abuse

  • Alan, Mangalore

    Tue, Oct 18 2016

    Shetty , No mention about the failed bylateral policies of the P.m., Birthday celebration with Nawaz Sharief was a utter waste of time & money. Nepal , is seething with anger, No mention about the pathankot defence failure, No mention about the 15 Soldiers who died recently & inspite of Parrikar mentioning that it was a severe lapse in Defence. Now we do one strike in retaliation against our dreadful neighbours & the Modi Govt is Bilking it for all that it is worth. The Govts loud speakers are barking day in & day out . Nothing has been achieved , the retaliation was done even earlier but then they kept mum about it, The irony is that the present Govt is going over the top , when in fact it was a Glaring lapse in the 1St place & we were forced to retaliate, So much for Israel like strikes .

    DisAgree [1] Agree [6] Reply Report Abuse

  • jeevan, mangalore

    Tue, Oct 18 2016

    After 65 years, we are proud of INDIA, we are proud of MODIJI and we are proud of ARMY.

    DisAgree [61] Agree [23] Reply Report Abuse

  • N.M, Mangalore

    Tue, Oct 18 2016

    @ jeevan - so you and the remaining traitor bhakts were NOT proud of India when we won the 1965, 1971 and Kargil War???

    ohh wait!! i forgot.....all bhakts were born after 2014!!!

    DisAgree [6] Agree [33] Reply Report Abuse

  • Nagaraj, Banglore

    Tue, Oct 18 2016

    Dislikers are Dawood followers. Big Daddy.

    DisAgree [29] Agree [5] Reply Report Abuse

  • Hemanth, Mumbai

    Tue, Oct 18 2016

    After 65 years you are proud of indian army common man. It shows the army respect

    DisAgree [10] Agree [31] Reply Report Abuse

  • Amigo , Mangalore

    Tue, Oct 18 2016

    Jeevan Sir,
    Little CORRECTION!!! No.1, All Indians are proud of India since 69 years No.2, All Indians are PROUD of INDIAN MILITARY (not only army) since 69 years BUT ONLY BLIND BAKHTS ARE PROUD OF THEIR CHAIWALA FEKU "NOT ALL INDIANS"

    DisAgree [8] Agree [40] Reply Report Abuse


    Tue, Oct 18 2016

    Feku bhakts born after 2014 only.

    DisAgree [1] Agree [26] Reply Report Abuse

  • sid, mangalore

    Tue, Oct 18 2016

    Once a Chela alsways a Chela . Chelas are proud of Pappu

    DisAgree [4] Agree [2] Reply Report Abuse

  • sid, mangalore

    Tue, Oct 18 2016

    Thank you PM Modi gi for working tirelessly and thank you army for keeping us safe. Wish karanataka politicians from bjp and congress worked 5 percent of what Modi gi does !

    DisAgree [38] Agree [18] Reply Report Abuse

  • jeevan, mangalore

    Tue, Oct 18 2016

    Mr. Sid
    PM Modiji has not taken a single day off after taking charge on May 2014.
    Great PM of Great INDIA

    DisAgree [16] Agree [8] Reply Report Abuse

  • N.M, Mangalore

    Tue, Oct 18 2016

    @Sid - the only time he works is when hambani and hadani give him an assignment or when Mohan B. tells him to do so.

    Example: Who is the MODEL for Jio phone?

    DisAgree [16] Agree [27] Reply Report Abuse

  • sid, mangalore

    Tue, Oct 18 2016

    @NM adani and ambani are indians not italians . if your kids want work these companies have to do well or else your kids will go to USA and you will dry up in india ... hope you get me . So lets not name ambani and adani and mallya what ever they do is good for them and good for us too in many ways

    DisAgree [19] Agree [9] Reply Report Abuse


    Tue, Oct 18 2016

    Porkistan is a disgrace to the mother earth. Eliminate porkistan from earth.

    DisAgree [11] Agree [39] Reply Report Abuse

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