UK: Aberdeen Konkan Association Celebrates Christmas

from Maxim D'Costa
Daijiworld Media Network – UK (SM)

UK, Jan 3: Mangaloreans and Goans residing in Aberdeen here celebrated Christmas 2007 under the banner of Aberdeen Konkan Association, with great fervour and gaiety at St Mary's Cathedral Hall here on Saturday December 29.

Spiritual director of Association, Fr Anil Gonsalves delivered the Christmas message.  Nativity play enacted by children as well as Konkani and English carols sung by adults and children respectively was well appreciated by the gathering.

Santa Claus increased children’s joy by distributing gifts and sweets. Everyone enjoyed delicious buffet which included Mangalorean as well as Goan delicacies. Rest of the programme included skits, songs, tambola as well as
baila dance.

Programme began with a prayer from Juliana D'Costa. Dr Maxim proposed the vote of thanks. Prakash Benis welcomed and compered the programme.


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