Ahmedabad, Nov 17 (Agencies) : As the government announced scrapping high denomination notes in move to root out black money, a case of bribery has to the light from Gujarat.
The Anti-Corruption Bureau arrested two officials of the trust port officials for accepting a bribe of Rs 2.9 lakh, but what stunned the officials was that the whole amount was in Rs 2000 note — newly issued on November 11.
The arrested officials, Superintending Engineer P Srivivasu and Sub Divisional officer K Komtekar of the Kandla Port Trust, sought Rs 4.4 lakh in bribe to clear the bills of a private electrical firm.
A middleman of the two officials accepted a part of the bribe, which was a sum of Rs 2.5 lakh. But he was arrested after a trap was laid by the agency officials.