New Delhi, Nov 25 (IANS): Bihar politician and RJD supremo, Lalu Prasad Yadav, in his latest barb on demonetisation, has accused Prime Minister Narendra Modi of playing "Uncle Podger" from Jerome K. Jeromes 1889 comic novel ‘Three Men in a Boat.
In a series of tweets on Friday, Lalu Prasad compared the Prime Minister to Uncle Podger, a character known for creating a mess out of simplest of projects and then blaming everyone else for it.
"During study days, read a poem "Uncle Podger hangs the (a) picture". #DeMonetisation chaos reminded me of him striking similarities wth Modi", he tweeted.
The reference was to the third chapter of the novel in which Uncle Podger creates chaos while hanging a picture on a wall.
"Like Uncle Podger, Modiji boasts he needs no one, but soon employs evryone (everyone), creates mess, blames all-Picture out of frame & himself out of scene", said Lalu Prasad in another tweet.
Opposition parties have attacked the Prime Minister on the abrupt ban on Rs 500 and Rs 1000 notes and have asserted that demonetisation has left millions in a cash-crunch.
"Modi Ji, like Uncle Podger, over promises but under delivers. First promises to deliver everything on his own and then creates a mess 4 (for) all", quipped Lalu Prasad in his third tweet.