If Rama’s birth at Ayodhya can’t be doubted, why triple talaq: Sibal in SC

New Delhi, May 16 (Deccan Chronicle): The Supreme Court on Tuesday continued its hearing on a bunch of petitions relating to the practice of triple talaq, with the All India Muslim Personal Board presenting its case in the court.

Senior Congress leader and advocate Kapil Sibal, representing the AIMPLB, argued that a tradition like triple talaq, which is centuries old, cannot be termed unconstitutional all of a sudden.

“Triple talaq is going on since 1,400 years, how can you say it is unconstitutional? It's a matter of faith,” Sibal told the apex court bench.

Furthering his argument, Sibal said, “There is no question of constitutional morality and equity in matters of faith”.

Also making a reference to the Ayodhya temple issue, Sibal pointed out that if Hindus' faith about Lord Rama is not arguable, Muslims' faith in triple talaq should also not be questioned

"If Hindus faith about Rama's birth at Ayodhya can't be questioned, then triple talaq, a matter of faith for Muslims shouldn't be (questioned too)," said Sibal

He also referred to the fact that the source of triple talaq can be found in Hadith and that it came into being after the time of Prophet Muhammad.

Sibal further remarked that the court should not be hearing the case in the first place. The advocate said so when Justice Rohinton Fali Nariman, one of the five judges constituting the bench asked if they should not hear the matter at all, following his non-interference in faith reasoning.

The apex court, however, asked the AIMPLB to state its opinion on the position of e-talaq in Islam, given through Whatsapp messages.

Earlier, The Centre on Monday had informed the Supreme Court that it would bring a law to regulate marriage and divorce among Muslims if the court held triple talaq invalid and unconstitutional.

Attorney General Mukul Rohatgi, India’s top law officer, made this submission after a five-judge constitution bench asked him about the remedies for Muslim men if triple talaq was struck down.

The multi-faith bench comprising Chief Justice of India JS Khehar and Justices Kurian Joseph, Rohinton Nariman, Uday Lalit and Abdul Nazeer is examining the legality of triple talaq after a clutch of petitions for a ban on the practice was filed.

The AG said triple talaq was not fundamental to Muslim personal law, and as the guardian of fundamental rights, the court should protect the rights of half of the Muslim population, which suffers discrimination.

The CJI told the AG, “We (court) are guardians of fundamental rights as well as minority rights. We agree with you that if triple talaq is arbitrary, extra-judicial, it must go. But we are not here to tinker with religion, tenets of religion and religious practices. Tenets of religion can never be tested by courts. What we may ultimately decide will impact a large section of the population.”

The Narendra Modi government at the Centre has been pushing for a ban on the contentious practice on grounds of gender equality and justice. The push also looks to win support from Muslim women and chip away at an important bloc of voters that has viewed Modi with suspicion. The All India Muslim Personal Law Board has promised reforms in personal law but opposed a blanket ban on the practice.


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  • melwyn, shirva

    Wed, May 17 2017

    everyone knows the congress party leaders thoughts/views/stand. what happened in shabanu case. in that case the same congress party reversed the court judgement in parliament & denied the monetary benefit to divorced woman. it shows the party views & same is displayed by Sibal in this case. and comparison of Ram temple is totally unacceptable & it is nothing but a vote bank politics.

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  • NN, Mangalore

    Wed, May 17 2017

    Triple Talaak and polygamy is unconstitutional simply because it violates the fundamental right of equality guaranteed in the constitution. Most countries, where Common Law is in practice, do not recognize any part of the Shariath law.

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  • sampath, India

    Wed, May 17 2017

    Sibalji, If Made snana, Sati paddati can be banned then why not Triple talaq?This is not religious or tradnational matter, Religion is not above humanity..Respect woman...

    DisAgree [5] Agree [19] Reply Report Abuse

  • Vincent Rodrigues, Katapadi/Frazer Town,Bangaluru

    Wed, May 17 2017

    Government need to uphold the constitutional rights given to the citizens

    DisAgree [2] Agree [4] Reply Report Abuse

  • Leslie, udupi

    Tue, May 16 2017

    Religions are only facilitators for larger humanity...
    Criticizing age old beliefs must stop...
    Any weapon is used with respect and on need only basis...
    Both husband and wife must consider larger issues like dependents, aged parents and long and beautiful times spent together...
    Life can be best with life spent together...
    Anything new is but lust driven...

    DisAgree [1] Agree [12] Reply Report Abuse

  • ca girish kk, m'lore/dxb

    Tue, May 16 2017

    Without prejudice..,

    In my opinion, the apex court must allow, those muslim woman who don't agree with the age old religious tenet/practice should be allowed to follow the faith in which their needs/wishes can be fulfilled or met.

    at the same time.... - who will file a petition or file a case on persons/husbands who desert their wives without just cause...? .....can we expect the apex court or govt take suo moto cognizance of the matter... and address the grievance of the oppressed...?

    Is it the duty of the govt to interfere in personal/individual/religions matters under the pretext of protecting a fundamental rights...?

    just making a moot point ..., food for thought..,


    DisAgree [6] Agree [8] Reply Report Abuse

  • Shankar, Mangalore

    Wed, May 17 2017

    If my daughter wants to get married at 14 and if I don't have any problems, why the courts have to interfere in my personal right?

    DisAgree Agree [8] Reply Report Abuse

  • ca girishkk, m'lore/dxb

    Wed, May 17 2017

    That is the exact point I made in my point of view ..., if i am not mistaken .., you got it correctly..., your question need answer..., which doesn't take away the answer to my concern ...,

    Your questioning defensive answer reflect your courage to take things & face the society that may emerge...., it is true that every secular thinking Hindustani's may not have such courage..., in fact, ...that prompted me to put across my views as food for thought...,

    let me quote again -

    quote -
    "at the same time.... - who will file a petition or file a case on persons/husbands who desert their wives without just cause...? .....can we expect the apex court or govt take suo moto cognizance of the matter... and address the grievance of the oppressed...?"


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  • Danish, Mangalore

    Tue, May 16 2017

    I kindly request those to read Scripture first, understand and then comment.
    Firstly, there's nowhere written in the Scriptures that pronouncing the word TALAK 3 times means DIVORCE.
    Secondly, typing the word and sending through Text, email, Letters is invalid and out of question.
    Thirdly uttering the words on Skype is invalid too.

    Islam hasn't made divorce easy. Girls who are uneducated on Islam accept such things. A husband sends the words on whatsapp and the wife filed a suit. Isn't this funny? Why did she file a suit? Because she has already decided herself that she is divorced. This gave an opportunity for Grooms who gets encouraged. Divorce doesn't happen this way in Islam. It's a long process.
    Just because few Priests says this that, doesn't mean they are speaking on behalf of Islam. Islam clearly says not to heed to rumors or believe someone blindly. But read the Scriptures and cross check.
    So don't be in a sense of ignorance that what someone says is necessarily true and representing Islam.
    There's nothing called as Shariah.

    Have you visited the Girl or the Boy? Have you listened both individuals? Have you tried making them understand? Do you even know what is actually happening and why the divorce is taking place? Is the fault of the girl or boy? Have you tried to make them compromise? NO!

    When a Muslim girl comes across such a situation, people attack like a group of hyenas for a dead meat and behave like saviours.

    How many cases have been highlighted so far? Few. And even if the girl doesn't want to highlight, trolls never leave a chance to degrade Islam. Actual thing is not protecting the girl but to politicise.
    Now you will say there are many cases but Girls don't open up citing society stigma and so on. I can also speak about other religions too. Islam has the lowest number of divorces. Islam clearly says God doesn't appreciate divorce.

    You understand and ask yourself as why only Islam divorce is being highlighted and not other religions?

    DisAgree Agree [8] Reply Report Abuse

  • Danish, Mangalore

    Wed, May 17 2017

    The divorce process starts with speaking and discussing with elders. Then on both sides together. Then with the priests. Then comes lawyer. And even then if the couple doesn't wish to stay together, comes divorce. A divorce is void without valid strong reason.
    Now after divorce if the Boy wants the girl back, or the girls wants the Boy, then the girl has to get married to a new Boy, consummate and divorce him and then get back to the previous Boy. This is done so that the Husband needs to think twice before divorcing.So as the girl. Relationship is pure and not a joke that you divorce and get back. Nikah Halala is there so as not to get divorced. Its a penalty on the Boy. And why will the Boy and Girl wants to get back together? It's stupidity. Are they stupid to get divorces knowing the fact that its difficult to get back? Just uttering Talak doesnt means already divorced. It's girls mistake to accept it. Not necessary that the Boy is at fault always. Girls have always misused the law in most of the cases. It's time Boys have some rights too. Rights by meaning not divorce but some law to safegaurd his interest too.
    The Boy has to take care of the Girl after divorce with alimony and maintenance for her and for her child till she gets married again. It's not that simple.
    Ask yourself why divorce takes place on the first place? If marriage is all about divorce then why get married?
    Background verifications of both sides are not done. Both are not aware if they like each other. Either one is under pressure to even speak up to cancel.
    Islam says clearly that the marriage is void if a girl is forced or pressured or married without her knowledge. Both keep quiet till the end and as soon as they get married then starts the actual problem. Now you dont know whose at fault and how grave it is. If the Boy is so bad or not reliable, then the girls parents should be taken to task. Because its their job to find a suitable groom.

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  • Danish, Mangalore

    Wed, May 17 2017

    Yes girls should come up openly if they are used and divorced for clumsy reasons.
    But dont make it a issue and target only one religion.

    Why will the girl like to return if the Boy is not good? If she needs him then why divorce had taken place?It shows they are not serious. Divorce in some cases takes a lot of time just to get into a compromise. Even then they would not wish to be together. Now after divorce the girl wants him back. Was she not awake till then? If the Boy is doing this without any reason then he needs to be behind bars. You ask yourself suddenly the Boy gives divorce, what does that mean? Why will the girl even like to be with such a Boy? He is either Psycho or unstable or a fraud.
    Girls can divorce Boys too in Islam. She has that privilege too to safegaurd herself.Actual problem is girls or for that matter most of the Muslims are ignorant and havent learnt Islam. I can say QUALIFIED but UNEDUCATED. The fact is a Girl has more rights in Islam than Boys.

    TALAK is the final option.

    Always remember, Islam respects marriage. It says marriage completes half religion. Angels praise married couples.

    Don't divorce takes place on other Religions? Are you sure? Since the media hasnt highlighted till now, does that mean not even a single divorce has taken place?

    Why our society always consider and believe girls are always perfect and it was Boys mistake? What if the Girl is at fault? Don't you think Boys should have the privilege to get divorce? If a Boy divorces, he is bad. If a girl divorces, even then we suspect the Boy thinking the Boy might be at fault.

    I would like to conclude and ask, are all divorces apart from Islam, valid? Are all divorces apart from Islam, safegaurd Womens? Are all divorces apart from Islam, equality? Are all divorces apart from Islam, authentic and proper divorce?

    You mean a Muslim can't divorce at all. But other major religions have the rights to do accordingly and there you are protecting womens by divorces. RESPECT!

    DisAgree [1] Agree Reply Report Abuse

  • C.T. Thomas, Nandalike

    Tue, May 16 2017

    Is this question by Sibal ,not communal??? Why is Ram mandir being brought into this??? The case was initially filed by some Muslim ladies and Muslim women organisation. So how come Ram Mandir is being brought in.

    DisAgree [8] Agree [22] Reply Report Abuse

  • Langoolacharya., Belman/Wash DC.23

    Wed, May 17 2017

    Kamil Sibal brought Ram Mandir in this...he was Law Minister of India...during which most of the current SC judges were appointed...So he thinks he can play a hand in their decisions....Not going to happen...

    He has lot to do for CONgress achievement of 44 ....if he continues like this in 2019 CONgress will be 4...


    DisAgree [5] Agree [10] Reply Report Abuse

  • Nawaz, Udupi/ Kuwait

    Tue, May 16 2017

    Those who say that Islam needs reforms- We as Muslims, it’s our faith that Islam is not in need of any reforms at all until this world is in existence since it is mentioned in the Quran that Islam is the way of life prescribed by the Almighty Himself (through his Messenger Muhammed (Peace and Blessings of Allah be upon Him);

    Please note that Islam as a religion has given practical solution to the problems:

    1. Right of Inheritance to women.
    2. Right to remarry after husband’s death.
    3. Right to get separated from Husband.
    4. Take mehr, a mandatory payment, in the form of money or possessions paid by the groom to the bride at the time of marriage, that legally becomes her property.
    5. Males are made responsible to look after females of family. No male can force a woman to work.
    6. Has given almost 3 MONTHS time to stay in Husband's house even when the Husband has given Talaq to her wife. (Triple Talaq is not the way of Talaq as per The Quran)

    DisAgree [30] Agree [18] Reply Report Abuse

  • Shankara Narayana, BENGALURU

    Wed, May 17 2017

    Dude, nothing is perfect in this earth. Everything needs reforms as the time passes. Do you support giving divorce through Whatsapp?!! YES or NO?

    In Hinduism, there were more evil practices like SATI, DEVADASI etc, We stopped it completely. Hinduism accepts good things from all direction. That's why its called way of life. We don't have any rules or regulations to follow. We still have evil practices like untouchability which we will wipe out soon. Use your brain and heart before following anything.

    DisAgree [4] Agree [15] Reply Report Abuse

  • Peter, KSA

    Wed, May 17 2017

    Also should ban animal sacrifice like 'kori and sheep to Bootha'. At Virar (Mumbai) regular animal sacrifice is in existence in Jeevdani Temple on a hill.

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  • Nithya, Mangalore

    Tue, May 16 2017

    Rather than banning it, SC can just make it applicable to both husband and wife.

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  • Comman, Man

    Tue, May 16 2017

    Before 2014 there was no triple talaq system... ??? Or it was not in practice..??? Or there was no muslims in india..???

    DisAgree [13] Agree [12] Reply Report Abuse

  • Sudhakar, Kallianpur

    Tue, May 16 2017

    It seems along with Rahul Gandhij, Kabil Sibal also decided to offer his contribution for decimating of congress!!!

    DisAgree [9] Agree [20] Reply Report Abuse


    Tue, May 16 2017



    "Divorce may be pronounced twice; then the wife may either be kept back in fairness or allowed to separate in fairness." (Al Baqarah 229)

    "And the divorced women (after the pronouncement of the divorce) must wait for three monthly courses... and their husbands are fully entitled to take them back (as their wives) during this waiting period, if they desire reconciliation." (Al Baqarah 228)

    "Then, if the husband divorces his wife (for the third time), she shall not remain lawful for him after this divorce, unless she marries another husband..." (Al-Baqarah : 230)

    "When you marry the believing women, and then divorce them before you have touched them, they do not have to fulfill a waiting period, the completion of which you may demand of them." (Al-Ahzab : 49)

    "And if those of you who die, leave wives behind, the women should abstain (from marriage) for four months and ten days." (Al-Baqarah 234)

    DisAgree [5] Agree [15] Reply Report Abuse

  • Swamy, Mangalore

    Tue, May 16 2017

    And what are reasons to divorce and who will approve them????. Muslim men as per the Quran should be care takers and rescuers of women who they marry no matter what then what is the guarantee that the women whom you marry will not become a destitute again. This contradicts your own teaching. So, in the end the women are just commodaties who are rotated around used and trashed with no dignity and rights.

    DisAgree [7] Agree [15] Reply Report Abuse

  • peacelover, India

    Tue, May 16 2017

    At least have an option to divorce in case if things are not right, and she always have a right to re-marry.
    But in some other faiths, one doesn't have right to divorce, hence they abandon or kill. Please go through the ratio of divorce in Islam against other faiths, you will get the answer.

    DisAgree [11] Agree [11] Reply Report Abuse


    Tue, May 16 2017




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  • Amith, USA

    Tue, May 16 2017

    I'm not a Muslim, but I respect their teaching because if Husband & Wife have any problems in regard of living together atleast they can separate and live their own life or re-marry as they wish. But in some other religion if you want to marry other woman you must get rid off the first wife by cutting her in pieces and DUMP them in many places (eg: yesterday's Bombay -Worli episode ) or pour kerosene and burn them alive. Why this Cow GOBERMENT together with Feku & DAKU not bringing Law in that regard? Why India's Supreme Custodians are NOT worried in such cases? HYPOCRISY at it's BEST!!!!

    DisAgree [5] Agree [7] Report Abuse

  • Swamy, Mangalore

    Tue, May 16 2017

    Hindus, Christians marry only one wife for life but the crime and divorce rate is much lesser compared to thier population. There are staggering statistics from Saudi Arabia alone regarding crimes and divorces where polygamy is legal. Even if men think that its legal women will seek revenge for insult and humiliation, so the crime is 4 times more.

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  • Nawaz, Udupi/ Kuwait

    Tue, May 16 2017


    What do you mean by She will get rotated like Commodity ? Are there no good human beings in Muslims? Everyone use woman as Commodity?
    Our Prophet has said that " The best amongst us is the one who is best to her wife".

    Regarding your concern that who will take care of her:

    She can remarry.
    Her father is still her father even after her divorce.
    Her brothers are still her brothers even after her divorce.
    Her sons are still her sons even after her divorce.
    There is a Zakath system in Islam where every person (after reaching certain level of wealth) has to pay 2.5% of his wealth (excluding that required for his basic necessities) to the poor every year. And this Zakath is compulsory for a Muslim. If there is nobody to take care of this widow, then the Zakath money can be utilized for the widow).

    DisAgree [6] Agree [6] Reply Report Abuse

  • Nawaz, Udupi/ Kuwait

    Tue, May 16 2017


    When you talk about dignity, Whether staying with a Husband who has no value for her is Dignity ? or getting separated is Dignity according to You?.

    DisAgree [5] Agree [3] Reply Report Abuse

  • Mohammed, Kundapur/Qatar

    Tue, May 16 2017

    what a stupidity.
    sanghis want their women to give birth to 10 childrens, but want to protect muslim womens in terms of talaq. do you think these sanghis help anyone instead of their lust.
    why no one talking about devadasi culture which is still exist in some parts of karnataka.
    have a faith, almighty god will take care of it, why here some greedy politician behind this.

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  • melwyn, shirva

    Tue, May 16 2017

    any one can understand the logic behind this comparison. why Sibal want to compare this issue with Hinduism? there are so many good practice in Hinduism can he compare with that? there is no burqa system in Hindus/christians can he compare with that? what is his agenda behind this comparison. this is totally unnecessary & it will indirectly create misunderstanding between the people.

    DisAgree [6] Agree [18] Reply Report Abuse

  • Swamy, Mangalore

    Tue, May 16 2017

    Stupid comparison. No wisdom.

    DisAgree [5] Agree [16] Reply Report Abuse

  • Ramesh S, MANGALORE

    Tue, May 16 2017

    ..there is total silence from so called intellectual, award wapsi gang, feminist activist, film celebrities who have opinion on each & everything..above issue has direct negative impact on women but no one opening their mouth..particularly film celebrities knows how they misused this for long..

    DisAgree [6] Agree [21] Reply Report Abuse

  • Jaimini P.B., Manipal,Sharjah

    Tue, May 16 2017

    Whole Congress mindset is communal..Kapil Sibal is NOT an exception...Anyway..only two more years..then from 44 to 4 seats !! Congress Leader himself unfollowed Pappu in tweeter.......S.M.Krishna joined BJP... Another senior Congi leader in Karnataka wants to join JDS...Vinashada anchinalli Congress.

    DisAgree [17] Agree [22] Reply Report Abuse

  • ravi, mangalore

    Tue, May 16 2017

    Triple Talaq is hurt to women rights (effectively throwing her out on the street ) Need to change & don’t compare with Ram temple

    DisAgree [12] Agree [21] Reply Report Abuse

  • Dinesh, Dubai

    Tue, May 16 2017

    where is Hindu ..where is muslim.. where is tripal talak... where is Rama mandir .. nonsense he is trying to communalise this issue.. Sibal being a lowyer u dont the constitution which is prohibited dowry ,child marriage,sati etc etc all are belongs to hinduhism.

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  • Jossey Saldanha, Mumbai

    Tue, May 16 2017

    One Country
    One Law for all ...

    DisAgree [4] Agree [45] Reply Report Abuse

  • RAHUL, Mangalore

    Tue, May 16 2017

    Guys even Jossey supports PM way... BJP TO WIN ELECTION IN FULL MAJORITY

    DisAgree [10] Agree [32] Reply Report Abuse

  • Shibu, Dubai

    Tue, May 16 2017


    You mean to say feku PM

    DisAgree [15] Agree [8] Reply Report Abuse

  • Jossey Saldanha, Mumbai

    Tue, May 16 2017

    Do you want me to elaborate on One Country, One Law ...

    DisAgree [6] Agree [8] Reply Report Abuse

  • Jossey Saldanha, Mumbai

    Wed, May 17 2017

    Rahul has run out of Gas ...

    DisAgree [4] Agree [4] Report Abuse

  • mohan sr., Mangalore

    Tue, May 16 2017

    Then they must know that who is the first person told triple talaq .. and in which year ....... !!!!!

    DisAgree [2] Agree [22] Reply Report Abuse

  • Ramesh S, MANGALORE

    Tue, May 16 2017

    ..look how he is trying to communalise issue indirectly, why he couldnt sight example of birth place of revered figure from concerned community since its matter a particular community itself!..eventhough cases filed, faught by concerned community members, the lawyer who is a congressmen tries to communalise it..who given him law degree!!..can he defend SATHI system saying it has practiced over thousand years..why these people against caste system then, its practiced for thousand years,

    DisAgree [5] Agree [31] Reply Report Abuse

  • perchu, pervaje

    Tue, May 16 2017

    what kind of argument is this? in Hindus there was a practice called Sati & it was stopped in the name of reforms & people accepted it. not only this there was so many cruel practice in Hinduism which was stopped successfully. but instead of comparing/highlighting this kind of reforms, Sibal sir going in different way. it don't know in such a case what is the necessity of education?

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  • SB, Mlore

    Tue, May 16 2017

    Triple talaq is going on since 1,400 years, how can you say it is "unconstitutional" !!!
    Seriously Sibal !!!.
    Someone please tell this told that for the last 1300 or so years there was no Constitution.

    DisAgree [3] Agree [17] Reply Report Abuse

  • pircki, panchanabettu

    Tue, May 16 2017

    then it is fine, built a Ram temple at Ayodhya & continue the triple talaq. congress should support this without any double standard.

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  • ABDUL RAFIQ, Uchila

    Tue, May 16 2017

    But BJP don't want to build Ram Temple. They want this issue to be alive for another 50 years just for grab the hindutva votes nothing else.

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  • sri_elder, Karkala

    Tue, May 16 2017

    In Hindus there was one cruel practice called sati. And Raja Ram Mohan Roy stopped it.
    Now Muslim too do their practices in constitutional way.. That is called reforms...

    DisAgree [10] Agree [39] Reply Report Abuse

  • ABDUL RAFIQ, Uchila

    Tue, May 16 2017

    Finally Modi govt will lose this case since Mr. Kapil Sibal is representing AIMPLB in the Apex Court. Central govt is losing to Kapil Sibal in many cases like Teesta, Priya Pilai etc.

    DisAgree [41] Agree [23] Reply Report Abuse

  • Karthik Karkera, Maryhill Mangalore

    Tue, May 16 2017

    Abdul Rafiq, Hold your horses for now, Kapil Sibal is not invincible he too has lost many cases. I will challenge you that Finally SC will scrap Triple Talaq just wait and watch

    DisAgree [15] Agree [35] Reply Report Abuse

  • M.S.D, Mangalore

    Tue, May 16 2017

    Say Directly that Centre is Urs And ur people can do anything.!! There is No Law here.!! Just Politics.!!

    DisAgree [16] Agree [13] Reply Report Abuse

  • Karthik Karkera, Maryhill Mangalore

    Tue, May 16 2017

    It's not about your government or my government, Here the court is going to decide and the court had decided against triple Talaq in the past in the historic Shah Bano case but it was the vote bank politics of the then Rajeev Gandhi government that brought in a law to overturn the SC judgement to appease the muslim clergy, Anyway Rajeev Gandhi paid the price for it in the subsequent elections where people rejected him.

    DisAgree [2] Agree [8] Report Abuse

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