Postmortem: Congress Dug its Own Grave in Karnataka

Postmortem: Congress Dug its Own Grave in Karnataka

Special Political Correspondent

Mangalore, May 26: Finally Karnataka is set to be ruled by a single largest party, without having to compromise with a 20-20 or 50-50 formula. BJP is all ready to form its very first government in South India and this could well pave the way for the saffron party for establishing its strong base in the other southern states.

Though BJP's well-planned and charismatic one-man leadership is responsible for its success in Karnataka, Congress has to blame its own people rather than blaming JDS for split of secular votes and 'Hindutva' policies of BJP.

Look at the top leaders of Karnataka Congress. Mallikarjuna Kharge, one of the chief ministrial aspirants, does not even have a sound voice to address the public or media. He may have good ideas, but if he cannot be a good orator or speaker, then how can he possibly attract the attention of the public? He, being the chief of Karnataka Congress, is the first person responsible for the down-fall of Congress.

Kharge, Krishna, Singh, Sidda and Poojary

The other aspirant, one-and-a-half quintal Dharam Singh learnt the lesson of his life by tasting his first defeat after nine consecutive wins from his constiuency Jevargi. People taught him a lesson for doing nothing for the people except gaining weight for himslef. A man without any charishma, who cannot even walk properly, how can attract young voters of the state?. He is second person responsible for the Congress' defeat in the state.

S M Krishna, who was living a royal life as Maharashtra governor until the election was declared, came back to his home state with a half mind. His body language was indicating that he was not interested in sweating-out by doing the hardwork of walking and talking to the people. Though he is a good orator and a crowd puller, Congress failed to project him as CM candidate fearing the 'split' within the party. This fear proved too costly for the party and finally ended with crushing defeat. Krishna may be given another Governor position or cabinet slot at the centre, but he did not benefit the party in any way at the state level. Now he should be happy to go back to his AC rooms. He is culprit No 3 responsible for Congress defeat.

Siddharamaiah, though a reputed leader, and extremly popular among Kuruba and backward communities around the state, has the shortcoming of being an 'outsider', because of his migration from JDS followed by the rift with the Gowdas. He could have been projected as CM candidate but 'caste' played a key role here, and senior (old!) leaders did not allow him to be at the forefront. But he would have surely been a deputy CM candidate.

Janarardhan Poojary from coastal belt made a blunder, by twisting his lengthy tongue during the election campaign. He wanted to impress the poor by bringing back arrack in the state, but his bright idea backfired as a large number of women voters expressed anger over him. Poojary, though he speaks openly without mincing his words, proves very expensive at times all because of his tendency to pass 'unncessary' remarks. His duty was to strengthen the Congress base in DK, and though Congress tally improved a lot, it is Poojary's responsbility along with Moily and Oscar to accept the shoulder for defeat.

The above leaders played significant roles in distributing the tickets, and as a result five rebel candidates of Congress won the elections as independent candidates!

Other Factors:
(With input from TOI)

The hard issues apart, a party analysis has blamed "poor management" and a "lack of preparation" for its debacle. Pointing fingers at the high command, leaders in AICC and Bangalore feel there is a critical lack of seriousness in tackling states.

As a leader said, "He was barely back from Tripura and, after a brief stopover in Karnataka, he is set to fly to J&K."

He was referring to Prithviraj Chavan, in-charge of the state. This, he said, when Mallikarjuna Kharge, KPCC chief, was made to sit idle for two years without office-bearers when BJP-JD(S) coalition regime was faltering at every step and presented an ideal opportunity for Congress to kickstart its campaign against discredited partners.

Sources said the party wanted the Election Commission to delay polls to make up for its own failure to put the state unit in order. Even district committees were not in place. A leader said, "It was like independent candidates with Congress symbol."

Nor did the central leadership move to factor in the ultimate imponderable — delimitation. Sources said the
party had no clue on how reconfigured constituencies would behave and banked more on guesswork and assumptions. The defeat, leaders said, has sounded warning bells on future battles with possibly
bigger political consequences.

Coming as preliminaries to Lok Sabha polls, end-year assembly tests in Madhya Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Delhi and Rajasthan would determine the claimants with mood and momentum to take over Parliament.

However, many believe the second consecutive defeat in Karnataka could call for a deeper analysis on social behaviour of voters than mere questions of management. The party seems to have stagnated, a far cry from the days when it would command an appeal among upper castes, a section of OBCs, SCs and STs and could provide a safe seat for leaders — from Indira Gandhi to Sonia Gandhi — uncertain of prospects elsewhere.

This is where BJP is seen to have stolen the march. While the saffron outfit built its campaign around Lingayats under the leadership of B S Yediyurappa, it managed to woo other social segments. On the other hand, Congress stuck to its own style of multiplicity of leadership to please all, only to fail with most of them.

It was a concert of leaders — Kharge, Siddaramaiah, S M Krishna — the party had bet on, an old way to accommodate old guard it fails to retire. 

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  • donfrank, Mangalore, India

    Fri, May 30 2008

    Now everyone has started blaming the Congress leaders for the defeat. Many factors were responsible for its defeat. The main thing was inflation. Eventhough this problem is universal and some countries it has gone up to 30 to 40%, in india it was less than 8%. BJP made a big hue and cry about it and the people believed them. BJP lost very badly in 2004.

    But Congress in Karnataka has increased its tally from 65 seats to 80 and its vote share has increased. In fact BJP got only 34% of the popular vote (I think BJP got less than Congress). No way we can write-off Congress. They will succeed and youngsters will take the lead. Let the BJP rule and solve the problems of inflation, cauvery river water problem, poverty,terrorism, communal disharmony, naxalite fear etc. We have seen how BJP ruled for 6 years at the Centre and how many terrorist attacks had taken place during their tenure. We wish BJP all the best and pray to God to give them secular mentality. Jai Hind.

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  • Shrinivas, Bahrain

    Thu, May 29 2008

    First of all i congrats all BJP winners and whom voted for them. This congress now vasnished from the history of Karnataka and even it will be vanishing from Indian history. As they don't having a presentable leader for themselves, what they can do. they always chant the words of minoity, Dalits, poor people, but now 60 years what they done for those listed people. they are still same. they will never come up also, because the funds which are sanctioned from their govt. they eat themselves. This much big India they didn,t get a "MAN" Leader for their party..? what a shame for big big Mustash leaders.? clean it Karnataka they fight each other inside party. SM Krishan lost is Governor. no gain but pain.

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  • Clement Fernandes, Mangalore / Dubai

    Thu, May 29 2008

    The Congress Party thinking that it's minority vote bank alive throughout the country, it's only their thought. Reality is different as most of the youngsters ecspecially christians inclined towards BJP as their love for Nationalism attracts the young blood, also their policies on Terrorism. The biggest blunder congress did is by advertising on media regarding the Kandhahar Hijack episode, even a brainless person can think that there is no option other than releasing the terrorist. So Congress don't think of politics now onwards. Your time is out.

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  • simon lasrado, bangalore

    Wed, May 28 2008

    At last the people of Karnataka elected BJP to lead the State. Until and unless the congress party stops the family rule and hero worship they will not improve. This time we gave a chance to BJP and i am ssure BJP govt will make Karnataka a model State after Gujarat.Thank u voters for voting BJP

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  • Alfred J. Rebello, Kundapur/Dubai

    Tue, May 27 2008

    Yes. I fully agree with it. Congress politicians of the State thought Nehru/Gandhi dynasty is there to bring them back to power whatever they do and what they did was filling their own stomach. Yes, it was perhaps could work in the yester days and no more. Voters now, with their little education understand slowly but studily what is the politics and to whom to elect.

    Unless state congress politicians think the develoment of the country and the common people, they will not come back to power. In congress there is more infighting than the fear of opposition. They could not even nominate a person for the chief minister's post before the elections and everybody understood what is happenning inside congress politicians. And that is the reason they lost the power. Now state politicians of congress thinking of aligning with JDS just to come back to power, which they should not. One reason, JDS will play another dirty game and it will hamper more the image of congress. Instead,they should learn to sitdown in the opposition and help the Government to develop the State rather fighting each other.

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  • Roshan Pais, Mangalore

    Tue, May 27 2008

    Thanks for the article . It was also wonderful to read comments about the article. few additional points to add for the congress down fall: 1 Shivraj Patil the central home ministers comments on AFzal convicted by Indian Judiciery. Apalling and negative to COngress. How can he link muslim community and him . DOes the congress think that Muslims will feel bad if they hang him? How much more damage does none need to do? 2. Welcoming bad elements responsible for taking law onto thier own hands- this too added to the arrack misery created by poojary. I think congress needs to purge lot of things to come clean and show that they mean business and that is good governence .

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  • Mohan H Naik, Mangaluru

    Tue, May 27 2008

    Thanks for the scientific analysis of Karnataka assembly election 2008. The article is a bird view of Election Politics at Karnataka. I wish to add little more dimensions to the article, on national prospect. The election strategy chosen by Congress to win the election were broadly based on the propaganda for secularism, minority and dalit issues, equally BJP dismissing the same as ‘Pseudo secular cry’. But the voter proved more matured as it is understood now, rejection of coalition government, family hierarchy, floor crossing worked as key factors along with stress for overall development,corruption free good governance and stable government.

    If one can say, Gujarat fell to BJP due to the political polarisation of certain group/sect, what Himachal Pradesh results indicated? Over a year period Congress has lost power, failed miserably in Gujarat, Himachal, U.P, Uttarakhand and even W, Bengal, now in Karnataka. In Gujarat it was total failure of Congress high command in understanding the ground realities and mind set of people. Congress has made Modi stronger than he was and is. Congress had no candidate at Gujarat to portray as its Chief ministerial candidate, against bullish Modi, and the same blunder committed in Karnataka now forcing congress to embrace defeat.

    Banking on Krishna for Vokkaliga votes, Siddu for Kuruba community, Kharge for Dalits, created more harm than good, as it reflected Congress a party engineering ‘Caste politics’. The coterie around 10 Jan path, who do not work themselves nor allow any able and noble Congressmen to come near the nucleus are to be blamed for the debacle rather Sonia alone.

    Unlike Indira, Sonia lacks first hand information and understanding of her all time sleeping, over talkative, over-aged, over weight, Generals, (whom she thinks so). Indira was quick to pick and also to kick. Sonia’s office crammed with such leaders, politicians, who have no mass appeal and neither are they members of lower house. The bunch is of ex MP’s or upper house members. Mr Patel Sonia’s political secretary, Mr Dwivedi the General Sec, or Mrs Kidwai, Mr Chavan, all are upper house members. Others like Mr Ashok Gehlet, Mrs Alva are from defeated lot. Its not Modi or Eddy, just who snatched away victory from Congress but equally selfish people in and around Congress.

    Mr Patel, responsible for Gujarat defeat is known for his zero mass appeal but talented for show off before party high command. Neither he has performed nor allowed others to do so. Interestingly at H.P it was bad governance wide spread political nepotism, corruption of Congress that fetched power to BJP. In Karnataka, Prativiraj Chavan’s presence was never felt. The reason behind delay to take-off election campaign is mirror to Congress high command’s inefficiency. Nothing more to be talked and said about Mrs Alva. The squabble well with in the party could not be set right by these central leaders they were witness to Dharmu-Kha

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  • Sudharani, Mangalore/ Perth

    Mon, May 26 2008

    Congress for the past 50 years has kept the country backward and institutionalized corruption by their divide and rule policy. If they are really concerned about upliftment of backward and minority class they shud give free education irrespective of caste religion. The amount of "schemes" launched by Congress for minorities in the last 50 years should have made the minority communities the MOST educated and forward. Unfortunately all these "schemes" is eye-wash and made sure to keep minority community remains backwards. We need change and BJP is the only party with difference. Like Chandrababu Naidu in AP or Modi in Gujrat, Yeddi will take Karnataka to new age of development.

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  • S D'Silva, Udupi

    Mon, May 26 2008

    Its fantastic article by Daiji Team (Thanks) for exposing the failure of Congress Party because of its old, good for nothing leaders like Poojary, Dharam Singh, Kharge, Krishna, etc. who are supposed to be kicked out from the party long back. Still its not too late & its right time for the Congress High command to take action against these leaders and give opportunity to the young, talented, hard working leaders who can do better for the state and country. I feel sad for Mr. Manmohan Singh, a genuine personality (not a politician) who has done so much good to make our India one of the powerful and developed country being in the Congress Party and for these useless leaders who could not make use of his good work to make their party to win.

    Congrats BJP for the splendid win. Let any good party win,we the people of Karnataka expect your party to do good and impartial among all the Kannadigas keeping aside religion, caste. The leader of BJP (Yediyurappa) must not get influenced by Modi (Gujarat) Vedantas. All the best Mr. Yediyurappa, do your best to the people of Karnataka and for their prosperity so that the people of Karnataka may feel proud of you for electing you and your party.

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  • leena, mumbai

    Mon, May 26 2008

    In every party there are problems. We cannot condemn any party because party is made out of various leaders coming together. This time BJP has done well . They deserve to rule Karnataka. What is the use of condemning anybody and giving our views. There were setbacks for congress also but you cannot totally say they have done nothing.

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  • Anand D, Mangalore

    Mon, May 26 2008

    It was BJP who masterminded the divorce of Congress and JDS back in 2006 now I would like to see them again getting married and keep the anti religious party from power in Karnataka! Just wait and watch very soon Yeddie will become former CM of Karnataka.

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  • Arwin Pais, kadri-mangalore

    Mon, May 26 2008

    First of all,kharge power should be taken back and poojary should be given that power,Oscar should be active in politics The post of district congress president should be given to Shashidhar hegde and youth president post should be given to Rakesh malli, only then things will change in congress

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  • prabhakar kuckian, udupi / vikroli

    Mon, May 26 2008

    fantastic message delivered by dajiworld, especially poojary he is totally confused & he will take congress into the confusion loop.

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  • mkamath, kallianpur

    Mon, May 26 2008

    Very good Article, quite interesting to read and unbiased in nature.

    In this election, one thing has been established very family has been sent packing, another family's wings clipped not to manipulate people's verdict.The govt of the day must have concern for all community becuase poverty has no religion.Every parent, be it Hindu,Muslim or Christian, surely think about the future of their children.

    Every Kannadiga will surley look forward for a good governance and it is mandated to one single party with near simple majority, so that it will watch its steps before formulating its policies with fear of falling.

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  • louis v, mumbai

    Mon, May 26 2008

    bjp has at last gained a simple majority and are at last in a position to rule Karnataka. It is a golden opportunity for them to prove their mettle and to implement the policies for the largest benefit of the largest number throwing aside their narrow minded policies of Hindutva and non secular utterances. May they succeed in providing ideal good governance and prosperity to the people of karnataka State. Congress can be a constructive opposition.

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  • Mohammad Azmath, Dubai

    Mon, May 26 2008

    Better Luck BJP, everyone should get a chance. Congress should have Porjected someone has their Leader first? spoilgame was indeed played by JDS leader Devegowda. BJP had done good job in projecting Yadiyurappa has their Leader & won this elections with Majority. Karnataka will also emerge as TamilNadu, Kerala as their assemblies r aslo elected viceversa every five years.the important thing is development works done by the particular government.

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  • Peter Menezes, M'lore/Saudi

    Mon, May 26 2008

    Excellent review on Cong-I

    First of all they good good energetic leadersParty should give red signal to Kharge,D-Sigh,Krishna,molly, poojarythese are useless people who are distroying the party. They are not able to walk properlyhow much work they can do for people?. Need to good energetic leadersshould be good orator who can present the party to the people.

    The cong-I should learn from N-Modi-his presentation is very good, he is not doing anything specialGujart is as bad as before but the way he present the party making comments etc is excellent. This is the main reason cong. lost in Gujart and now in K'taka. My point to view Congress need good dyanamic leader -who can speak issues & present to people can change the party. Give position to young & educated people who can think and work for state or country.

    People don't need free T.V, Rice -this is bullshit-improve infrastructre of the county specialy provide water, road, housing to poor people.

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  • Austin Santhosh, Haleangadi/Bahrain

    Mon, May 26 2008

    Good Analysis of defeat! You are absolutely right. But in Mangalore and Udupi, the voters have elected the persons who are known for their social work. Look at the winners - Palaimar, Yogeesh Bhat, UT Khadar, Abhayachandra, Raghupathi Bhat,Gopal Bhandary, Halady etc. etc. Compare them with the loosers!. I think the candidate's personality was also counted along with Party's influence.

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  • Dr. Belle Damodar Shenoy, Padubelle

    Mon, May 26 2008

    Congress should contribute to Karnatak's development as a constructive opposition.

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    Mon, May 26 2008

    The article about congress is well documented, wish this is read by the failed leaders and sensibilty is shown, but it never happens, as all this men are busy merrying, partying.

    Unless congress central leadership tackles issue of discipline, qualities for leadership, dos and donts and proper directions from the leader, this party will be finished in couple of years, and sonia, rahul, priyanka will have to shoulder the failures which will be incorrect but this is what the congressman always are good at, they never question their own contributions, integrity but keep saying that they are loyal to the leader, what is loyalty without performan ce.

    All points raised and written and truly correct and we pray the party changes its brand image and really focusses on discipline and leadership quality, it is no more the same indians, so wake up congressmen

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  • Shanti Pais, Mangalore/Cambridge

    Mon, May 26 2008

    Very good analysis. It is true that congress lacks unity because of having too many oldies in the party and a brainless goose like Poojary. It reminds me the state of Indian cricket team, which failed to enter World Cup semifinals last time, vowing to internal clashes/disputes.

    However I am happy for the People’s verdict. It is very pleasing to notice a single party getting a majority and forming a Govt. without coalition. This should enable them to serve the society to the fullest extent. I remember the development works done in the capital by congress during S.M. Krishna’s leadership when it had full majority. It was a least corrupt government I had ever seen.

    But the government concentrated only the capital and failed to extend its hand to the rural areas. Also the rural people failed to realize the fact that the inflow for the government is from the tax, and the capital is most potential for getting it. Also Krishna was unlucky to have drought in the state during his time. Farmer suicide issue failed him getting majority and giving chance for Gowda to pick few seats from the Congress basket.

    But Gowda’s conning plans completely failed him. The recent election results show the following facts that:

    1. People are no more un-educated. You cant fool/manipulate them any more.

    2. People want a change from the traditional approach

    3. Media played a important role in updating the rural people with the information

    4. Politics can’t be anybody’s family business

    5. Election commission also played important role in reducing the fake polls Hope BJP uses this opportunity to bring good to the society than making money which they couldn’t in their lifetime :)

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  • Shameer Ahmed, Al Jubail / Kudroli

    Mon, May 26 2008

    It s indeed Congress party’s leadership failure, the Karnataka State Congress Party Leadership should be reshuffled, send back the old rusted bullets and refill with new, I mean give the chance to young leaders, then see how the fate of Congress will change. These old leader are not even pull the crowd as well as they cannot speak properly in the public meeting, they don’t have the charisma like Rahul Gandhi or Sonia Gandhi forget about their election strategy.

    I agree that old stalwart needed only to guide the young and energetic leaders.

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  • Parvez ali, Mangalore/Riyadh

    Mon, May 26 2008

    Excellent analyse, Bravo Daijiworld. A president with a donkey voice, an elephant like leader. If Cong., wants to strengthen their party let them Siddarammiah as a president of congress to prepare next Lok Sabha Election.

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  • Ganesh, Mangalore

    Mon, May 26 2008

    People have rejected congress because of its minority appeasement and mainly not understanding the sentiments of common man.It is bogus propaganda of theirs by saying cong is for "aam admi" as the increasing prices of food items just defeats their statements.Congress should learn lesson from BJP, a very young political party in terms of experience after their series of defeats in state elections.They should come out of Nehru familiy leadership and give power to those who are real indians .

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  • Vincent D'Souza, Guruvayanakere

    Mon, May 26 2008

    I sincerely appreciate the Boldness of M/s. Daijiworld in bringing out the open facts about a Congress Leaders who are worthless and strive for their selfish Motives. Politics has become a lucrative business to mint money in the shortest span of time. Congress in Karnatake did get several chances but failed to satisfy the common man. These days we need competent people who can tackle the High Rise Price Rise Problem of essentials and weedout corrpution. Just wait and see what the new Government does?

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  • Rafi Ahmad Ali, Mangalore, @ Riyadh, KSA

    Mon, May 26 2008

    There is no doubt about it. Nothing more to add to this even. No one is convinced bringing in SM Krishna to Karnataka Politics from the Raj Bhavan. He was the Chief Minister while Congress lost previous Election in 2004. If at all If possible please e-mail this article to Sonia as well as Rahul for their Information.

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  • Haneef, Mangalore

    Mon, May 26 2008

    Change is good! Congress has done nothing much for the state. Let's give a chance for BJP. Most surprising and shocking part is that lot of names were missing from the voter's list. God bless Indians!!!

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  • K. S. Mayya, Mangalore/South Korea

    Mon, May 26 2008

    A nice article that sums up Congressi debacle in the elections.

    Imagine what would happen if such people with enoromous amounts of lethargy towards people were to be actually managing people's affairs in Vidhan Soudha. From the way it works in Congress, these larger than life congress figures will be five years older than today when they will have to again venture out for canvassing and then it will be little too late and I am sure their aging physique will not let them serve the people well. How about Congress nurturing some young talent in its rank from today? BJP too will have to do something in that area.

    As we learn from this election despite large sirens of Hindutva sounded by certain Congressis and psuedo-secular minded individuals, Congress looks too weak if BJP s Hindutva out of its political manifesto. This is how BJP prevailed in Gujarat and now in Karnataka. BJP's mining mafia need to tone down their money making mining business and also concentrate of elevating common man's plight/life.

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    Mon, May 26 2008


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  • Santhosh, Mangalore

    Mon, May 26 2008

    No doubt Congress party committed blunders after blunders in this election and has to pay the price. All the top leaders of the congress party needs to retire and perhaps it is time they look at the States Leadership of the Congress party. They all have dug their own grave... it is a pity that they could not project a able Chief Ministerial Candidate even after the elections got over. Both JDS and Congress are responsible for presenting BJP thier victory and of course BJP did work hard.

    All the people of Karnataka now expect BJP to deliver without marginalizing & deving the communities on religion, caste and hidutva ideiologies. It is Yediyurappa who will be responsible to make sure that he does not introduce Gujrath Modi model in Karnataka. Good Luck BJP and we look forward to you to deliver the aspirations of all Kannadigas.

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  • Steevan Pais, Mangalore,Urwa

    Mon, May 26 2008

    Am Happy that we got a Single largest Party in Karnataka.Congress has done nothing From So many years ,they keep on developing Bangalore, Bangalore & Only Bangalore.What abt Mangalore, Shimoga, Hassan,Hubli,Mysore Are these Districts not a Part of Karnataka Lets Give Chance to BJP this time.

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