Thank You Readers For Wiping Tears, Bringing Back Smiles and Making a Difference

Daijiworld Media Network - Mangalore

Mangalore, July 14: Crime, conspiracy, scheming, hatred, greed. These are but a few hues of human life we come across every day, fed to us constantly through the news we read from newspapers, hear through radio stations and watch on television channels. The disturbing news unendingly pound our minds day in and day out, without any let up. Rarely do we come across soothing occasions, where humanity, goodwill, social service and kind heartedness prevail over the negative emtoions that we are incessantly fed on.

At daijiworld, we have something to cheer about, something that is heartening and touching to our hearts, something special that every one of our readers will cherish. We are positive, our patrons and readers alike will feel proud and relieved that we at Daijiworld, have something to celebrate the good virtues of mankind. We celebrate moral and financial support, kindness and humanitarian consideration our fellow readers have expressed in abundance, for total strangers, voluntarily. Let us find out how they reached out to their less fortunate brethren through their deeds, in the following paragraphs.

During the last few weeks, Daijiworld was flooded with hundreds of appeals for help. Not everyone of them could be taken up due to various reasons. But whenever Daijiworld chose to publish the trepidations of someone who was unable to recover from the trauma on his own, readers' response has been instantaneous and profuse. People from nooks and corners of the world responded by extending their helping hands for the suffering. Let us take the case of three families who have been now heaving a sigh of relief and are picking up the scattered chords of their lives and holding their heads high again, with contented hearts and a lump in their throats for the timely help extended by you, our proud readers. Thank you, readers! You have kindled a hope in their sunken hearts and sprouted a strong belief about human values in them.

Estel Crasta - Pavoor

Jun 9 - It was rainy day in Mangalore. Speeding winds and blinding rains were lashing all parts of the district. But, it was a dreaded day for poor Estel Crasta from Pavoor, Uliya. The roof of her house could not withstand the pressure and collapsed to the ground.The family living below the poverty line, was left with no other option but to seek accommodation in the house of a neighbour. Daijiworld's dynamic photo journalist Dayanand Kukkaje visited the spot and brought the plight of the family to the notice of the Daijiworld readers through touching photoraphs and report. Moved by the situation, our kind hearted readers reacted spontaneously by suggesting us that we can do something to enable the family to stand on its legs again. After studying the background, Daijiworld came out with a suggestion to the readers that those willing to help the family can do so.

Our estimate was that the family would require about a lac of rupees to rebuilt its collapsed roof. The estimated contributions received from the Daijiworld Readers has surpassed this figure, touching almost double of that amount.

About two lac rupees has been received by the family, and the family members have no words to express their gratitude.

"We did not know what Daijiworld was, but for us it was like a messenger sent by almighty ... never thought that anyone would come to our help, but now this feels like a dream come true. We do not know how to thank those who sent money for our cause. Once the rains recede, we will rebuild our home. We are indebted to everyone who helped us. May almighty bless them and their families for their good hearted gesture...". Estel Crasta has only tears and gratefulness in her eyes, nothing else.

What more blessing a contributor needs, than those wonderful, prayerful words?

Winnie Pinto - Mangalore

At the fag end of May, 2008 a lady walked into the  Daijiworld office with tears rolling down her cheeks. One could make  out that she was fighting for her life. She was suffering from breast cancer but had no means to fight it.

She had not yet lost hopes to live on, just like any other normal human being. She came here with a hope that at least a few samaritans would come to her rescue. Within a day thereafter, Daijiworld team investigated the case and found out that Winnie Pinto, mother of three, who was working as clerk in a school, with her husband working as a driver in a private firm, had no resource to treat her ailment.

On Jun 2, 2008, Daijiworld published an appeal on behalf of her, seeking help. Once again, help streamed in from our enthusastic and humanitarian readers who were driven with the purpose of providing succour to a person in crying need of help.

Though she is not sure how long she can go on fighting this disease, her gloomy eyes have started twinkling, as we saw when she visited us again last week, to express her wholehearted thanks to innumerable Daijiworld readers who came to her rescue. Her renewed confidence, and the will to fight that has emerged because of the overwhelming support of our readers, show that the Daijworld readers have made a tremendous impact on her outlook on life. They not only have breathed in an air of hope in this young woman to live on and fight the disease, but also have shown to the world that little drops of good gesture can turn into an oceanful of support. We feel blessed, to have been able to make a difference in her life, because of the support our readers have extended.

Prameela D'Souza - Ranipur

Daijiworld readers are very much aware that on April 28, 2008 in a unfortunate incident Lancy D'Souza, a young autorikshaw driver, was stabbed to death in a case of mistaken identity, leaving behind his wife Prameela and kid in an orphaned state.

Not only was a young life lost, but it also left a young widow to fight the world on her own, with a need to raise a fatherless child.

Since her case was well-known to everyone and parish priest of Ranipura contacted Daijiworld seeking help, Daijiworld team made its groundwork to find out actual facts and was convinced that widow Prameela very badly needed help at this juncture.

Not only the Daijiworld readers, but many associations in Mangalore as well as abroad came forward to help this family after reading the story on Daijiworld.

It needs to be mentioned here, that Father Muller Hospital management has provided accommodation to Prameela and her kid in its premises, as she is working in that institution. Timely initiative taken by the hospital management deserves to be lauded. 

Recently Prameela contacted Daijworld and expressed her gratitude to the readers for their kind gesture and providing her succour through generous donations.

"I owe the future of my son to the readers of Daijiworld, their support will surely help me to secure his future...I will  pray for son will pray for everyone," says Prameela.

What better way to reciprocate, than prayers from a soul who feels indebted?

We feel surprised and relieved when we go through the names of donors in the list. Caste, creed, language, regional allegiance etc, do not count at all. Hindus, Christians, Muslims, rich, not so rich, everyone has made it a point to stretch their helping hands to mitigate the suffering and resurrect hope.

It proves that people still support good cause...everyone feels oneness and we work hand-in-hand as far as humanitarian values are concerned.

Whatever hate some misinformed miscreants have been able to spread in the society is momentary ... and when it comes to humanity all of us are equal.

We are proud of our readers, who have made a difference for a few of us. Yes, together we can change the world, just with a click of the mouse!

May the almighty bless us all.


From archives - Daijiworld Impact:

  • Ankola: Team Daijiworld Rescues Injured Cops In No Man’s Land
  • Mangalore: Daijiworld Initiative Yields Success - Officials Rush to Repair Roads
  • Mangalore: God's Kids have No Words to Thank Donors and Well Wishers
  • Mangalore: Fr Ivan Madtha Gets Myo-electric Hand
  • Mangalore: Angelina Quadros - A Rare Humanitarian Gesture
  • Mangalore: Marina Cutinho gets New Lease of Life After Kidney Transplant
  • Mangalore: Calvin Puts first Steps - Thanks to our Readers
  • Daijiworld Impact: Mangalore: Responding to Poor Students’ Cause…
  • Mangalore: Daijiworld Readers' Magnanimity Takes Shape of a House for Savita Coelho's Family
  • Mangalore: Daijiworld’s Feature Enables Completion of Hanging Bridge Project
  • Mangalore: Calvin Albuquerque will be Back on His Feet Shortly
  • Mumbai: Daijiworld Readers' Generosity Enables Little Symona D`Souza to Undergo Life-saving Surgery
  • Dubai: Violet Martis Looks Forward with Great Hope for a New Lease of Life
  • Daijiworld Readers Contribute Rs. 2,30,000 to Tsunami Affected Savitha Coelho's Family

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    Comment on this article

    • Bryan J, Mangalore

      Mon, Oct 20 2008

      Looking at these pictures and reading your write up cuts my throat and makes me cry. God Bless your entire team.

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    • sabestin lasrado, bantwal/panemangalore

      Sat, Jul 19 2008

      Really its great work by Daiji, God bless you all

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    • saleem, ajman GMU

      Thu, Jul 17 2008

      Thanks al lot for good work done by Daijiworld group

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    • umar, UAE

      Thu, Jul 17 2008

      Its really great work.

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    • Melwin Baretto, Kundapur / Qatar

      Thu, Jul 17 2008

      Thanks Daiji for doing the good work. God bless you in your future missions. Keep up the good work.

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      Wed, Jul 16 2008

      Good work by Daiji team by helping the poor & the needy.Keep it up.

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    • Mike, KSA

      Tue, Jul 15 2008

      May The Almighty bless all the Donors, who made the unfortunate people to smile at least for awhile. At this juncture let me foward a couple of points to ponder about. First and foremost, it is highly desirable that somebody should take some initiation to publish the names of the people in the Daijiworld from day one and update list on a daily or weekly basis. Of course it is not for the sake of publicity, but it will help someone to decide how much to contribute. In a reasonable period of time, if the contribtion is not upto the mark then one can raise the quantum and if the contribution exceeds the expectation then one can divert his share to the other needy.

      Secondly, in most cases, the donors' contribution goes un-acknowledged. Of course it is wrong on our part to ask the beneficiaries to do that, because either they are illiterate, sick or overburdend by their own miseries. Most of the time the amount is sent directly to the beneficiary's account and the donor has no way of knowing whether his contribtion has reached the right person or not. (Probably you might have read in the newspapers that lakhs of Rupees donated from overseas to Mother Theresa's institution were never reached the destination but diverted by some unscrupulous people to somewhere else).In such cases after looking at the names published in the Daijiworld the Donor can have a sigh of relief that the amount has reached to the right person.

      Of course, my suggestion do have some negative effects too, as such it is up to you to take it or leave it.

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    • Alfred J. Rebello, Kundapur/Dubai

      Tue, Jul 15 2008

      Daijiworld, you are doing a good job helping the needy but keep the low profile of what you do good to others. Many people do things only to be noticed for which they already received the award.

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    • Vanita Amin, Mangalore / Bangalore

      Tue, Jul 15 2008

      After checking my mails, I go to your site and am checking it most of the time. This site was given to me by our Famous astrologer Shri. Ashok Bhat. And I religiously check the astro signs also. So at least I am in touch with Shri. Ashok Bhat. Thanks for the wonderful job you & your team are doing. No words to express. May God bless u all. Thks

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    • Fr Maxim Rosario, Valencia

      Tue, Jul 15 2008

      Dear Walter and team, you are doing so much for the humanity. That too without anything in return. God bless your effort and charitable deed.

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    • JERALD MORAS, Kuppepadauv / Calgary, Canada

      Tue, Jul 15 2008

      There is only one non-commercial web portal which I'm aware is There is no bias towards any group. Most of the reader's views are published without filtering which means all opinions are valued. I like your social approach - ready to help some in need. Keep the good-work Daiji. We all want you to prosper. I see recent also recent swift towards politics and diversified issues related to other religion which means Daiji is able to link and share common values. Great !

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    • Melwyn Pereira, Mangalore/Sharjah

      Tue, Jul 15 2008

      I am proud of Daiji and their efforts. Not a day goes without me going thru Daijiworld site. Both morning and towards the end of the day I go thru Daiji and check out all that's happening. Indeed Walter you are doing a wonderful job. God bless you and your team for all the efforts.

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    • Ahmed nawaz, Mangalore

      Tue, Jul 15 2008

      May almighty GOD soften everyone's heart to help each other regardless caste, religion and place. really good work DAIJIWORLD keep awakening everyone's conscience through such an article... may GOD show us the right path.

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    • Abdul kareem, Mangalore / Dubai

      Tue, Jul 15 2008

      This is one of the main reason Dajiworld has become so popular within NRI, your team is telling the truth to Public ............ Keep up the good work and make it a point that every month you help one family by brodcasting their real problem and help with the generous Donors May Allah bless you for your Future.............

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    • manu, agrar

      Tue, Jul 15 2008

      Daijiworld you are not only good Daiji but best sezari (good sameritan).KEEP IT UP

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    • IBRAHIM KALEEL , Ullal/Mangalore,Saudi Arabia

      Tue, Jul 15 2008

      Excellent job from Daijiworld...Realy proud of you Dajiteam...

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    • Harriet D'Souza, Bajpe/Mangalore

      Tue, Jul 15 2008

      Walter you and your team have been doing a wonderful job, let the name of Daiji remain forever and let daijiworld properous tremenedously. there is no other divine work then helping a needy. thanks Daijiworld. We are proud of you.

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    • Dhananjay, Kinnigoli/Abudhabi

      Tue, Jul 15 2008

      Well done Daiji team.....keeep it up.Thanks for entire Daiji Team.

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    • Imran Kaup, Dubai

      Tue, Jul 15 2008

      Thanks al lot for good work done by Daijiworld group .. May almighty bless u in every moment of life Keep going ..

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    • Max & Jessie Rasquinha, Mangalore, Houston,Tx

      Tue, Jul 15 2008

      Daijiworld website has always been very inpsiring and informative. Daijiworld has brought us closer to our home, our neighbourhoor and our community. There are so many 'tid-bits' that we have read from this web site that has brought so much of pride of our progressive community. Thank you Daijiworld for a job well done and God bless.

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    • Rajesh, kadandale/kuwait

      Mon, Jul 14 2008

      Well done daijiworld!!!! god bless the entire daijiworld team and all the well wishers.

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    • Moosa Kunhi, Kakkinje/Dammam

      Mon, Jul 14 2008

      Good work from daiji team.Keep it up.Thanks.

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    • Remcy Pais, mangalore

      Mon, Jul 14 2008

      GOD bless Walter Nandalike and his team for their good work......god bless you and your team abundantely

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    • Richard Kotian, Malpe/dubai

      Mon, Jul 14 2008

      God bless daiji team, keep it up the good work, help the needy more more.

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    • HARRY, COORG / Abu Dhabi.

      Mon, Jul 14 2008

      Why thanks? we have to thank you. God bless you all at DAIJI.

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    • Jane, Bangalore

      Mon, Jul 14 2008

      Mogall walty, God bless you always and your team.

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    • Merlyn D'Mello, Mangalore/Kuwait

      Mon, Jul 14 2008

      We are proud of you Daiji! Keep up the good work! God bless Walter and his entire team.

      DisAgree Agree Reply Report Abuse

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