Rebel Congress MP to Vote against UPA


New Delhi, Jul 16: With each member becoming crucial for the July 22 trial of strength, rebel Congress parliamentarian from Bhiwani Kuldeep Bishnoi has said he would vote against the United Progressive Alliance coalition in the Lok Sabha.

"I have been raising voice against the Congress-led UPA's anti-people policies. I don't want to commit political suicide and, therefore, there is no question of my voting in their favour," Bishnoi, younger son of former Haryana chief minister Bhajan Lal, said on Chandigarh on Tuesday night.

Bishnoi, who has been suspended from the Congress, said he had recently written a letter to Prime Minister Manmohan Singh citing ten objections to the Indo-US nuclear deal.

He said he had submitted his resignation to the Lok Sabha Speaker long ago, but it had not been accepted till date.

"I fear that Congress may disqualify me anytime," he said.

Bishnoi, who has been vocal against the Congress-led regime at the Centre and party government in Haryana, said he had been asked to appear before the Lok Sabha privileges committee for his alleged anti-defection activities.

Bishnoi had floated his own political outfit, the Haryana Janhit Congress, in December last year. 


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  • Alfred J. Rebello, Kundapur/Dubai

    Thu, Jul 17 2008

    I am sure this man did not get what he demanded and therefore resigned from Congress party. Voters should not give him another chance because he cannot be trusted. He is the kind of a person tilting in the direction of the wind. He forgot people gave him the vote not because of him but the party he represented and now he is talking against the party. This is our democracy.

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