New York Times Praises Mayawati - Projects her as Future PM


New Delhi, Jul 19: The TDP chief may not think so but Mayawati is making her presence felt, not only in the Indian political circles but also in the foreign media.

A New York Times article has described her as the daughter of India's underclass who can rise to become Prime Minister one day.

''With elections only months away, Mayawati has emerged the most important low-caste politician in India's history. She is asserting herself as a rainbow coalition leader, a woman whom all Indians can trust to be their PM one day,'' the article said.

And that's not all. The article adds if Mayawati bargains hard enough, she could even become India's first Dalit Prime Minister. How far she will rise remains to be seen. But there is no disputing her importance. No one has shaken up the country's traditional political order so much.

Mayawati is positioning herself as a vital ally to whichever party may need her to govern. And if she bargains hard enough, she could even become India's first Dalit Prime Minister.


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