New Delhi: Costly Air Fares Boosting Rail Travel

Prerna Suri/NDTV

New Delhi, Aug 17: We've all heard of how the aviation sector has been hit by the rising fuel prices but now rising airfares are also having a direct impact on the Indian middle class as many of whom are now migrating back from flying to other modes of transport.

Take the case of Talwar family, which just 3 years ago switched from traveling by train to taking a flight for both business and pleasure. The cheap fares offered by low-cost carriers lured thousands of first-time fliers, like the Rajpals on planes.

But as rising fuel prices have pushed up costs of air travel flying is no longer a feasible option for 24 year old Rahul Rajpal.

Similarly, Shweta Talwar, who works for a corporate says her company has severely limited air travel for employees to cut costs leading to longer journeys and less productive meetings.

“Ever since this increase in fuel prices, we've been asked by our company to use the trains more often. It’s impossible for me to travel by a train to Bombay from Delhi and my work has been severely impacted,” said Shweta Talwar, an executive.

This is not good news for India's aviation industry which was hoping for a massive expansion on the back of an economic boom. The story began earlier this year when government-run oil companies hiked the prices of aviation fuel by a whopping 18.5 per cent.

The hike pushed fuel costs in Delhi to Rs 69,227 per kilolitre from Rs 58,387.92 and to Rs 76,625.68 per kilolitre in Mumbai from Rs 64,824.

Airlines then responded by increasing the fuel surcharge, making air travel more expensive. This has resulted in what is being called the 'Return of the Railways.'

There is no doubt that the crisis in the aviation sector is having a snowball effect on consumers and at at the New Delhi Railway Station, many frequent fliers are now going the old school way, and hopping on a train, rather than a jet.

“I am going to Punjab right now, I could have taken a flight to Amritsar because it costed something like Rs 1500 but now it costs something like Rs 3000. So I'm taking the train right now to save money,” said sagar, a software professional.

Earlier, we didn’t care if we didn’t get railways tickets but now we really try hard as air travel has become so expensive. Only if it is very urgent then we travel by air.

Inflation soaring into double digits has hit the aviation industry the most and with more passengers like the Rajpals preferring trains the industry needs to revamp it's strategies to stay afloat.


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