Mangalore: Miscreants Attack Fr Muller Hospital, Create Havoc

Mangalore: Miscreants Attack Fr Muller Hospital, Create Havoc
Daijiworld Media Network - Mangalore

Mangalore, Aug 31: In what could be described as a heinous attack on a charitable Christian Institute  in Mangalore,  a group of men created havoc  at Mangalore's well known  Fr Muller’s hospital following the death of a  girl who was admitted earlier during the day after attempting to commit suicide.

Miscreants attacked a ward at Fr Muller Hospital located at Kankanady, alleging negligence by doctors who attended on a patient who died in the hospital after consuming the poison, on Sunday, August 31.

The incident occurred at about 9 pm. Miscreants also assaulted 3  doctors, including an internee and a postgraduate student. They also damaged a medicine cabinet and a computer. A certain Anusha, resident of Vamanjur-Manjeshwar, who attempted to commit suicide after consuming kerosene, was admitted here for treatment on Sunday at about 12.30 pm. She died here at about 7.30 pm.

The miscreants, believed to be known  to the patient, alleged that the patient  died due to  negligence of the doctors and the nurses who were treating her and attacked the doctors.

Meanwhile, the doctors said  that the patient was treated well in the hospital. They told the relatives of the patients to shift her to the intensive care unit (ICU) since her condition was critical.  But the relatives did not agree to shift her to the ICU.  The patient died not because of the negligence of the hospital, but because of the rejection of the doctors' advise, doctors said.

The Pandeshwar police rushed to the spot and have registered a case. The police have already initiated  a probe to catch the miscreants. Speaking to daijiworld, doctors who work  at Fr Muller’s expressed their shock and surprise as  such an attack  was the first of its kind  that has happened inside the  hospital premises .

"This is no fault of the Hospital. Every Doctor or hospital try to save human lives, but it is surprising that some  people can take advantage of the situation to create  tension around the area.”  expressed the doctors.
Though the situation was quickly brought under control, it was evident from the attitude of the police that their hands were tied and had to bow to pressures.


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  • John, Manipal

    Sat, Sep 13 2008

    Who's the real Hindu? -Article by Karan Thapar/Hindustan Times Does the VHP have the right to speak for you or I? Do they reflect our views? Do we endorse their behaviour? They call themselves the Vishwa Hindu Parishad, but who says they represent all of us? This Sunday morning, I want to draw a clear line of distinction between them and everyone else. My hunch is many of you will agree. Let me start with the question of conversion — an issue that greatly exercises the VHP.

    I imagine there are hundreds of millions of Hindus who are peaceful, tolerant, devoted to their faith, but above all, happy to live alongside Muslims,Christians, Sikhs, Buddhists, Jains and Jews. If any one of us were to change our faith how does it affect the next man or woman? And even if that happens with inducements, it can only prove that the forsaken faith had a tenuous and shallow hold. So why do the VHP and its unruly storm troopers, the Bajrang Dal, froth at the mouth if you, I or our neighbours convert? What is it to do with them?

    Let me put it bluntly, even crudely. If I want to sell my soul — and trade in my present gods for a new lot — why shouldn't I? Even if the act diminishes me in your eyes, it's my right to do so. So if thousands or even millions of Dalits, who have been despised and ostracised for generations, choose to become Christian, Buddhist or Muslim, either to escape the discrimination of their Hindu faith or because some other has lured them with food and cash,it's their right. Arguably you may believe you should ask them to reconsider, although I would call that interference, but you certainly have no duty or right to stop them.

    In fact, I doubt if you are morally correct in even seeking to place obstacles in their way. The so-called Freedom of Religion Acts, which aim to do just that, are, in fact, tantamount to obstruction of conversion laws and therefore, at the very least, questionable. However, what's even worse is how the VHP responds to this matter. Periodically they resort to violence including outright murder. What happened to Graham Staines in Orissa was not unique. Last week it happened again. Apart from the utter and contemptible criminality of such behaviour, is this how we Hindus wish to behave? Is this how we want our faith defended? Is this how we want to be seen? I have no doubt the answer is no.

    An unequivocal, unchanging and ever-lasting NO! The only problem is it can't be heard. And it needs to be. I therefore believe the time has come for the silent majority of Hindus — both those who ardently practice their faith as well as those who were born into it but may not be overtly religious or devout — to speak out. We cannot accept the desecration of churches, the burning to death of innocent caretakers of orphanages, the storming of Christian and Muslim hamlets even if these acts are allegedly done in defence of our faith. Indeed, they do not defend but shame Hinduism. That's my central point.

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  • Lily Fernandes, Kulshekar

    Tue, Sep 09 2008

    What a shame! Are we not showing to other people that we are worse than animals? Where is our education? Where is our self discipline? What has beocme of our patience?

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  • Godfrey D'Souza, M'lore/Mumbai

    Sun, Sep 07 2008

    I agree with Jean. The girl wanted to die and that's that. The attack is definitely a cover up for some undesired result. Sad they chose Fr. Mullers which is the pride of the southern coast. Not shifting the girl to the ICU also reeks of some coverup.

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  • S.H.Mangalpady, UAE

    Sun, Sep 07 2008

    Excellent work done by the miscreants who ransacked the hospital because a girl commiting suicide died there,For this they must damage the hospital,it is their birth right. But I would like to ask the same holigans and rowdies what have they done when a doctor has saved a life so many times even when the patient was serious.

    I am sure this attack is nothing but an attack by the communally aligned ruling party in Karnataka. They want to rule by might, they are following hiltlers policy, first hitler attcked the jews than the christians, same way here in India, the BJP first attcked the Muslims, when they started to retailiate, the BJp starts to attack the Christians.

    How shameful is this act of vandalism whete even the charitable hospitals are not spared even though they are doing so many good things. I would like to ask these holigans why did u take the Hindu girl to a Christian missionary hospital in the first place if you feel christians are not good but only need to be attacked at the first chancwe for their religion. I would kindly request the Hindu ourtfits to kindly stop their psuedo religious policy and just let the common man live in peace.

    Can you do anything for the common man who is already burdened with the inflation today, if not please stay away from us with your dirty politics just for your vote bank interests and let us live in peace. I would like to ask you all who voiced for Ram janbhoomi and collected so many donations, where is the fund s now which was in billions.

    I warn you the day the public sees through your games, you will niether have your chair nor any place to hide. So please once again as a common man I request you to kindly desist from you politics of communal disintegration as we already have lost enough lives paying for your whims.

    Tell me or show me one leaaders family or relation has ever died or injured in communal fights. How come only common man dies. So all this is plans of teh leaders who are just looking at their bussiness of politics. General public should understand this and beat them at their own game back.

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  • Ashfaq assadi, Shirva/dallas,usa

    Sun, Sep 07 2008

    One thing i cant understand doctors saying the relatives didnt let them shift the patient to ICU isnt it Physician's responsibility to provide the best care in whatever setting if the patient is critical? do they need permission to shift to ICU? if that the case they need to change the policy of the instituition

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  • Rajesh Pai, mangalore- dubai

    Sat, Sep 06 2008

    Doctors and hospitals are existing to heal and comfort the sick the rest in Gods hands. Reliable sources disclose that not relatives of died girl but fundamentalists have carried out this act knowingly that police have instructions from the govt. not to act against fundamentalists.

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  • P.Tauro, Mangalore

    Sat, Sep 06 2008

    Hope it is not a reflection of this BJP regime in Krnataka.

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  • Anisha Shetty, Mangalore

    Sat, Sep 06 2008

    DR. SUJAY'S COMMENTS COVER EVERYTHING ABOUT THE INCIDENT. I want to add that If Rowdies and Fundamentalists attack every death at any hospital then there will be no hospitals and of course jobless rowdies and fundamentalists will be again jobless!!!!

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  • Vijay. D, Mangalore

    Sat, Sep 06 2008

    If at all attack should have carried over the death of a girl, it should have been on the parents of the girl! Why she resorted to death? People who do not have respect and faith in Christian institutions must go to Government hospitals or institutions for better service.

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  • Rajesh, Dubai/Kaup

    Fri, Sep 05 2008

    According to Mr. Shetty, a hindu girl dies so their relatives and friend attacked and we should not blame any party, he's right, but according to him, everday one or the other hospital should be attacked because someone or the other will die and it wont be a hindu always, if we have this mentality we cannot live in this world nor can earn our livelihood in a country where my religion doesn't rule. come on Mr. Shetty grow up

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  • Rajesh, Dubai/Kaup

    Sat, Sep 06 2008

    According to Mr. Shetty, a hindu girl dies so their relatives and friend attacked and we should not blame any party, he's right, but according to him, everday one or the other hospital should be attacked because someone or the other will die and it wont be a hindu always, if we have this mentality we cannot live in this world nor can earn our livelihood in a country where my religion doesn't rule. come on Mr. Shetty grow up

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  • Richard, Dubai/Mangalore

    Thu, Sep 04 2008

    Reading Mr. Manjunath's statement it looks like he or his gang was involved, Without the Blessing of the politicians nobody will have the guts to attack even a shoe repair shop in Mangalore remember that first, and this is a well know and reputed hospital.

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  • Alphonso, Bendoor/Dubai

    Thu, Sep 04 2008

    Without political back up no one is insane to attack a charitable institution. This is our answer to Mr. Manjunath who may be feeling a bit insecure or guilty??

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  • Manjunatha C.N., Kasaragoud/Bengaluru

    Thu, Sep 04 2008

    I dont know what going on.If somebody ransacked a hospital why should it be communalized or why should a political party be blamed.Without knowledge of what happened one should not blame somebody.

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  • L.Frank, Sharjah

    Thu, Sep 04 2008

    We all have high regards for Fr. Muller's Hospital because it is a charitable Institute and treats poor patients free or with minimum charges. They also have some of the best Doctors. What I don't understand is why they were waiting for the Patient's family members to give them permission to move her to the ICU. If the Doctors knew that this case was critical, the first and foremost task was to save the patient. Did they want to make sure that the family was willing to bear the extra expenses? May be the family could not afford the additional charges and so were hesitating.

    I know that Patient's family member has to sign some papers before he or she undergoes surgery. But to shift the patient to ICU, why do you need anybody's permission? I feel that this reason given by the Doctors ( or by the media!)is quite silly. I have great respect for the Doctors there but this time, somebody has bungled this case.

    If it is a charitable Institute, they should first try and save the patient without looking at the Patient's religion or caste and not ask the Patient's relatives to pay first. I hope somebody from Fr. Mullers Institute will respond and give us a clear picture of what exactly happened.

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  • Doreen Machado, Mangalore/ Sharjah UAE

    Thu, Sep 04 2008

    These kind of senseless attacks on Christians and their institutions have been happening time and again in the recent past. Fundamentalism is growing in India, and this should be condemned by all religions.

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  • Joe D'Souza, Mangalore

    Wed, Sep 03 2008

    If this havoc was created by any Minority Community,Police department would have arrested 50% more suspects then they needed. Since it was other way around none will be arrested. Guess why? My question to Hospital Administration. There are Security Men on duty 24 hours. What were they doing when this happened. Are these men call themselves as Security or just gate keepers.

    These Men do not allow anyone without Pass,and they did allow so many Rowdies inside after 8pm. Second question is why these gatekeepers did not close the gates and lock the people in until Police reached the site of crime. Third question is why Medical staff did not call for help from other hospital employees,such as ward boys,male staff and Patient care people.

    Finally where is Doctor's Association with their opinion on this incident. I request the Hospital Authority to fight tooth and nail to arrest the culprits. It is time for Christian Community act fast with force. Forget about the Proverb"Show the other cheek when attacked" That kind of attitude worked those days when Jesus was young boy.

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  • Kiran Dsouza, MANGALORE

    Wed, Sep 03 2008

    Some of the comments expressed here that ' girl  died in 'that hospital so her relatives attacked the hospital', that means if somebody is being hit by a vehicle then the relatives and friends of the victim must damage the vehicle and the driver? Some of the comments say that 'poiliticising the issue is not right'. Then what we must do when this government joins hands with these miscreants???

    We are taught by these miscreants to think communally and politically. So-far no arrests of Bajarangdal goondas not taken place in pachenady issue. And another attack??? If relatives of the girl attacked the hospital then why they have run away ???

    Cowards.Let the relatives and friends whoever they are - disclose their identity and claim responsibility for thier frustrated act. Will they??? No chance because - blood which has no cultural heritage, no family history and no family bondage, will involve in such frustrated act. This is purely the act of people who have not born through theire family grail( bllod line). And peopel who support these miscreants and justify their act belong to the same category.

    I feel christians in Mangalore and other part of this country must start the ancient law - The Code of Hmmurabi. - EYE FOR AN EYE AND TOOTH FOR A TOOTH' Otherwise be happy with Jesus' teachings - ''When your enemy slaps your one cheek show the other.'' Why not State Government take initiative to ban BAJARANGADAL AND SIMILAR GROUPS WHICH ARE TERRORISING civil society???? These people act against the citizens of our country and if its against the citizens then its against the nation too. These groups do all illegal operations and then shout - 'BOLO BHARAT MATHA KI JAI!!!!!!!'

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  • Padmanabha Shenoy, Udupi /Dammam Saudi Arabia

    Wed, Sep 03 2008

    I am sad to hear this incident. The culprits should be punished severly. Father Muller Hospital is our pride of Mangalore and Christian community has given us lots of social institutions. We Hindus should salute them for their contribution and safeguard them.

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  • Rolphy Almeida, Udupi/Bangalore

    Wed, Sep 03 2008

    Her family did not allow the doctors to treat her in the ICU that means it may be a case of poisoning by the family members. And the later part of heinous attack may be a show drama or a cover up act. Any loving relative would have definitely allowed them to treat her in the ICU.

    Police are puppets in front of goons however these very same police are goons for all those who are innocent. Do we need such police force to control law and order?

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  • jean, Mangalore

    Tue, Sep 02 2008

    The girl wanted to die so she committed suicide & she is dead over. Now why all this drama ? let Franklin Monterio & others try to find the cause of her suicide.

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  • john vas, Falnir, Mangalore

    Tue, Sep 02 2008

    Tragic incidents do happen every day and this one is no exception. Let us stop this blame game, as it will reach us no where. We must distinctly bear in mind that, Hospital is a life saving institution and we must respect all those who extend their unselfish service to the humanity. We must not take law into hands.

    Leave to the judiciary, police and Govt. authorities. Miroring the fact that, the girl could have been saved, and there was ample time to do so. Parents and friends and relative should have approached the approporiate community organizations seeking monetary help. Similary, the Hospital in question, may have also credibly saved the patients life, taking into account the grave situaton. A tactful and wise behaviour could have definately saved this victim patient. However, destiny never sleeps, it has its own poison arrows to swallow.

    The girl victim, the events surrouding her, her parents, relatives and friends, hospital authorities, all had a glimpse of death and would have saved her life. My sincere condolences to the parents of this victim girl. May her soul rest in peace. Let me ask a question to Vittal Acharya, Udupi - It will be praiseworthy, if you could explain the definition of living safe life and enjoying better ???? Mere words are just gimmicks.

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  • john vas, Falnir, Mangalore

    Wed, Sep 03 2008

    Tragic incidents do happen every day and this one is no exception. Let us stop this blame game, as it will reach us no where. We must distinctly bear in mind that, Hospital is a life saving institution and we must repect all those who extend their unselfish service to the humanity. We must not take law into hands.

    Leave to the judiciary, police and Govt. authorities. Miroring the fact that, the girl could have been saved, and there was ample time to do so. Parents and friends and relative should have approached the approporiate community organizations seeking monetary help. Similary, the Hospital in question, may have also credibly saved the patients life, taking into account the grave situaton. A tactful and wise behaviour could have definately saved this victim patient.

    However, destiny never sleeps, it has its own poison arrows to swallow. The girl victim, the events surrouding her, her parents, relatives and friends, hospital authorities, all had a glimpse of death and would have saved her life. My sincere condolences to the parents of this victim girl. May her soul rest in peace. Let me ask a question to Vittal Acharya, Udupi - It will be praiseworthy, if you could explain the definition of living safe life and enjoying better ???? Mere words are just gimmicks.

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  • Bennet Vas, Mangalore

    Wed, Sep 03 2008

    After Reading the Comments of Dr. Sujay who was on the spot at the time of the incident, I retract my statement as I had presumed that it was an impulsive act by the frustrated relatives of the patient. Let us hope and pray that these Political / Communal anti social forces come to thier senses and let the peace loving citizens of Mangalore go about their daily business without any fear.

    Don't expect much from the Guardians of the Law as they are slaves to their Polictical Masters. The Home Minister is more bothered about the Bar's in Bangalore - what a pack of jokers !

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  • Jane,

    Tue, Sep 02 2008

     I fully agree to some of the above comments that this is a well-planned attack. No Religion in the world teaches people these sorts of killing deeds. These deeds can only be taught by the illiterate politicians that we have in our country.

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  • Rashmi Shetty, Mangalore

    Tue, Sep 02 2008

    DR. SUJAY comment is 100% right.

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  • Gretta , Mangalore

    Tue, Sep 02 2008

    After this government has come we expected people oriented govermnment. but the little which was there among the people is been distroyed by attacking the minority institutions. Pleas open your eyes and help the poor people to live peacefully in their own land.

    The medical Institution and the personnel are working day and night for the welfare of all people without discremination between caste, creed and colour. I really symphathise with Fr. Muller Institution with doctors and nurses who were manhandled. When the real truth comes out people relize where lies the mistake.

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  • joe Gonsalves, Mangalore/U.S.A.

    Tue, Sep 02 2008

    It is a matter of great regret that an incidence like this has taken place at Father Muller's Hospital. I know that the concept HEAL AND COMFORT is strongly rooted in the hearts and minds of people who work for the Hospital. I know many members of the Medical Profession attached to FMCI and particularly Father Stany Tauro who has taken up this case for redress.

    He is among the most honest, dedicated and humane persons always wanting to reach out. While the doctors and nursing staff do their best, sometimes it is just impossible to save lives and whatever that has happened has been beyond the control of the medical profession. Father Stany... It is good to see you taking this cooly in your stride. You are doing a great job Joe onsalves

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  • Alphonsus, Mangalore\Canada

    Tue, Sep 02 2008

    Fr Mullers hospital is well known for its charitable service for over 100 years. I went through a successful surgery years back and I have yet to find such caring service for a fraction of cost you pay Vs. other hospitals.

    Attacking a charitable institutes, hospitals or religious places is shameful and deplorable. We Mangaloreans should be unanimous in condemning such acts. Should we have faith in Government machinery and our so called Police Force who are extremely corrupt and puppets in the hands of Politicians? Let us hope the Police department for once rises above from the dumps and uphold the true flag of justice by bringing the culprits to justice without looking at religion, cast or creed.

    As educated Mangaloreans, let us stop pointing fingers at any communal groups but work towards peace and betterment of less fortunate as done by Fr Muller's hospital

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  • Dr Urban D'Souza, Udyavar/Malaysia

    Tue, Sep 02 2008

    It is a very bad act of miscreants. Based on few ignorant deeds let us not mix up it to a communal feeling. Forgiving is divine. Let us also not divide our country based on religion-minority or majority. Whatever religion we practice, actually tells us brotherhood, love, peace and harmony-then why the feeling of "we christians, hindus, muslims"?

    It was not our choice, we are all born in a family where our parents blindly followed the faith, then why this divide? Let us be Indians, let us be good citizens of a great country which is leaping forward towards developed country. Our shameless politicians reaping the benefits of all these incidences and make a vote bank for themselves by dividing and ruining our brotherhood feeling. Have you ever found any politician of any party working for the citizens?-NO!, they are busy in their own way to abuse their opposite partymen aiming only power.

    Why we simple citizens should divide? It is sad that Orissa also is under threat where innoscent people are loosing their life. Dead body, does it belong to any religion? Any time during these enemity and fights -politicians or their family members lost their life? No, only the common citizens, irrespective of cast/creed - in total Indians died? Then why this divide? Let us BE INDIANS FIRST

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  • sandra, bajjodi

    Tue, Sep 02 2008

    I think whaterever happened its very bad. If they dont have money they would have gone to wenlock hospital?

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  • Lancelot Norbert Tauro, Manglore - Doha qatar

    Tue, Sep 02 2008

    Why she has committed suicide? to be investigated. Why her relatives opposed to take her ICU for survival? to be investigated. Now the hospital had clear record of patient her relatives. Relatives should be booked under Pota. Is it possible in this era of current hidden LAW.

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  • Joseph M, Mangalore/Kuwait

    Tue, Sep 02 2008

    Dear Mr. Vittal Acharya, before you envy on the life the Christians live, please find out the reasons as to why & how Christians have tried to improve their lives without any support from the Government / Reservations and job quotas. It is only because we are always there for peace and work hard with honesty where ever we go.

    I think you need to clean up your house before looking at your nighbour's back yard. In fact do not forget that christian organisations and institutions have always helped other communities, while we receive back only in attacking our community and institutions. God only knows where this will lead to.

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  • dr Shivashankar Bhat angri, mangalore

    Tue, Sep 02 2008

    Please don't make this a communal issue. I fully agree with Irfan as this is done by stupid ignorant relatives of dead person

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  • Clement Coorg, Mangalore/Dubai

    Tue, Sep 02 2008

    Dear all commentators, please read "DR. SUJAY - MANGALORE" comments, seems to be 100% true.

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  • Joe D'souza, Mangalore

    Tue, Sep 02 2008

    It looks like Vittal Acharya is BELLY ACHING because We Christians are doing well. Tough Luck Vittala!!! We Christians try to live within the Law,work hard with fear of Almighty God. We do not organize bundhs and protests for every silly reason so that to use the opportunity to to beat the Doctors and Nurses, damage public property, break into the stores and rob,burn the busses etc. We Christians use that precious time to earn few extra bucks.

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  • Mohan H Naik, Mangaluru

    Tue, Sep 02 2008

    I agree with the proposal of Mr Dony Lobo.Its the right time to take initiative and act. One small suggestion, Please keep, all the political element away, whichever party they belong. In our own interest, we must have one such forum, which will check religious hatred engineered by few groups, for reason well known to them only.

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  • Vishal D'Souza, Bangalore

    Tue, Sep 02 2008

    Congress Party playing helter skelter to make it's Vote bank alive by means of creating chaos for the BJP govt. But we christians will suffer due to their political game. But it will not succeed, it makes BJP stronger & stronger day by day.

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  • John Colaco, Mangalore/ FL

    Tue, Sep 02 2008

    It is indeed sad and disparaging to see how people blame the government for such acts caused by some miscreants. First and foremost it is the basic duty of a doctor to attend to a patients needs when in such a serious condition. I completely agree that Fr. Muller's is an excellent institution by far and has reached excellence beyond the strings of mere words.

    What is not good is the fact that the doctors left a patient to die. It is not a good deed to do and it is but obvious that due to the oblivious attitude of the doctor the parents/relatives of the deceased would turn to take action. And it is even worst to see people here bad-mouthing the BJP government. If such a death occured even during the congress/ JDS governance, people would have resorted to such a reaction. This is a pure case of medical negligence blown out of proportion who hold the government to blame!

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  • Maxim rosario, Valencia

    Tue, Sep 02 2008

    It is shocking to experience that the situation of minorities is going from bad to worse after the communal government has come to power. The police inaction and indifferentism in the state has supported the goondas to take law in their hands and cause violence. We have to blame the authority for their genocide.

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  • Rolphy Almeida, Udupi/Bangalore

    Tue, Sep 02 2008

    Mr. Vittal, although the incident is more serious than the reaction of the people, you made no mention about it. You care for those political parties than those life saving institutions. How unfortunate are we to read such comments.

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  • Roshan Pais, Mangalore

    Tue, Sep 02 2008

    Dr. Sujay , and his co- worker DOcs were witness to the episode. He has gone to state that among the 100 people there were people from fundamentalist organizations. How are these then the relatives of the girl who died at the hospital? What business did they have there? Any one can answer this question and also READ BETWEEN THE LINES!!

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  • Msgr Denis Prabhu V.G.,

    Tue, Sep 02 2008

    I am shocked to know about the bad incident occured in Father Muller Hospital.By doing this shameful act the miscreants will achieve nothing.No good can come out of it.The aggrieved have ample chances to meet the authority for redressal.

    The services in the hospital acclaimed by one and all.Let us not be discouraged by these acts instead let us rededicate our commitment to our ailing brethren.

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    Mon, Sep 01 2008

    I am sad to hear about the attack on Fr.Muller's which for nearly a century was a Charitable Institute but now of course a multi million dollar Commercial Institute. In its initial years even my late grandfather Dr.P.C.Menezes served in this hospital, My father breathed his last 50 years ago, and my best friend is currently doing her MD. A few months back many portals reported about the formation of a new forum aimed at promoting Friendship and Understanding among various religious communities in South Kanara with and under the good offices of Shree Veerendra Hegde the highly respected Pontiff of Dharmastala. I reckomend leaders of the communities as well as journalists approach Shree Veerendra Hegde (with facts and figures) and seek his intervention and even comments on the present developments, both in South Kanara as well as the state Education Ministry’s saber rattling as well as developments in Orissa.

    I have confidence that D.V. Sadananda Gowda BJP supremo of Dakshina Kannada, as well as the Chief Minister and other ministers especially Education Minister do hold the Pontiff of Dharmasthala in high respects and will not go against his wishes and advise. Besides I also appeal to the Forum to include eminent men of all communities like Retd.Justice Michael Saldanha, Retd.Police Commissioners Maxwell Pereira and IG Francis Colaco, Fr.Freddy Pereira…..and also expand it at the state level with men like Sangliana

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  • Srikanth Shetty, Mangalore/Muscat

    Mon, Sep 01 2008

    My old mangalore was 100% better than the present. Before if some fight happened in mangalore we knew who did it and where and also it was very easy for police to arrest them. Now 80% who settled are not origin mangaloreans.

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  • lawrence, mangalore

    Mon, Sep 01 2008

    The girl was destined to die since she had committed suicide. It is a fashion to young generation to commit suicide for a silly reason. It is high time to educate the young minds. The so called relatives are the main reason for the girl's death. They have not agreed to doctor's advice and they have attacked doctors/nurses/hospital.

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  • Samson, Mangalore/USA

    Mon, Sep 01 2008

    Mangalore, which is known as "Eastern Rome" has been known for the High standard Education institutions,intelecutal and peace loving people who used to live in harmony with each other. But of late we are only hearing and reading about the voilent incidents, gang war, hooligism and rowdism. Where we are heading guys?I wonder are we in a civilised society or in a place where there is no law and order.

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  • Patrick D'Souza, Mangalore

    Mon, Sep 01 2008

    Where is the rule of law and the fear of it. You say the police hands are tied. God forbid such a law & order machinery. Next time the people should join in dealing with such miscreants rather than calling & waiting for the 'hands tied' police force. Police should be made accountable for any wilful deriliction of duties. Please voice your vote for Federal System of Law, Police & Administrative reforms and save Indians from this Bondage.

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  • Carol Dsouza, Kadri

    Mon, Sep 01 2008

    It is surprising to see the catholic community just sitting and watching the fun. What's happening to our religious and political leaders ? First at Bondel,Later at Kulshekar,Now at Fr.Mullers? Why only ORISSA issue was given prime importance ?

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  • HIdayath, Mangalore/Saudi

    Mon, Sep 01 2008

    This is very bad and miscreants should  be punished soon and bear the damage.

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  • Vittal Acharya, UDUPI

    Mon, Sep 01 2008

    I am against the reaction expressed by the majority of christian community, you people please do not jump into for the immediate conclusion, dont tarnish BJP, PARISHAD, DAL ... you people are living safer, enjoying better life than MAJORITY HINDUS.

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  • Salem, bombay/mangalore

    Mon, Sep 01 2008

    Patient relatives must listen to doctors advise instead of attacking charitable hospital. Police must take strict action against the culprit this is my humble request.

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  • Mohan H Naik, Mangaluru

    Mon, Sep 01 2008

    Dear friends, Patience please.Let us react, once we know the full story.The published article , nowhere mention about presence of any political parties, and most of us are away from home, do not know the actual incident.We must condemn, violence, whoever is behind this act. But the act of blaming BJP,f or everything, will only fetch more sympthisers to that party.I am not astonished, if they take this incident for their political mileage.

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  • Devadas Kumar, Mangalore/Dubai

    Mon, Sep 01 2008

    Politicising and communalising this issue is not fair. This should be confined to People who brought the patient to the hospital and to the staff of the hospital.Hindus,Christians ,BJP , Congress etc. have nothing to do with this.Police must take action and punish the guilties.

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  • Merwyn Saldanha, Mangalore/Dubai

    Mon, Sep 01 2008

    This is a spontaneous attack due to death of a young person and cannot be clubbed with other recent incidents. It is likely other hospital run by people of other faith or no faith would have faced the same repurcussion from the same people. We must be logical in our comments.

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  • Salma, U.A.E

    Mon, Sep 01 2008

    Some ppl in this forum, colouring the incident as communal and bashing BJP for that. I'm not a supporter of BJP. Atleast ppl should think rationally before politizing these kind of incidents. Someone down there, correctly asked "are there no hindus in other political parties".

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  • B. Shetty, M'lore - KSA

    Mon, Sep 01 2008

    Any issue happens anywhere for any reason, immediately political colour  is.  So what is the difference between those people (who attacked) and political motivated commentators. Pls u can condemn the issue (as I too) but don't generalize issue and give comments like "Poli-tricks". No one knows how long we will be alive in this earth. So during those peacefully, love all the people and enjoy the life. "Don't complain about others change yourself if you want peace". "IT IS EASIER TO PROTECT YOUR FEET WITH SLIPPERS THAN TO COVER THE EARCH WITH CARPET". 

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    Mon, Sep 01 2008

    All the above comments is not right,where does religion or politics come in the incident occured, it is purely the fault of the relatives to ignore the doctors advice, so please find the culprit ASAP and punish them for doing such a crime in a hospital, where all types of patients are been treated.

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  • Dexter, Mangalore

    Mon, Sep 01 2008

    The woman wanted to commit suicide, the relatives took her to the hospital, doctors could not save her, relatives vandalised the place, from where did politics or political parties come into this. Please do not communalise every thing thats happening. If people have no confidence in christian institutions please do not take them there. For heaven sake live in peace.

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  • zeena, Managalore/Dubai

    Mon, Sep 01 2008

    Hi Anitha,This website or Kankanady Hospital is not only for the Christians...It's for all...So there is no point in talking about Christian Institutes or Other institutes...

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  • Alfred J. Rebello, Kundapur/Dubai

    Mon, Sep 01 2008

    Anitha Shetty, your comments are immatured. Do you mean to say one should keep quite whatever happens? Before commenting, you should find out what is the truth and then comment. Did the catholic institute made any havoc?You mean to say such things can or should happen and nobody should comment it or react? Would you keep quite if samething happens to your known hospital when others react? Now tell me when the catholic institute react? Is it wrong to tell what has happened? You mean to say miscreants attack on the Doctors was right? Now I am not aware the Doctors who attended this lady were christians or not?

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  • Dr Sujay, Mangalore

    Mon, Sep 01 2008

    It is unfortunate that we the doctors are targetted by the miscreants. My close friends are injured in the incident. I know the truth. The patients party was reluctant to get Anusha proper treatment right from the time she was admitted. They were never ready for her to be shifted to the intensive care unit where she would have received better care. Many a times the so called relatives behave in this way, at times due to financial reasons and at times reasons not known to us.

    Remember the girl had attempted suicide, and there is something fishy in her relatives refusing her to give proper care. The doctors tried their best to save her in the general ward, but she died. Let the issue remain there. It is the fate of unfortunate Anusha! But the miscreants who created chaos in the hospital are not the real relatives. The goons were never there. Not a single of them had come to the hospital since Anusha's admission.

    Many local polirtical activists and several others belonging to a fundamental organisations are spotted in the group. It was a deliberate and planned attack. Where were these relatives when Anusha (the poor teenager who died) was struggling in the ward from 12.30 till 7.30? Why group of more than 100-many are from Mangalore, not from Manjeshwar gathered after her death? If the so called relatives had come in time Anusha would have reached ICU in time. It is another planned attack by the fundamentalists. I do not want to call them 'Hindu'..I know Hinduism doesnt teach 'Himsa'. I love natural Hindus. Many of them are more tolerant and kind than Christians.

    Please call these fundamentalists as fundamentalists. They are against humanity. Nurtured and supported by politicians, these people are blinded. They are blindly guided by politicians. But how we, the doctors can work in the hospital if we are targetted for petty political gains..??

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  • Lydia Lobo, Kadri

    Mon, Sep 01 2008

    Why drag the political parties in this case ? The one who is primarily at fault is the family that drove the girl to commit suicide. The Charitable Institution was kind enough to get the girl admitted despite being hers a suicide case. Instead of being greatful, the relatives attack the hospital to divert attention from abetting suicide as well as their own carelessness to admit her to ICU. I have enjoyed the services of the hospital and have personally watched how the center serves dedicatedly, indescriminatedly. Lets not excuse the family for thier contribution in abetting suicide by blaming the political parties.

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  • Dr Shanker Shetty, PERTH , AUSTRALIA

    Mon, Sep 01 2008

    I think the public should be aware of the rule in medical science" PATIENT IS THE ONE WITH THE DISEASE" and stop blaming the medical profession

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  • Harold D'cunha, Mangalore, India

    Mon, Sep 01 2008

    Well said Mr. Rakesh Rai.

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  • Bennet Vas, Mangalore

    Mon, Sep 01 2008

    Dear Readers - Please don't give this incident a Political or Communal tone. It looks like a straight forward case of Emotional Frustration at having lost a dear one. These sort of incidents wherein the relatives of patients vent their frustration at the Hospital / Doctors / Nurses is very common - particulalry in the Middle East.

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  • Harold D'cunha, Mangalore, India

    Mon, Sep 01 2008

    This is the first time in the Hisotry of Fr.Mullers's hospital such incidient has happened.

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  • Rakesh, Mangalore, Dubai.

    Mon, Sep 01 2008

    This kind of activites will not suit to our mangalorean community which is known as an educated and cultured community. Government and police should take proper action on all these illegal and mischevous activities which spoils the society and public safety and the Miscreants should be punished with heavey punishments. I am not blaming on BJP Govt, Bajarang Dal and other Hindhu Unions...this is purely a rude behaviour from the relatives of the deseased patient. Attack on a charitable institution is shame for the community. The misceants should know that hospitals are working for the society and working day and night to save lives of the public. one must not kick the plate in which he had  eaten.  This is the common sense even illeterate people can understand....

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  • Achu, Mangalore

    Mon, Sep 01 2008

    I think people are on thier toes to comment here..It look so funny to join such incident to communal or to any political parties.

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  • Anitha Shetty, Mangalore

    Mon, Sep 01 2008

    If same thing happend in any other institute other than catholic institute would you react in the same manner?

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  • Reshma Pereira, Mangalore / Kuwait

    Mon, Sep 01 2008

    My dear friends please read properly before you send comments. In this incident any politics are not included. It is clear that, because of patient relative’s negligence this incident is happened negligence is not from Doctor. But those people attacked the hospital by having their own mistake they would have not to attack the hospital this is the main case here, so we have to speak against the miscreants. I request the people those who the relatives of the patient. What you have done it is not good first you people would have agreed to keep your patient in ICU as doctor’s suggestion Doctors know how to treat the patient, simply they don’t become Doctor. Simply attacking the hospital it creates lot of problems. So please don’t do such a things.

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  • Charles D'Mello, Pangala

    Mon, Sep 01 2008

    Politicising the issue is not right. The realatives or whoever damaged the hospital shall be punished. Damaging property of the hospital for the patients death is not pardonable. If everyone followed this for every death, then there will not be a hospital in the future. Punish those rowdies.

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  • Zain, Mangalore

    Mon, Sep 01 2008

    The police should take legal action as soon as possible on these  roudies. After Muslims they started attacking Christians..

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  • Aron D'Souza,

    Mon, Sep 01 2008

    Mr.Loy Rego; s Commentment 100% right

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  • Srikanth Shetty, Mangalore/Muscat

    Mon, Sep 01 2008

    Dear friends first giving comments read it properly and then give the comments. In that hospital a hindu girl died for that her relatives and friends attacked the hospital. Why you are writing against BJP or Bajarang dal? What you are thinking there is no hindu's in Congress or Janata Dal or CPI?

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  • Vinod, Mangalore

    Mon, Sep 01 2008

    I had hopes from this govt. But within months it has shown its real face. I hate this Government.

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  • Anthony, Mangalore

    Mon, Sep 01 2008

    One can not say this is a politically motivated act. this was done purely based on ignorance and passion.

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  • Irfan, Managalore/DXB

    Mon, Sep 01 2008

    Dear, Loy Rego, saudi-mangalore and Mohd haniz, pandeshwar I don't agree with yor comments, its personal feeling of Deceased relatives

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  • Roland, Mangalore/KSA

    Mon, Sep 01 2008

    The law and order in the state has been taken over by miscreants after change of Govt. The Home minister needs to do more on the law and order instead of focussing his attention on Pubs of Bangalore!.

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  • Loy Rego, saudi-mangalore

    Mon, Sep 01 2008

    Shame on BJP for what they are doing all the world knows that bajrang dal and BJP has done it hand to had.

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  • Mohd haniz, pandeshwar

    Mon, Sep 01 2008

    I am very sure that after BJP has come to power communal rights are existing in this country....people will never forgive this party anymore

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  • Rajesh, Udupi

    Mon, Sep 01 2008

    It is unfortunate that we are living in a country that calls itself secular, democratic and multi ethnic, multi cultural. Before these unemployed, uneducated, sorry fellows who instigate their sorry brothers to commit such crimes as to attack the hospitals and educational institutions which save lives and help and educate one and all live life in a righteous manner inculcating virtues and good values, they must be tought the history of eduction and health ministry in india and in the whole world for that matter.

    It is the CHRISTIAN MISSIONARIES Priests and Nuns who dedicate their lives to the service of all the people of the reagion they live and work and run the institutions. The priests and nuns are much more than what safron wearing group can assimilate and look for.

    There is no religion in the hospital and there is no religion in the school. It is health and education. But for the jaundiced eyes of the safron party and their sympathisers everything looks safron and yellow. PLEASE SOME ONE EDUCATE THE UNEDUCATED GROUP AND CROWD PULLERS IN POWER AND ARROUND THE CORRIDORS OF POWER IN THE STATES RUN by bjp and its allied criminal gangs. Please check where the children of these trouble makers study? are they educated? are they fit as Human beings to be in charge of any political, cultural groups? Do they live in society ?

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  • rakesh Rai, Maroli-mangalore

    Mon, Sep 01 2008

    If this miscreants didnt have so much hope of this hospital, then why they admitted her in this hospital? didnt they find any other hospital near their house? or why not wenlock? fr.mullers is known to save lives....

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