New Delhi: Snake on Air India Plane Creates Commotion


NEW DELHI, Sep 4 : Crew on an Air India passenger jet discovered a snake coiled up under a seat and were unable to catch it as it slithered around the plane, the airline said on Thursday.

The snake was disturbed during a routine check on the Air India A319 aircraft, which had landed at Delhi airport after a domestic flight from Srinagar.

It evaded capture by slipping into an air vent and could not be found even when staff unscrewed panels inside the fuselage, opened all the doors and fumigated the plane.

"There was commotion which scared the snake and it went further inside," an airport official quoted.

Reports that the snake was a venomous cobra were denied by an Air India spokesman.

"The aircraft was parked at Delhi airport for maintenance purposes. There was a snake but not a cobra," he told.

"We have no details of what kind of a snake it was, or where it is now. We have taken up this matter with Delhi airport authorities."

He denied reports that the snake had caused the plane to be grounded or that its next flight, to Mumbai, had been delayed.

The incident, which occurred on Monday, echoed the plot of 2006 hit film "Snakes on a Plane" starring Samuel L Jackson and Julianna Margulies.


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  • sandhya, Perth

    Thu, Sep 04 2008

    Well, I thought the article was interesting....until I read the comments. They were even more hilarious!

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  • Prem, Bolar

    Fri, Sep 05 2008

    Think about the employment opportunity it gives...Air india can now have a snake catcher on each of its flights along side old air hostess. Mr.Mallya - do something good by taking over this airline please.

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  • JERRY MORAS, Kuppepadavuv, Canada

    Thu, Sep 04 2008

    Not surpizing as you find bed-bugs and rats so our National airlines...Who issued ticket to snake ? Was there security check ? Oh forget it is snake (God) not required security check. Hence, must have been allowed to board the plane.

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  • Ron, Mangalore

    Fri, Sep 05 2008

    Congratulations Air India for improving your onboard zoo. It is common to find mosquitos, Flies, cockroaches, and bed bugs on Air India planes. now on to snakes and I wont be surprised one day we might find elephants travelling free of cost on your planes with your excellent record of maintanance !!!! Thats why Mr. Praful Patel prefers to travel to U. K. on Kingfisher flight ?

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