Mumbai: Who's the Real Hindu?

Mumbai: Who's the Real Hindu?

Karan Thapar/Hindustan Times
Mumbai, Sep 13:
Does the VHP have the right to speak for you or I?   Do they reflect our views?  Do we endorse their behaviour?   They call themselves the Vishwa Hindu Parishad, but who says they represent all of us?   This Sunday morning, I want to draw a clear line of distinction between them and everyone else.   My hunch is many of you will agree.
Let me start with the question of conversion -  an issue that greatly exercises the VHP.   I imagine there are hundreds of millions of Hindus who are peaceful, tolerant, devoted to their faith, but above all, happy to live alongside Muslims, Christians, Sikhs, Buddhists, Jains and Jews.   If any one of us were to change our faith how does it affect the next man or woman?   And even if that happens with inducements, it can only prove that the forsaken faith had a tenuous and shallow hold.   So why do the VHP and its unruly storm troopers, the Bajrang Dal, froth at the mouth if you, I or our neighbours convert?   What is it to do with them?   Let me put it bluntly, even crudely.  
If I want to sell my soul   and trade in my present gods for a new lot, why shouldn' t I?   Even if the act diminishes me in your eyes, it's my right to do so.   So if thousands or even millions of Dalits, who have been despised and ostracised for generations, choose to become Christian, Buddhist or Muslim, either to escape the discrimination of their Hindu faith or because some other has lured them with food and cash, it' s their right. Arguably you may believe you should ask them to reconsider, although I would call that interference, but you certainly have no duty or right to stop them.
In fact, I doubt if you are morally correct in even seeking to place obstacles in their way.   The so-called Freedom of Religion Acts, which aim to do just that, are, in fact, tantamount to obstruction of conversion laws and therefore, at the very least, questionable.
However, what' s even worse is how the VHP responds to this matter. Periodically they resort to violence including outright murder.   What happened to Graham Staines in Orissa was not unique.   Last week it happened again.   Apart from the utter and contemptible criminality of such behaviour, is this how we Hindus wish to behave?   Is this how we want our faith defended?   Is this how we want to be seen?   I have no doubt the answer is no.   An unequivocal, unchanging and ever-lasting NO!
The only problem is it can' t be heard.   And it needs to be.   I therefore believe the time has come for the silent majority of Hindus?   Both those who ardently practice their faith as well as those who were born into it but may not be overtly religious or devout?   to speak out.   We cannot accept the desecration of churches, the burning to death of innocent caretakers of orphanages, the storming of Christian and Muslim hamlets even if these acts are allegedly done in defence of our faith.   Indeed, they do not defend but shame Hinduism.   That's my central point. I' m sorry but when I read that the VHP has ransacked and killed I' m not just embarrassed, I feel ashamed.   Never of being hindu but of what some Hindus do in our shared faith's name.
This is why it's incumbent on Naveen Patnaik, Orissa' s Chief Minister, to take tough, unremitting action against the VHP and its junior wing, the Bajrang Dal.   This is a test not just of his governance, but of his character.   And I know and accept this could affect his political survival.   But when it' s a struggle between your commitment to your principles and your political convenience is there room for choice?   For ordinary politicians, possibly, but for the Naveen I know, very definitely not.
So let me end by saying:  I' m waiting, Naveen.   In fact, I want to say I' m not alone. There are hundreds of millions of Hindus, like you and me, waiting silently? but increasingly impatiently. Please act for all of us.

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  • Sharan, Mangalore

    Sat, Sep 27 2008

    Like dirty politicians journalists are also trying to play dirty game of secularism! Karan Thapar is no exception!!

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  • Raj, Australia

    Fri, Sep 26 2008

    Briefly adressing Ratan Sinha's repertoire of fallacies:

    (1) Tu Quoque (the You too fallacy): he stole a cookie, why can't I steal a coookie he raped my child, why can't I rape his, He killed my family, why can't I kill his, The Pope started the inquisition, I'll start mine!!

     (2) Wrong premises Poor data gathering... The unstable Swami was killed by the Maoists, Kandhamal being a naxalite hotbed, the Naxalite leadership claiming official responsibility, all this being categorically endorsed by the Orissa BJD/ BJP Government

    (3) Sweeping generalization: India was the hotbed of ostracization and violence way before the Islam arrived..Hindus just did it to each other then, fratricide, genocide, matricide, patricide, etc.....Mgadhan, Mauryan, Gupta, Vardhana, Rajput, etc...Ratan Sinha please get yur delusions treated1

    (4) The Vatican theology is quite different from authentic Biblical NT Christianity where Christians submitted to God and underwent severe persecution for the first 4 centuries under the Roman Yoke and later under the Vatican/ orthodox yoke.

    (5) Selfless love is integral to Christianity and hence social service of all hues will attract the impoverished Hindu wallowing under the curse of Hinduistic casteism...If thisis "inducement/ forcible conversion", Christians will continue this despite persecution

    (6) Ratan Sinha doesn't seem to be familiar with Pantheistic Monism and other Upanishad philosophies, expounded upon by Vivekananda, Sankara, Madavacharya, etc, but rather MUCH more with the fundamentally malignant Hindutva philosophy which is diametrically opposed to Hindu philosophy. To conclude, Mr.Ratan Sinha may God save you from the highly malignant disease of Hindutva which ravages India today but obviously will drag its proponents to where they ultimately belong! God Bless and God Save, Raj

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  • Ratna Sinha,

    Thu, Sep 18 2008

    Well...Thapar has unanimously been certified as the "ideal" hindu by all Christians leaving their comments here!!! Well Done Karan for the brownie points...but u don't speak for me.. In Response to Karan Thapar’s Article “ Who’s the Real Hindu?” (HT Sunday, 30 August,2008) Neither does Karan Thapar!! His is precisely the mentality that allows all other religions to ride roughshod over the passive Hindus…. Before commencing……violence in any form in deplorable and must be unremittingly punished….however.. In the last election the BJP lost to the Congress by a mere 4 votes Narendra Modi swept Gujarat inspite of the riots….that should tell Karan Thapar what the silent majority feels…...he, by virtue of having a mouth piece is only able to speak louder…and it is entirely his own opinion. The persecution felt by the Christians seems a little bit misplaced and disproportionate. Let us go back a bit in time…the Pope (of that time ) actually ordered the “Holy Wars” and the Crusades of the 10th- 12th centuries, the atrocities of which are legendary. The word of the Prophet was taking its first few baby steps in those days…. And this is genesis of today’s War on Terror. Had India been a barbaric land with no philosophy/religion of its own that was thousands of years old….the ‘Holy War’ would have been waged here as well. Precisely for this reason other methods of conversion were devised ie material inducements to the poor. The Portugese were not even that subtle…they just forcibly converted the native inhabitants of what is Goa today, in the 16th 17th century, with a great deal of bloodshed. The bloodshed because the conversions included the Saraswat Brahmins and other upper caste that were immune to inducements. Karan Thapar is embarrassed by what the VHP is doing in Orissa and rightly so……violence is not the Hindu solution…Gandhiji showed us that What surprises me is that not one Christian luminary raises his voice ( like Karan Thapar from amongst the Hindus) to take an introspective look at his own community and figure out that… maybe… they were going wrong somewhere……. That is a special distinction held only by the “liberal” Hindus. Reams spoken and written about the Gujarat genocide ( completely deplorable tho not unique in the history of mankind)….not a whimper about Godhra…… Ms.Teesta Setalvad is doing commendable work for the Muslim victims…anyone for Godhra? 300,000 Kashmiri Pandits were subjected to the horrific ethnic cleansing of the early nineties…. Ms. Arundhati Roy, Mr Vir Sanghvi prefer to reward the perpetrators of these atrocities rather than try and restore the Pandits to their homeland. Anyone championing the Pandit cause? It is rather fashionable…all this self flagellation…we should not do this, not do that….regardless of what is done to us!

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  • Fr Harold C D Souza., Shankerpura-Udupi

    Tue, Sep 16 2008

    Sri Karan Thapur deserves praise for his courage to tell the truth.Majority of Hindus are happy to practice their religion and may be closer to God than so called the defenders of faith.No one prevents any one belonging to any religion to do good to the poor and down trodden.Why can't they go to Bihar.Orissa or even to Northern Karnataka an educate the poor,take care of the sick,take care of the neglected instead of blamming the Christians or anybody else for doing good among the poor.

    You do not do any good,you can not see others doing good.How is that so many people are even today illiterate.May be most of the ancestors of those who blame,if not they themselves are educated thanks to the education institutions started by the christians.The Politicians prise the services of Christans when they are called to preside over and soon after they forget.That is vote politics prevailing now.

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  • Varghese, Bangalore

    Tue, Sep 16 2008

    Yes Mr. Pai, There are many wrongs happening in this world, and you are equally free to your views. So I understand that you feel that if some others are killing and indulging in terrorist activities, you should join in too. Wonderful solution to any problem.

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  • Vijaya, Mangalore/ Dubai

    Mon, Sep 15 2008

    Dear Thapar & persons opposing your view,.Karan it is mind blowing article. Truth is bitter to swallow. Do the Hindu brothers settled in western & working in Arabic countries .Have they got restriction to practice their faith? NO It is intolerence to other faith,hatred, jealousy narrowmindedness.Wake up Indians tolerate each other, make better place for our children.

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  • Bryan J, Mangalore

    Mon, Sep 15 2008

    Very good write up Mr. Karan Thapar but why don't you find some time and stand near the Milagres Church and tell you hindu brothers about the same thing that you have written then people will apprecate you because some of your hindu brothers are brain washed by these politicians (Bunch oF JOKERS)

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  • Rolphy Almeida, udupi/Bangalore

    Mon, Sep 15 2008

    Dear Mr. Thapar, your article is an eye opener for everyone. I was born as an Indian and nobody can make me an Australian by force till the day I want to. I was born in a catholic family and nobody can change it till I want to change. I born as male nobody can change my sex till the day I wish to change. If I want to change any of the above, no one has the right to stop me. The need of the hour is to educate every one about fundamental rights and duties of every citizen.

    We are very much aware that a small group of uneducated, unemployed Hindu brothers indulge in this kind of heinous activities. Therefore our respect towards Hindu religion will remain very high. I hope many like you will come up with an article of this standard.

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  • Joel, Mangalore

    Mon, Sep 15 2008

    Hope all the Hindus think like you...

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  • Clement, Bola, Mangalore, Dubai

    Mon, Sep 15 2008

    Well done Karan Thapar. I have seen your debates on TV. And now this article proves the point that you are a Indian who belives in peaceful co-existance of all the citizens. Myself being a christian have nothing against Hindus, for my entire childhood was spent with Hindu neighbhours with no sense of religious difference.

    I think, people like Ashwin pai are those people, who feel insecure, internally and express it violently, resulting in the scenarios that we witness today. And this applies to everyone, regardless of his faith or religion. Clement, Dubai.

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  • G. Gilbert, Mangalore/Kuwail

    Mon, Sep 15 2008

    Mr. Ashwin has very narrow mentality. If he is so much against secularism let him change India to Hinduism and the countries in the world should send all the Hindus to India.

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  • Jem, Mangalore/Bangalore

    Mon, Sep 15 2008

    Well done Karan Thapar! Definitely a proof of good education.

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  • Lionel D'Silva,

    Sun, Sep 14 2008

    Dear Karan Thapar, You are the real Hindu You proved yourself.That is the spirit of unity and integrity of the country.Let the Hindus read this article

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  • Joseph F. Gonsalves , Bannur Puttur/Mangalore

    Sun, Sep 14 2008

    Dear Karan Thapar, Excellant artcle. One more feather on your cap. Thinking of soul is really a personal matter. If  I agree on whichever feel good for me who are all others interfering in my affairs??? We have and had good relations with our Hindu brothers and sisters but the Hindu fundamentalists wanted to break such relations. Evil thoughts will corrupt the evil only not the righteous and good people.

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  • Alfred J. Rbello, Kundapur/Dubai

    Sun, Sep 14 2008

    Perhaps all Indians know the attrocities created by some fundamentalists but for some reason they keep quite or do not oppose the attrocities conducted by the fanatic gangsters on minority people for reasons it may hurt their own religion. But they forgot it may divide India or there could be civil disturbance in the whole country.

    Consider if all the minorities got together and try to attack those gangsters, what will happen? Not civil war? Yes, one should NOT check the patience of others because that also has a limit. I am sure many secular minded Hindus also join with minorities because they always stood against such attrocities on minorities because they considered all are human beings.

    Our politics is so funny, when some politicians are trying to make India as one and at the same time many try to divide it in the name of religion. I hope NOT we, all Indians, will have to pay the price for it one day. If we do not want to pay the price then this is the time we all should unite and fight against those who try to divide the country on the basis of religion.

    Again, I say religion is ones private affair and NOT public affair but some make it piublic affair which is the biggest problem.

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  • ashwin pai, udupi

    Sun, Sep 14 2008

    Well we have here another 'sick'ular teaching about hinduism.Does he tell anything about kashmiri pundits who are driven out of their home and living in refugee camps.Does he condemn the muslim terrorism?Does he know the condition of hindus in muslim majority pakistan and bangladesh? We need not get any leson from thapar.

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  • Cyril Fernandes, Mangalore

    Sun, Sep 14 2008

    Karan Thapar knows what he speaks. Hats off to him.

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  • Clara Helen, Mangalore/ Muscat

    Sun, Sep 14 2008

    Dear Karan, whan an excellent article! I feel you are a true hindu. God bless you and your family and all your loved ones all the time!

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  • Rajesh, Barbados

    Sun, Sep 14 2008

    Hi Thappa, Good article but sorry if I had to think you are trying to fish in the mud water! Which politics do you favor! Liked your article, but who oppose if someone voluntarily takes conversion! Its different when some one ready to sell their heart and soul while it is enticed by some efforts! Honestly, tell me would you agree your son/daughter being getting married to a non-Hindu?  If you say yes I am happy to see another good Indian in you.

    Thanks mite. Best way to get rid of this conversion etc are to forget the topic and try to be simple indian living in a secular society and unite against any wrong doing peacefuly.

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  • Brindaban Jena, Orissa/Kuwait

    Sun, Sep 14 2008

    Mr.Karan this ur view abt ur Hinduism but all Hindus not thinking like you.if you like u can change ur old father new father for ur mother but we Hindu' s are not.You keep ur words with u.if ur comments is so good for Christians so they should not convert and give them free service like education and health care.

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  • JayRao, Puttur/Sydney

    Sun, Sep 14 2008

    This article is full of silly arguements.I keep wondering why so many people appreciate it ! I agree on one thing - Everybody should be free to follow any religion they want. But some of the arguments over there are equivalent to saying that what is wrong in cheating somebody ? If the other is smat enough he will cheat in a bigger way and win !!! Let the smartest cheater win !!! why there sould be law against cheating ? Unfair means in anything is Unfair means. You can't justify it.

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  • Ashwin Kamath, Uchila

    Sat, Sep 13 2008

    Karan Thapar, your article is like a story of a cap seller and the monkey. I am sure you are sensible to reason out.

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  • Lancelot N. Tauro, Manglore - Doha qatar

    Sat, Sep 13 2008

    Fantastic article by Mr. Karan Thapa. Civilized people falling on street, turning into crime revert back to uncivilization which is great shame on our part. All these happens due to lack of religious understanding, no propler love from family members and too lack of professional religious leaders who can teach beatiful words and commandments fo Bhagwath Gita and Vedas. True Hindu will follow peace but not act in force of VHP

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  • Ajay, Mangalore

    Sat, Sep 13 2008

    Nice article from someone who knows the facts and the Indian constitution. When well educated people justify 'anger' in the name of conversion, they should give first hand examples of forcible conversion they know first hand. Violence is the language of those who have lost every moral and legal argument.

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  • Christopher, Mangalore

    Sat, Sep 13 2008

    Thank you very much Mr. Karan Thapar. You are a real HINDU and above all a finest Indian and an intelligent human being.

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  • leslie dsouza, bikarnakate mangalore

    Sat, Sep 13 2008

    Thanks Karan Well done We just need peace because of this politicians specially vhp/bd they create violence we have lots of hindus and muslims friends and specailly our neighbours we share with them the love and peace during the festivals hindu/muslim/christians we share food and sweets and we are united but the saithan is not allowing us to live in peace.

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  • suresh.Hegde, Dubai

    Sat, Sep 13 2008

    If you want to sell your soul and trade in your present gods for a new lot, If everbody thinks on your way those people sell their country for some benefit. your article is your personnel view. Like VHP, Bajrang Dal you dont try to give defination for Hindu.

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  • alphonse, Mangalore/Abu Dhabi

    Sat, Sep 13 2008

    Karan Thapar, Thanks. I beleive you have openned the eyes of many like minded peace loving Hindus by writing this article. While reading I felt that there are indeed millions of Hindu brothers who oppose voilence in the name of the religion but afraid to come out in open in fear of VHP/B.DAL. My dear Hindu brothers, please let us not resort to voilence and hatred each other instead help the down-troden and the underprevilaged. They will look upon you as a true men of spirit and you can instil your love in their hearts. It is the right of every citizen to embrase whatever religion he wants and not forced upon them.

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  • Fr Roque D'Souza, Mangalore (Seminary)/ Fort Dodge, Iowa

    Sat, Sep 13 2008

    I hope, the types like Bharath Shetty and his friends will have a good look at this article too. [Noted above in your Also Read]. Thanks God, there are so many sensible Hindus in Indian like Karan Thapar. Well they will be branded as pseudo-secularists by the fundamentalists. I am pretty sure, the heart of India is peace-loving, tolerant of diversity and open to goodness from every section of society.

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  • janet, canada

    Sat, Sep 13 2008

    Very good article. All people those who support violence in the name of religion must read.

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  • Alwyn D'Souza, Mangalore(Canada)

    Sat, Sep 13 2008

    Karan, well done.

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  • Rayan Fernandes, Mangalore, UAE

    Sat, Sep 13 2008

    A wonderfull article to reflect on what needs to be addressed and to be looked upon...

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  • Eulalia D'Souza, Bijai / Mangalore

    Sat, Sep 13 2008

    Dear Karan Indeed great article n touching words with lovely diction.In a diversified country like India every individual has the freedom of faith and religion and is free to choose his / her religion. If we Catholics are believed to be converting Hindus to our religion, why are we still called a minority & that ratio is decreasing by the day. It's important that we judge situation and act rather than hasty reactions to actions. Let the matter come across tables for discussion rather than just destroying humanity in the name of religion. My strong contention is, if cathoilics have been helping in upliftment of the downtrodden and help them achieve their basic rights, why should anybody have a problem with it? Missionories over the years have been doing it & still continue to do it. It's just for a good cause & has been happening for centuries now.

    Why in the name of Hindutva do you condemn such noble deeds? Dont you agree with me if I say that : if only it was any VHP or their allies got destryoed n murdered the way our Catholic Brothern are, would they keep queit that way we have done? They would have held the entire country for a ransom...!!! We have taken peace marches, submitted memorandums, and that's it. We did not get down to streets, burnt public property and disrupted the life of the general public, like it has happened in the past... with crores of revenue loss to the government... I hope without further second thought, the authorities will intervene in the issue and solve it democratically, to the benefit of all Indian Citizens.

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  • Abdulla Madumoole, Abu Dhabi, UAE

    Sat, Sep 13 2008

    Dear Karan Thapar, you are the real Hindu and a real Human being, hats off to you for your logical thinking. It is really a pity that a few bad elements in the Hindu population is making the majority Hindus to feel embarrassed. Even the top people of VHP and Bajrang Dal must be pretty sure that what they are doing and thinking is not right and in no way in line with the doctrines of Hindu religion. Still they want problems - for their political and social survival. They exploit people emotionally and keep them charged always so that the masses dance to the tune of these selfish leaders. If there is no issue, who will care for these leaders? Do they have any other role in the society?

    Karan, regarding Navin Patnaik do not have much hope. He is part of the Indian political system. He will take the calculator and calculate the pros and cons for himself of the current problem in Orissa and act accordingly. Karan, I differ from you on one issue. I will not vouch for mass conversions for social upliftments. If there is a social problem, that should be dealt with separately. Conversion should not be a solution for social problems. Religion is a faith, any conversion to a new faith should be only after understanding and digesting the new faith. Again, if any one converts for any reason, no one can stop it.

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  • bhaskar, mangalore

    Sat, Sep 13 2008

    Excelent article by karan thapar.thanks to daiji for publishing this article.

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