Mangalore: Protest Against Church Attacks - Police Try to Settle Scores with Konaje Youth

Mangalore: Protest Against Church Attacks - Police Try to Settle Scores with Konaje Youth

Pic: Melka Miyar
Daijiworld Media Network - Mangalore (MM/SP)

Mangalore, Oct 16: It is now the turn of the policemen, to get engaged in revengeful acts against the Christian youth, who participated in the protests against the attacks on churches that occured recently in the district. The police have been fixing these youth in some other cases and torturing them.

In an incident reported from Konaje police station limits, a head constable assaulted a Christian youth brutally. The injured person has been identified as Herald D’Souza (32), resident of Kairangala village. He runs a jeep on hire in Konaje police station limits. He actively participated in the protests recently held in Panir, against the attacks on churches that occurred in the district. Therefore, the local police had an eye on him.

Recently, he was fixed in a case and dragged to the Konaje police station on October 14, 2008. Gopalakrishna, head constable of the station, started assaulting him without any enquiry. He hit at Herald's backbones, chest, face and hands severely.

There has been a bony damage to the Para-nasal sinus, which is considered as grievous injury. Even there was bleeding from the eyes, nose and from the mouth. Immediately he was admitted to a private hospital in the city.

The doctors suggested him to undergo surgery for the bony damage to the Para-nasal sinus. Herald was supposed to get married within a few months. The policeman tormented the youth, just because he actively participated in the recent protests.

Herald has already lodged a complaint against Gopalkrishna, who assaulted him.

Meanwhile, senior police officials have been putting pressure on Herald to close the issue by agreeing for a compromise. On the other hand, the leaders of the Catholic society have taken the issue seriously, since the youth of the community are becoming targets of the police atrocities. The leaders have urged the higher authorities to take stringent action against Gopalkrishna.

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  • Alwyn D'Souza, Mangalore(Canada)

    Mon, Oct 20 2008

    Daiji, please send us Herald D'souza bank details in order to help him in this difficult time. God bless him and heal him from all the hardship he is going through. Policemen who is the servant of public has no right to beat people for no reasons. I am sure even people can behave the same way to this public servant what he has done to D'souza wearing the Govt Khaki cloths.Time has come to these low graded public servansts to die in public hands.

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  • Harold D'cunha, Mangalore, India

    Sun, Oct 19 2008

    Well said Oliver. We all have to help this victim of police brutality. Daijidubai please give his account number in order to help him.

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  • Ramy Fernandes, PiusNagar - Kuwait

    Sun, Oct 19 2008

    It is very sad to see such behavior in a civilized society. We sincerely hope appropriate action is taken and justice is served.

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  • Daniel Davis, Dubai

    Sun, Oct 19 2008

    "Rejoice and be glad, because great is your reward in heaven, for in the same way they persecuted the prophets who were before you"(Mathew 5:12). We Christians need to rejoice and have grace to accept all these persecutions as God has great plans for the darkness in India.It is also said "Everyone who wants to live godly life in union with Christ Jesus will be persecuted."(2Timothy 2:12).Let peace of CHRIST be with all of you.

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  • Sadanada, Udupi

    Sat, Oct 18 2008

    Police Of mangalore !!  they have beaten Women, Children and Nuns. This modern India is now looks like Ravanraj but Ravana never assaulted these police are their baaps. May God relive the people from police of Mangalore they have no school lessons learnt but baton bribe and lawlessness is what they opt.

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  • Ramesh Shetty, Mangalore

    Sat, Oct 18 2008

    Gopalakrisha - the monster in a human form - is a Shame to the police force. This person has to be fired from the police force with immediate effect. Wake up DC and SP from your slumber. Its time to act now before this issue spins out of control.

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  • Dexter, Mangalore

    Sat, Oct 18 2008

    Make that gopalakrishna to pay every bit of expense that goes behind Heralds medical treatment. Not a single rupee should be left from him. Begger Police Dept.

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  • Kiran, Manipal/USA

    Sat, Oct 18 2008

    It is very sad to see such behavior in a civilized society. We sincerely hope appropriate action is taken and justice is served.

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    Fri, Oct 17 2008


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  • Elias , Mangalore

    Fri, Oct 17 2008

    Dear Friends the police of Mangalore City are paid by BJP Govt., they do what BJP says not as per Indian Law

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  • Harold D'cunha, Mangalore/India

    Fri, Oct 17 2008

    Is our police force are monsters? They do not have family or do not understand what freedom of expression is? Instead of solving the problem are they creating more problems as they think BJP government in the State and they can do what they want... Do they think is the entire Karnataka population is blind? Shame on those police who take revenge.

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  • Patrick D'Souzam, Mangalore

    Fri, Oct 17 2008

    No use voicing your anger now. The damage is too evident and complete. Reserve the steam for the next BALLOT. All is over with Ayodhya. The brand sells no more. Fed up, they have been thrown out by the people of UP. Gujarat clicked because for an average Gujarati only 'paisa' matters. Now the new product is "conversion", strictly for sale in BJP ruled states. My fellow Indians even after 10,000 years there will be no change in the balance of Hindu population even if the Mughals were to rule.

    EACH HUMAN LIFE LOST OR MAIMED IS OF IMMENSE VALUE WHICH NO TREASURE ON EARTH CAN BUY. Unfortunately people experiment with their votes for a change in the hope of a better Goverance. Each time they have been proved wrong. Instead, we should collectively organise ourselves and punch the Law Makers on their noses for wrong doings. Therefore please cast your BALLOT with a sense of responsibility to our future generations'.

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  • Ronald, Udupi

    Fri, Oct 17 2008

    Why this Gopalkrishna not sacked yet? Is he in the next DYSP promotion list?

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  • Vincent, Bangalore

    Fri, Oct 17 2008

    "rakshakare bakshakaraadhare". Shame on Police force. Do not compromise with those wolfs. They have to be treated the same way..

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  • Merlyn, Mangalore

    Fri, Oct 17 2008

    Gopalkrishna should be put behind the bars immediately and give the same treatment as he treated Mr.Herald. Then the department people with Khaki dress will learn a lesson not to treat people like animals.

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  • ALWYN , Mangalore(canada

    Fri, Oct 17 2008

    Police and terrorist has no difference. Instead of protecting people, they are troubling people. People of Mangalore,come out in groups and teach the lesson for these Khaki goondas.

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  • Lancelot N. Tauro, Manglore - Doha qatar

    Fri, Oct 17 2008

    Rajesh has lost the sense of humour. let police pick him first as acting innocent criminal. Then he will be realised what is really pain rather than his dirty comments.

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  • Sameer, Abu Dhabi

    Fri, Oct 17 2008

    Right said Vinson. The atrocities done by the greedy politicians and the police who are hand in glove with each other will force the minorities to take up violence. After all what will a human do when he is punished and beaten up brutally when he has done nothing? Is the police department serving us in the form of brutal torture and harrassment because they get their salaries from the taxes we pay?

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  • S.Anthony, Mangalore

    Fri, Oct 17 2008

    I totally agree with Mr.Lobo.He should be thoroughly punished for his brutal act..

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  • OLIEVR , canada

    Fri, Oct 17 2008

    Dear daijiworld team can you pls provide HERALD DSOUZAS ACCOUNT # AND DETAILS lets help the man

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  • Valerian Dalmaida, Mangalore/Abu Dhabi

    Fri, Oct 17 2008

    Dear brothers and sisters in Jesus Christ, this is the time to show the power of the Holy Spirit. We are the temple of Holy Spirit and Jesus has promised abundant life (John 10:10).We have to fight against Satan, who wants to destroy and kill. This happened to Jesus and the apostles. Church has grown by persecutions. Holy Spirit unites.

    Therefore let us fight a legal battle. They are testing our patience and we will show them that we will never loose it, because patience is the gift of the Holy Spirit. But, remember as Jesus fought for social justice, truth and righteousness, we will also fight the battle and victory belongs to Jesus. Dear Herald, do not withdraw the battle.

    Brothers and sisters, if we have to file a case in high court or supreme court let us do it. Let us get together and support Herald whether financially, morally or spiritually. I am ready to fight out and contribute.Praise God.

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  • Bernard , Canada/Mangalore

    Fri, Oct 17 2008

    Shame on Mr Gopalkrishna & police department in Mangalore & it is useless for them to wear the uniform & they are unfit to be real officers who are supposed to protect the innocent & catch the real culprits. peace be on earth

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  • Amrith Alvares, Mangalore/ Dubai

    Fri, Oct 17 2008

    The Cop. Gopalakrishna should be hit by the police in front of Catholic crowd and should make him pay all medical expenses of Herald. Then Gopalakrishna will come to know "What is PAIN"!!

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  • Alex D'Mello, Mumbai

    Fri, Oct 17 2008

    Friends, I am extremely sorry to say that this is only the trailer of the things going to happen for the future. Don't just get annoyed and loose your temper now. Be vigilant & fully mentally prepared for the future to handle more serious things.

    The writings on the wall in Gujarat in the middle of 1says very clearly "pahele kasai phir Isai". This pattern will follow. Sangh parivar is still watering the plants of hatred and still those plants have to bloom and give fruit. we kept quiet when Muslims were hammered in Gujarat as if nothing has happened to us. We still believe that they are unclean. Join hands with Muslims & Dalits and also join the mainstream.

    Our birthdays, feasts, get togethers never end. Educate our people on Communalism. One should never attack the police machinery whether they are good or bad. They identify individuals only after everything gets over and target only certain individuals. Be vigilant as the 2nd Ayodhya movement is going to take place in Karnataka. Harold, wish u a speedy recovery.

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  • Bernard , Canada/Mangalore

    Fri, Oct 17 2008

    Dear Readers I have the policeman are worst than animals & at least the animals don't behave like the police & Mr Gopalkrishna needs to be in Jail for the rest of his life & his hands need to be chopped so the next time he won't be able to beat anyone.

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  • Stany, Dubai, U.A.E, Pandeshwar, Mangalore

    Fri, Oct 17 2008

    How long we should be saying like this "Lord forgive them they do not know what they are doing" If we go like this days are not much left wherin these Police will target each and every energetic Christian Youth and day will come where we will not any youth left.

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  • Daniel Paul D'souza, Konaje Mangalore / Dubai

    Fri, Oct 17 2008

    After reading these article, it looks like police are not the protectors or followers of Law & Order, but they have been assigned the duty of harrasing common innocent people. If such acts of harrasing people continues, no matter what religion or caste they belong too. Faith and trust which a common man has in police will deminish.

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  • Norbert, Mangalore

    Fri, Oct 17 2008

    Rajesh Your comment just reflects pervertedness of your thoughts and personality. Living in Barbados at least learn to be one among them!!

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  • Maxim rosario, Valencia

    Fri, Oct 17 2008

    It is very unfortunate that those are supposed to protect destroy the innocent. Is it Hindu Dharma? This shows that the Khaki government has bent upon to destroy christians at wholesale. Yeddi, will you take note of this and initiate the appropriate action?

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  • Alwyn, bangalore

    Fri, Oct 17 2008

    Wonder where this policemen get their courage from to do all these inhuman acts. are they born with mental deformities? i think we need to castrate all the policemen who have been found to be doing all these filthy, notorious activities.

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  • William D Souza, Abu Dhabi, Kallianpur

    Fri, Oct 17 2008

    Shame on K'taka police. Let's be united and help our brother Herald in his time of need. If Christian Groups can put together quickly a help-fund to help people targetted by these dastardly action. So that their medical expenses can be taken care off and to help fight for Justice so that the guilty Head Constable gopalkrishna will be punished or loose his job and restore Herald's dignity.

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  • Carol, Udupi

    Fri, Oct 17 2008

    My dear highter authorties please do recall why Muslims are planting bombs, because Mr. Advani ignited the coal by demolishing partially Barber Mosque, Mr. Modi supported Gujarath voilance. Public failed to get the justice and they formed groups supported by extermist and voilence is witnessable.

    If the person who is suppose to protect the law and order does this, then definately he is inviting more troubles and problems in South Indian, which is reputed and known for peace and loving people. Mr. CM, please step IN and take necessary measures before it would be out of control soon. All humans are same, worshiping different God is their faith, thus be a human and not an dumb animal. We will pray earnestly with God to bless you with courage and  strenght to do so. God Bless you.

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  • Raja Ram, UK

    Fri, Oct 17 2008

    Gopalkrishna should be sacked immediatley for this brutal assault on Hearld...this men in karki uniform are animals and not human beings, their children should be treated the same way then their eyes will open...This is the reason every policeman has a curse on him and his family......they think once the person innocent or criminal are in their hands they can do what they want.

    They are targeting the christians and muslims, but lets see how long...God's curse will come upon them..we all must join together and see that gopalkirshna is sacked and sent out of the station with a lungi and not uniform, he is fit for that.

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  • Fr. John Fernandes, Capuchin, Loreto, Uganda

    Fri, Oct 17 2008

    We the Capuchin Missionaries from the Province of Karnataka, wish to send our prayers and sympathies to all our brothers and sisters who have been assulted and beaten. We really feel so sorry to hear about all these brutal things taking place in our State and our District. When we live so peacefully in this country of Uganda (regarding the religion) we feel terribly hurt to see our brothers and sisters trying to destroy the peace that existed so long.

    We, the Capuchin Missionaries along with our Parishoners and the People of good will have decided to spend a day (Mission Sunday, Oct 19, 2008) in prayer and fasting. We will be with you as we spend the day before the Blessed Sacrament and pray that Jesus our Lord may give you the strength to accept this suffering and persecution for the Kingdom. Have courage my brothers and sisters and the Lord will give you victory.

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  • R.Pai, Mangalore/USA

    Fri, Oct 17 2008

    Beating is wrong. I'm not sure when our Police dept will learn this and get more civilized. However, how do you say that he was 'fixed' for his participation in the riots? As a reader, I'm confused. May be, it's your opinion - but it doesn't qualify to be a 'news'! I hope you respect the journalistic integrity to some extent.

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  • clarence miranda, mangalore

    Fri, Oct 17 2008

    I do not know why so many of the readers are surprised now on this attack. Under BJP rule, many more attackes and systematic persecution of Christians will be done more and more. Why did we elect these people to power? Let us ask ourselves. Our prayers and well wishes are with you Harold. Please do not give in to any pressure. I hope our eminent lawyers will come in and fight your case and bring victory to you and us.

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  • cyril mathias, udupi

    Fri, Oct 17 2008

    The govt is thinking of reintroducing POTA.If they can assault brutally a citizen like Herald without POTA,just think how they will be if that draconian law is re-introdused.Khaki in Karnataka is acting like the agent of Khaavi.Khaki,Khaadi and Khaavi have lost their sanctity. ,

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  • george borromeo, mangalore

    Fri, Oct 17 2008

    Don't be too sarcastic rajesh. majority or minority, police always digs the soft ground. a thorough investigation should be done by the authorities concern and punish the guilty.

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  • Rahul, Bangalore

    Fri, Oct 17 2008

    Firstly Yeddyurappa must be paraded along the streets of Mangalore. He is a Hardcore Liar!! Absolutely no truth in his promises, he says good goody things in front of the media to appease the hindu community and protects the Saffron brigade who actually are the real "mess" to this society. EVERYONE knows that they are carrying out these nonsence activities, yet he says its not them!!

    Now who is he to protect them? And also go one to say conversion is an issue when not a single complaint regd. and case being proved?? Clearly shows that our government is run by Rowdies.. But one thing is for sure, I have complete trust in people of mangalore. Majority of the hindus know the motive behind all this and they are not dumb to fall for this trap. Guess the "rowdies" in the coming days will fall into the same pit that they dug. After all they might appease the people around, but God is watchin!!

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  • Maxim Patrao, Mangalore/Dubai

    Fri, Oct 17 2008

    Please do not blame the police. They are innocent. They are only following orders from the home ministry and the state government.

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  • William, Mangalore

    Fri, Oct 17 2008

    Protesting against the injustice caused to the society is the fundamental right of a citizen. Police are the people to see that everything goes smoothly within the ambit of the rules and regulations in force. They are not supposed to intimidate and break peaceful protests. For any violation they are supposed to book cases as per rules. Here christians were intimidated by B.Dals and therefore had to take out a silent protest. Instead of booking criminal cases against serious offence committers police have resorted the other way barging inside the church, premises and also inside the church and beating up the innocent nuns,women,children, and unarmed youths.

    Shame upon these uncivilised,uncultured,illiterate beasts. It is a shame to know which religion are they practicing. Where is knowlege with them to capture terrorist,robbers,antisocial elements. Brave are these big robbers. They deserve to be given gallantary awards by our Honorable Home Minister. I am sure God will give all the strength to Herold to tide over this fake encounter. My fellow citizen please dont let him down. Please release him from the clutches of these evil spirits.

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  • Ronald, Udupi

    Fri, Oct 17 2008

    Dear Santhosh, Bahrain, This utmost brutal power should be shown their limits. They should be taught to work within their limits.

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  • Ronnie, Urwa/Doha Qatar

    Fri, Oct 17 2008

    This brutal act by the police shows what extent they can go. They did not even spare the women and Nuns and what more you can expect from them. This policeman should be ripped off his uniform..and should cry for mercy. This inhuman act is not tolerable anymore...

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  • Sourya Prakash, Permude

    Fri, Oct 17 2008

    Dear readers , it may sound you rude but believe it or not Karnataka police force is Uniformed Bajrangees !! Same tactics are used and using against other minorities as well !!

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  • mishal, mangalore

    Fri, Oct 17 2008

    Cant the police use their power on terroists, instead of wasting it on innocent catholic youth, who have done no harm, only fought for their rights.

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  • oliver, mangalore/canada

    Fri, Oct 17 2008

    Rajesh any one sane can smell the sarcasm (as u always do ) in ur comment !! is it the jerk chicken ?? or the plain water in barbados ?? how u feel if , u and ur comapnay get treated like this there ?? dont tell me every body is on veed there, they dont care the world ! it is not the question of majority or minority , it is the question of being a simple human being , no body heard of police atrocities till BJP came into power, it is going to be hard for everybody when BJP has this agenda and they have sympathisers like you !

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  • Joseph F. Gonsalves , Bannur Puttur/Mangalore

    Fri, Oct 17 2008

    A boundary or a fence is for the protection of something. If the fence consumes fence and boundaries what is the necessity of it? How come when BJP comes to power immediately Police are turning against Christians? Are they threatened by the Hindu Fenatic groups??? This Cop’s name is very good and at least should have respected his name’s sake. But he disgraced and maligned his name as well as Police Department as a whole. In my opinion he should be dismissed from police department. So that none should dare to do so in future.

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    Fri, Oct 17 2008

    This is worst than emergency. Even in emergency common people of all religion were comfortable. POLICE HAVE ARRESTED POTENTIAL TROUBLE MAKERS OF OPPOSITION PARTY ON THOSE DAYS..

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  • syble, Mangalore

    Fri, Oct 17 2008

    It is hightime we unitedly fight against these issues. Our innocent youth who were behind bars for 12 days are completely exhausted alongwith their parents. They feel that they have noone to in their agony. Parents are worried about their children's future.

    They simply ask what legal support they are getting from the church. The diocese might have assigned this responsibility to some responsible! person(s). They should contact these victims immediately and assure them the future actions. There are many youth missing in our community for arrest warrants against them. Their families are without any hopes!! What are we doing about it?

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  • HAMID, mangalore

    Fri, Oct 17 2008

    This is just started, what will going to happen rest of BJP Day's. god save karnaraka.

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  • Kelvin Castelino, Mangalore

    Fri, Oct 17 2008

    This is nothing but due to the negligence of the govt. If there were strict actions taken against the people or even policemen who are involved in this types of doings then they would have thought twice before committing something like this. This poor brother of ours had just taken part in the protest to save the rest of his brothers and sisters (i mean us).

    And this is the reward he got. Do we now just read this and sit at home away from the police and these fundamentalists or do we come out of houses and fight for justice, fight for our rights. What wrong have we done? We know whats the truth. We know that there can be no forced conversions done. Then why be afraid of the false accusations made against us.

    Why then we simply sit at home and watch the TV for the news s of whats happening around us rather then take part ourselves in it and fight for it? Give a thought. And please do pray for this young brother to be healed soon.

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  • John Vas, Mangalore/ Dubai

    Fri, Oct 17 2008

    DEAR MINORITIES WAKE UP, use your wisdom and teach these Police to learn A,B,C, D of handling their career. Young generation remove this evil right now thru media and all other means so that people will not suffer under these police force.

     I saluate NDTC their frank coverage and debate pls approach T.V. Media and expose thispolice to teach him basic rules otherwise our generation will suffer. Do not vote BJP bcs they are root cause of these attrocities in Mangalore, Orissa,. BJP leaders talk nonsense in difft times to justify their acts in Mangalore even an blind man can see their nakedness in covering attack on christians..GOD WILL BLESS U whoever fight for this cause, innocent blood do not get wasted...BRavo

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  • Roshan Monteiro, Omzoor(Israel)

    Fri, Oct 17 2008

    Oh God,Please forgive  constable Gopalakrishna,konaje police station.

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  • thimothy, mysore, bahrain

    Fri, Oct 17 2008

    See the truth is coming out. Their hand ie is police hand is involved in the church attacks and innocently beating of protesters, is a real symbol. If it is so Karnatakas BJP govt is 100/ involved.

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  • Nancy Mascarenhas, Kankanady/USA

    Thu, Oct 16 2008

    Here is another candidate for the promotion - police constable gopalakrishna. Perhaps, he can fill the vacant position of jayanth shetty. From British Raj to Goonda Raj, criminals and sadist have thrived in police department. It stinks. We need to change the enire system.

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  • Lancy Moras, Jeddah-KSA

    Sat, Oct 18 2008

    Dear Readers, I tottaly agree with Silvia's advise and comments on this serious issue. Mr. At this crucial moment, Herald needs a cent percent support from each christian family from each corner of Mangalore. Meanwhile, I am still surprised for a vicious act by our so called "Rakshakas" police department. Mr. Gopal Krishna must have forgotten to take a 'word of honor' while he was rewarded a prestigious "POLICE DRESS" and a promotion as head constable.

    He should be ashamed of himself before doing such brutal action on innocent people. Mr. Gopalkrishna, just answer to my simple and reasonable question here....if you are a real gentleman and a legal servant of our peace loving Country, WHO GAVE YOU SUCH UGLY AUTHORITY TO TAKE SUCH AN ACTION WITHOUT GETTING INTO AN ENQUIRY ?. Don't in future try to become an EARTHWHORM instead be a kind hearted human being.

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  • Harold D'cunha, Mangalore, India

    Fri, Oct 17 2008

    Unless we are united and fight nothing can be achieved. Think we have not lost the battle but slowly but steadily we will win it as the media has already highlighted the evil's plan by those divisive forces. Now they will target the innocent and poor boys as this is the beginning of the defeat of these forces. Police brutality is not new as this is used against lower level street goondas but State terrorism is new to Karnataka.

    Thank God, at present media is quite strong and they will expose all these inhuman action by the police. Shame on BJP government.

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  • MOHAN POOJARY, Kankanady,Mangalore

    Fri, Oct 17 2008

    Best solution teach lesson hardcore Head Constabe like Gopalkrishna need to take help from Naxalite or Mao leaders, they are the best to fight against cruel police officer and Bajarang Dal goondas.

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  • prashanth, Dubai/mangalore

    Fri, Oct 17 2008

    You are 100% right rajesh.... Its mangalore Trend now see everythin in relegious eye....guys you are forcing Hindus to do the same...n sure we faced all this in 500 yrs of muslim rule and 200 yrs of British rule.....not anymore.

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  • esther, India

    Thu, Oct 16 2008

    Wish the police looked into the mirror and see why they are not blessed. Do they feel satisfied? Happy? thrilled? doing all this? Shame and a real shame. Wearing a uniform which has to be respected and do they get or can they get - I mean their uniform - any respect? Mr. Chief Minister, sorry, but if you are strong and impartial then all the rest too will automatically become Godfearing and law abiding. God save our India above all our Karnataka.

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  • Rajesh, Barbados

    Thu, Oct 16 2008

    Dear cops please do not punish anyone from a minority community because all of them are very innocent people and they are required to break the latitude. Being a secular nation our aim should be to provide maximum freedom to the minorities. By doing this cops are going to get name and fame even if you are not fulfilling your job professionally.

    When you feel punishing do pick some one from majority community or some tribes or dalits after all religion matters these days whether one being innocent or a criminal.

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  • fernandes, abudhabi

    Thu, Oct 16 2008

    Dear Readers, Let us stand together and fight for the cause.Muslims and christians are targetted in the same way.We wish every police who is accountable for the suffering of minority be thrown out by God.Is there any need for us to have police officials if they themselves are butchers? Dear minority leaders do not forgive these people so easily as we should lest they will take advantage of us.

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  • sweety, M

    Thu, Oct 16 2008

    where is our ASP/home minister?head constable should be kicked out.Transfer him to J&K border

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  • Naveen, Bangalore / Dubai

    Thu, Oct 16 2008

    Everything happening as expected, its BJP in power. we have sown & lets reap now. their only aim is to divide the country based on religion. wake up Mangalore & next time make sure you vote the right person & party.

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  • syed shanawaz, mangalore / qatar

    Thu, Oct 16 2008

    Strong action should be taken by the bjp govt.against these police men who support the rss and bajrangdal.  We strongly condemn these kind of police personnel, who are targetting against the minorities.

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  • Fernandes Francis, Mangalore -U.A.E

    Thu, Oct 16 2008

    The police of Mangalore are animals in the BJP ruled state of Karnataka. This is the provocation for christian to follow the path of Voilence. Christian youths take patience, the BJP will not survive for long time with communal voilence.

    To gain majority hindu votes in Elcetion they do this things. See the Result of UP the BJP were out of power even after demolishing the Ayodya place of worship. Karnataka CM and HOME minister are thinking that attacking soft target, the minority christian and muslims poor people will gain vote for them. But GOD will bring his Law to the Land of Mangalore with peace to all by his way. Dear Mr. Herald our prayers and full support are with you and family in the hour of need.

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  • Eric Coelho, Mangalore/Ajman

    Thu, Oct 16 2008

    Our Freedom Fighters Preached Non-Violence to give us Freedom from British Torture. 60 Years After Independence Our Own Freedom is being Destroyed through Violence by our Indians in the name of Religion. Where this Country is leading to. It is time that all the Parishioners in Ullal and Konaje stand United and lead a silent banner Protest in front of Konaje Police Station condemning such Atrocities on Minorities and dismissing the Constable from Service.

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  • Silvia, Mangalore

    Thu, Oct 16 2008

    Dear readers, at this moment Harold requires support from his Church as well as his well wishers. I appreciate all your comments on this news, however will it reach Harold and culprits? Please come forward to assist him financially as well as assistance in granting justice to Harold, so that such incidents will not occur in future.

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  • Santhosh , Mangalore

    Fri, Oct 17 2008

    Have to suspend that Constable Gopal krishna what right he have to asualt a youth.very bad Santhosh Udupi dont talk nonsense what power they ahve they are chating politicians and now u r chating Arabs muslim country if u r son of india write u r mobile no in u r coments dont talk rubbish.

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  • Venance A. J. Crasta, Udyavar / Bangalore

    Thu, Oct 16 2008

    Very bad to here. This kind of things should be condemed strongly. The reason for the arrest/taking Herold to the police station not given. Whatever may be the reason, treating like this highly not tolerable.

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  • Ivan Tauro, Moodbidri/Dubai

    Thu, Oct 16 2008

    This Police constable should be punished according to the Law .Police is to serve people of this nation,not to act like under world dons. Give Justice to Herald D"souza.

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  • Raymond D'Souza, Mangalore/Bangalore

    Thu, Oct 16 2008

    I request the police authorities to conduct an impartial inquiry and punish the Headconstable.

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  • Naveen d costa ( CHINA GUANGZHOU), Kirem/Aikala

    Thu, Oct 16 2008

    I strongly condemn this revengeful act committed by the Police against an innocent youth

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  • Lenet, Karkal

    Thu, Oct 16 2008

    Now Goondagiry became the birth-right of Mangalore police.

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  • Lenet, Karkal

    Thu, Oct 16 2008

    I feel pity on his wife. He may be beating her daily without any reasons. Unlucky girl.

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  • Sandeep, Bantwal

    Thu, Oct 16 2008

    This Gopalakrishna police to be stationed in pilikula zoo at vamanjoor.

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  • LOBO, mangalore

    Thu, Oct 16 2008

    Give Complaint on that police, and force the officials to give same punishment how he did with mr. herold. how herold is suffering now same way or more, that constable should suffer, forget gandhgiri, that police should get punishment like that, then only they will understand, that is right way, then all the police will understand how to behave with the people,

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  • Prakash V., Farangipet

    Fri, Oct 17 2008

    Gopalakrishna spoiled the name of Police. Police to protect the citizen not to destroy them. Now how can we trust the police ? Where to file the FIR ? Is there any use of FIR ?

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  • Clifford, Mangalore

    Fri, Oct 17 2008

    Thanks Daijiworld for giving us all news of our native place. Rest leave it up to God.

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  • Charles D'Mello, Pangala

    Fri, Oct 17 2008

    Without the help of these policemen, the attack on churches could Happen ?? No !!! Police will be informed well in advance to look at otherside when the attack happened. These things may happen more in coming days. Best way is to get ready to attack back!!????

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  • Desmond, mangalore

    Thu, Oct 16 2008

    I agree with Micheal Lobo's cautionery advice to all catholics including harold.What we are witnessing is beginning of the breakdown of the constitutional machinery at Mangalore that started with the atrocities on 15/16 Sep and the total lack of accountability and transperancy.

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  • Sunil, Udupi,

    Thu, Oct 16 2008

    This is samplee, They have done more than this to Muslims, I have some muslim friends from m'lore their relative went through the same kind of reception from police for just being Muslim, I am Hindu but I really feel sad & I can blame our present Government,

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  • Ashok Kumar, Mangalore/Dubai

    Thu, Oct 16 2008

    Thanks dear Christians for voting BJP in our state and now eat the fruits of their safronizing progrmme! Atleast now open your eyes and excecrise your vote to have a better goverment at the centre. Great to know BJP has rewarded Mr. Jayanth Shetty with a promotion for beating the christian youths and for arresting them as per the kind orders of home minister. Awake my friends and express your strong sentiments against this promotion on Daijiworld

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  • Dr Richard Rego, Mangalore

    Thu, Oct 16 2008

    It's a heinous crime! Dismiss the police. Such unruly behaviour should not be tolerated by any citizen.These incompetent who feed from the "cheddy" gangs, failed to punish even a single cheddy in atrocities against Christians. But attack the minority community. Can someone fix such shameless public servants? You can't expect the shameless government controlled by their own goondas.

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  • lucy dsouza, bantakal/mumbai

    Thu, Oct 16 2008


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  • Nihal D'Souza, Mangalore

    Thu, Oct 16 2008

    Gopalkrishna should be sacked immidiately and give the same treatment as he treated Mr.Herald.

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  • Michael Lobo, Mangalore

    Thu, Oct 16 2008

    Just can't tolerate these police personnel anymore. We are with you Harold. They have taken away your daily bread. They have hit you at objectionable parts and you are now bedridden. They are accountable for every damage they have done on your body. I can not even think of damaging the spine of a person bcuz it is the mopst important organ to support human structure. I personally know the konaje police station pupil and have seen it all in my eyes what kind of people they are.

    I urge the catholic community to stand beside Harold and fight against all these wicked Police. We need a massive moment against all these anti-social elements. The educated youth must understand this and take these poli's head on. It will take some time to gather momentum but we can't tolerate anymore. Today was Harold's turn to suffer, tomorrow it may be you. We cannot compromise on such issues. Denying the right of a person to earn daily bread is a criminal offense. Don't ever turn a blind eye towards provoked atrocities.

    Please Harold, do not go for a compromise. These incidents must end and the police constable must be suspended from duty immediately. What kind of a nonsensical behavior by this hardened Gopala. I urge the leaders not to go for a compromise but take this issue very seriously and give the justice. Every time justice is denied, now we should earn it by fighting. There many innocent youth like Harold who will be targeted by Police.

    Let them attack me and see the consequences. Why would they attack a semi-educated youth ? After all a constable is just doing a mean job in my opinion. He does crime officially. We need to address this issue at all levels. I will also work towards this goal. Let us sack Gopala immediately.

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  • Francis, Mangalore/Dubai

    Thu, Oct 16 2008

    I strongly condemn this revengeful act committed by the Police against an innocent youth.

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  • Farooq (alhokair) Riyadh, Panemangalore

    Thu, Oct 16 2008

    Now a days why this policemen targetting minorities? I think this because of the BJP government? they are not taking any action against them.

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  • prakash, Mangalore

    Thu, Oct 16 2008

    This is a new trend. Be it thieves, robbers, street rowdies, Goondas, Terrorists, the new tactic is to hide under the religion banner.and Mangaloreans now a days proudly protect their person irrespective of his crime.Responsible public and media should not stoop to this level. Otherwise we wont have any right to question later when such people irrespective of their religion attack you out on street.

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  • Prakash, ujjire/dubai

    Thu, Oct 16 2008

    It was shocking.this is the time to show our unity once again.

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  • Vijay, Bangalore

    Thu, Oct 16 2008

    These police goondas should be punished.

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  • Ivan C Monteiro, Urwa, Mangalore

    Thu, Oct 16 2008

    What is going on in our city? It is really shocking to hear this news. When the law protectors themselves take law into their hands then what is left for the ordinary citizens. It is better for the state government to intervene and take strict action against the erring policemen.

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  • Austin Martis, Darebail/Bahrain

    Thu, Oct 16 2008

    This type of incident was expected.On Behalf of BD Police force is taking action. Thanks to the district administration.

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    Thu, Oct 16 2008

    This is another example for karnataka police or khaki goondas..

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  • Dolfus, Bangalore

    Thu, Oct 16 2008

    Is there any law and order in the state Mr. Home Minister?

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  • Vinson Vaz, Mangalore/Kuwait

    Thu, Oct 16 2008

    I request the concerned authorities not to make terrorists out of christian youth. The muslim youth have already been forced to become one due to the atrocitites forcing them to become so since nobody lent them a ear.

    Now I believe they are focing the christian youth's into into. So please responsible people in right positions please intervene in these matters and bring the culprit gopalkrishna to book if he really has a motive behind it.

    Do not make terrorists out of christian youth. Do not draw more than we can handle now. Already the muslims were targetted do not let that happen to christians. Just let everybody live in peace irrespective of caste sex or religion. Its time we lived in harmony!

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  • Alex Saldanha, Mangaluru/Sydney-Australia

    Thu, Oct 16 2008

    Whats going on in Mangalore and DK, its really hurting us to see our community people being harrased and targeted, let the catholics unit and take serious action of such brutaliy by polic. Christains of M'lore, stand up and be counted

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  • Arun Menezes, Udupi/Hyderabad

    Thu, Oct 16 2008

    It is really shocking to see the kind of events taking place in Karnataka,am sure all this is happening under the guidance and support of the present government. As I said earlier this is just the begining and things are bound to get worse for minority community. Please wake up people and vote for the right party in the comming elections...should not repeat the mistake we have already commited.

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  • Prakash, India/Dubai

    Thu, Oct 16 2008

    The innocent peoples prayers would not go unanswered.It is indeed a very bad example from cop,  Just to assault so mercilessly, This is how people would loose the confidence in Police.Hope higher authorities would take appropriate action.

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  • Rakesh Dsouza, Mangalore, Dubai

    Thu, Oct 16 2008

    Now Law protectors became the butchers. shame to the entire police fource...where is your oath you have taken when you joined to the police force. Honourable CM Mr. Yediyurappa is this is the way you are ruling the state? The suspected should be kicked out from the Police profession.

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  • rahul, mangalore

    Thu, Oct 16 2008

    This is the most common thing whenever there is communal violence between muslims and hindu..muslims used to be tortured by police for no reasons ...this time atleast christian have one medium to show whats happening to them ..thanks a lot daijiworld...

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  • Maxim Dsouza, Mangalore Falnir/China

    Thu, Oct 16 2008

    Harold should not worry about the pressure from senior police officials. We have to fight for the right now if you with draw the case this is a never ending story. We have to stop trageting innocent Catholics. We will stand for you. may the lord give you strength to fight for the right.

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  • Dolphy Veigas, Bendoor/ Mangaore

    Thu, Oct 16 2008

    Well serious action has to be taken so called constable Mr. Gopal Krishna. Actually police people are " RAKSHAKS" When they turn in to 'BUKSHAS" .we have to take legal and serious action.

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  • Bhaskar, Mangalore

    Thu, Oct 16 2008

    While reading this news I realised like this news is from UP.  Police means they are the public protectors.  If  they carry out their cowardly acts like this who are protecting common people. Thanks to daiji publishing this article & please pass this article to home ministry.

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  • Roshan D'costa, Moodbidri/Abudhabi

    Thu, Oct 16 2008

    We are praying for you Mr.Herald for your speedy recovery god is with you.whoever did this on you is not a human being he is a worst than a animal.I am sure you will get justice soon.

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  • Wilfred Fernandes, Mangalore / UAE

    Thu, Oct 16 2008

    It's a shameless act from the police. They are nothing but another wing of Bajarangdal who is motivated from BJP. Unless this govt falls down nothing may come in our favour. Honorable president of India, kindly impose president rule in Karnataka. Yeddi, Acharya, DC, Police all are like birds of same feathers.

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  • Amit, Gangulli

    Thu, Oct 16 2008

    What we can expect from police other then this. this is the start from the police there is lot more to come for come get ready to face.

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  • Santosh, Udupi / Bahrain

    Thu, Oct 16 2008

    Goes to show that police have the utmost power in our country. You go against them you pay for it one way or the other.

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